
The Price of love

"Every time I win a fight I lose the war and this time I've lost the war if I want something it's taken from me to never knew this day would come but I need your help Mr Price" Love is a very deadly drug especially for the price brothers but love has twisted one if them in a way that can never be fixed when he first laid eyes on he he was swirled with the need to be with her every way but fate would not allow it but the longer he is away from her the stronger his obsession grows but looks like luck is on his side when she. ame asking for help and in return he would get whatever he wants. Remember nothing stays hidden forever not even the darkest desires after all in love you might get burnt or be kept warm.

maelegends · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Luciano looked Red over "ok convince me on why I should help you" Luciano said looking at Red he loved the way she was so desperate "Luciano I know how much you hate your brother because of him you lost your father and your mother 's love I know very much about the price brothers you guys never get along" Luciano stood up and looked at her "so whats in it for me?" he said moving closer to Red she shifted in her seat and looked at Luciano "anything you want money or power" Red said she smiled at Luciano who was thinking she hoped he would accept the offer "interesting I accept your offer" Luciano said playing with Red 's hair she could feel his hot breath on her skin and sighed "so what do you want in return?" Red said moving away from Luciano 's touch "patience, patience has its rewards Red you will soon know what I want, so is it a deal" Red looked at Luciano what did this man want was the question running through her mind right now "It's a deal" Red took Luciano 's hand and he smiled at her he looked around and sighed "but you have to act as my girlfriend" He said staring at Red came to him with an offer what he wanted was to play a game with her "I would rather fall into a tank filled with sharks" Red said standing up from her seat she looked at Luciano "that could be arranged" Luciano moved closer to Red who was shocked at his words she looked at him scared and moved away from him "what do you mean by it could be arranged"Red said looking at Luciano who moved even closer that they could feel each other 's breaths on their skin "Take a joke Meredith do you accept" Red took a deep breath "agreed" "good" he said smiling at her it looked like Eros was finally at his side.

He looked at Red this was going to be great its like he will be killing two birds with one stone "I will pick you up tomorrow at seven be ready by then" Red nodded Luciano smiled at how quiet she had become "well goodnight Luciano tomorrow I have a long day of work ahead of me" she grabbed her jacket and left Luciano was left alone enjoying her sweet scent that still lingered around he went back to bed 'soon my love very soon my dear I will hold you in my arms'

Red arrived home still in worry her and Luciano never got along yes he might be one of her dad 's business partners since she was fourteen and all he did was show pure hatred when she started dating his brother the hatred grew what was he planning something was deffinetly wrong what did he want other than revenge "Meredith were have you been" her father 's angry voice screamed she looked at him and sighed "none of your business" Red said walking past her father "it is my business because my daughter comes back home at midnight and looks drunk" her father yelled she could see his purple vein showing on his forehead "relax I'm old enough to do what I want and why do you suddenly care" "because I'm your dad and I've always cared" she could hear the shake in his voice "no you don't, now if you excuse me I'm going to bed" she went up the stairs to her room and sighed it was either there was a big event were she had to show up and act like the perfect daughter or their relatives were visiting soon she changed and went to take a cold shower washing off all the make up on her body she sighed while relaxing the sooner this game was over the better grabbing a towel she wrapped it around her body and went to her full length mirror she looked and saw every thing she saw the girl she has been trying to hide her straight wavy hair, the bags under her eyes, brown piecing eyes, brown chocolaty skin and the belly that was posing in she sighed she was looking at herself maybe her mom was right that she needs too tart losing weight she wore her baggy clothes and went to sleep. Next morning it was her day she just wanted to relax get her nails done and go back home and take a bubble bath and then go on her fake date with Luciano she went shopping but was soon disturbed when she saw Ryan carrying Valerie she looked away and took a deep breath and remembered Luciano 's words 'be nice to her' she repeated in her head she went over to look at some diamond earrings and room the set and a skirt that seemed to have caught her eye "Red what are you doing here?" Ryan 's voice said after the little visit she pulled last night he didn't want to even see her near Valerie "oh Ryan and Valerie didn't see you there I'm just shopping" "oh really" Ryan said not believing her she was planning something she seemed way to subtle talking to her "yeah of course I'm just shopping its not like I'm following you but goodbye I will talk to you guys later" Red left and paid for her things she rolled her eyes she sounded so fake and the way Valerie was clinging to Ryan she dint like it at all now all she had to did was go for her date Ryan looked at Red 's retreating figure and smiled she was acting and she knew that she might have been talking but one thing he would never forget is that her eyes tell the whole truth.

she checked herself in the mirror one more time and went downstairs "you look fat" "thank you for the compliment mother" Red said rolling her eyes she grabbed a salad "you are eating again" Her mother said looking at her disgusted "you are breathing again" Red replied back her father couldn't keep his laugh in anymore "oh Damien shut up you know very well she needs to lose weight" her mother yelled at her father "were are you going dressed like a skank" her mother said "somewhere" Red said moving toward the door "stop your mother for once is right were are you going Meredith" her father crossed his arms over his chest while her mother mimicked him "ok I think we already know how this works, you ask me were I'm going I don't tell you and walk out the door, mom will go to Max 's house and spend the night with him, dad you are going to stay here drinking and when I come back act like you care so this must be my quo so goodnight" she walked out the door toward Luciano 's car who was waiting for his littler princess he smiled as he saw her emerge out of her habitat his eyes travelled her body her skirt fit perfectly, her shirt was tucked in and her outfit hugged her curves perfectly he smirked imagining all the things he wanted to do to her as she got in she looked at him he was dressed on a three piece suit "evening" he said to her "hey" she said back and relaxed in the seat she looked out the window and back at Luciano who kept his eyes on the road "Meredith if there is something you would like to say I reckon you say it now" Luciano said "why are you helping me?" "because I'm getting something out of it, why would you ask" 'because when we were kids you pushed me into the ball pit and dint offer any help" "oh please that was long ago I changed after that" Red laughed at his words changed wasn't the word for him "why are you laughing?" "Luciano you changing is like sponge bob getting his driver 's license" Luciano laughed at what she had said they soon arrived at the restaurant and got out.