
The Price of love

"Every time I win a fight I lose the war and this time I've lost the war if I want something it's taken from me to never knew this day would come but I need your help Mr Price" Love is a very deadly drug especially for the price brothers but love has twisted one if them in a way that can never be fixed when he first laid eyes on he he was swirled with the need to be with her every way but fate would not allow it but the longer he is away from her the stronger his obsession grows but looks like luck is on his side when she. ame asking for help and in return he would get whatever he wants. Remember nothing stays hidden forever not even the darkest desires after all in love you might get burnt or be kept warm.

maelegends · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

"you know you haven't changed much either" Luciano said closing his door Red wasn't paying attention instead she was looking at Ryan who was hugging Valerie tightly "Meredith,Meredith" Luciano snapped his fingers to get her attention "what?" she said confused "lets go in" he put out his hand for her to hold she took it and smiled but soon locked eyes with Ryan who was shocked his brother and Red meant something bad he watched as Luciano dropped his arm over her shoulder so she did have a date they were ushered to their table and Red and Luciano sat down Luciano had already noticed Ryan long before she did and his main question what does she see in him "Meredith if you show you care you will be hurt my love" he said at her he hated the way she was so hung up to him he grabbed her chair and moved it closer to him she looked at him shocked she was about to protest when she felt his lips on hers she closed her eyes somehow he had rendered her powerless all she could do was get lost in the moment his hands wrapped around her waist and pushed her closer to him to deepen the kiss she let out a soft moan that only he could hear he looked at her as he let go of her lips and ran his finger across her lips she came back to her senses "why did you kiss me?" she said trying to get her vision back "couple things" he said they finished their meal and left but soon met with Ryan and Valerie "Luciano what are you doing here" Ryan said "with her" he said looking at Red with disgust "get out of my way Ryan" Luciano said he grabbed Red 's waist an left the two of them alone he looked at Red who was still hungover he smiled at her and drove her home he gripped her thigh but she couldn't say anything just look at him she noticed his sharp jawline for the first time and how his lashes cast shadows on his cheeks "Luciano we are alone now you don't have to pretend" she finally said removing his hand "but my arm needs to rest" "on my thigh" "yes the arm rest is too hard and your thigh is closer" he looked at her as she sighed when she arrived she found the house quiet and went upstairs to bed she needed some rest before tomorrow. but she couldn't sleep Luciano was awakening something in her but she doesn't know what. s