
The Pretending Crazy Heiress of the Wealthy Family Was Exposed by Me

Newcomer seeking attention!!! When reaching 100 followers, I'll update 3 chapters a day. When reaching 1000 followers, I'll update 5 chapters a day. Lin Rui found himself transported into a tragic romance novel world, where he became the most miserable character, a third-rate supporting role. The female lead of the novel was a stunning beauty who feigned madness to seek revenge. Upon arriving in this world, Lin Rui, now inhabiting the body of the third-rate character, witnessed the original host's desperate attempts to marry the second female lead, sacrificing half of the family's fortune to do so, even if it meant defying his parents. Disgusted by such pathetic behavior, Lin Rui promptly refused. Just then, the Life Winner Choice System descended upon him. "1. Choose to proceed with the marriage to the second female lead and gain the title of Ninja Turtle." "2. Choose to reject the second female lead and marry the female lead who pretends to be crazy, and receive the reward of God-level investment skills." Without hesitation, Lin Rui selected the second option. This time, he was determined not only to defy fate but also to ascend to the status of the protagonist.

Max_leo · Thành thị
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: The Once-Obedient Dog is Dead Now

"Xu Bingbing is here!"

The old steward Lin Bo naturally recognized Xu Bingbing's car.

Lin Rui nodded slightly.

"Lin Bo, you go back and rest first."

Lin Bo took two steps, paused for a moment, then turned around.

After hesitating for a moment, he gathered up his courage and said to Lin Rui, "Young Master, since you've already rejected the marriage proposal, no matter what Xu Bingbing says to you, you mustn't change your decision because of her soft tactics."

Lin Rui gave him a reassuring look.

Xu slowly said, "Rest assured, that lickspittle from before is already dead!"

Lin Bo was stunned for a moment, then walked into the gate.

In less than ten seconds, the bright red Porsche 911 stopped less than a meter away from Lin Rui.

A glamorous and enchanting woman got out of the car.

She was Xu Bingbing.

The woman who once captivated the original protagonist of the novel, making him forget about everything else.

"Lin Rui, why didn't you answer my calls?"

Wearing a red mini skirt and high heels, Xu Bingbing frowned as she looked at Lin Rui.

Lin Rui playfully glanced at the beautiful Xu Bingbing.

Undoubtedly, the Xu Bingbing in the world of novels was much more beautiful than the actress in the TV drama.

And besides her beauty, Xu Bingbing exuded a charming and seductive aura.

No wonder she could captivate the original protagonist to the point where he would disregard his own parents.

Of course, in Lin Rui's eyes, Xu Bingbing was far from comparable to Gu Chenxi.

Because Gu Chenxi's beauty was more natural, closer to life.

"The phone is mine, I'll answer it if I want to, and if I don't want to, I won't."

Lin Rui looked at the slightly angry Xu Bingbing and responded calmly.

With a look of annoyance, Xu Bingbing walked up to Lin Rui.

She questioned, "What do you mean? Don't you want to marry me anymore?"

Lin Rui smiled and coldly asked, "What do you think?"

For some reason, Xu Bingbing felt that the Lin Rui in front of her, who had been obedient to her just three days ago, seemed to have changed a bit, becoming somewhat unfamiliar.

In the past, even if he used this tone to speak to her, he would immediately show concern if she frowned.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Bingbing also followed suit and said coldly, "I know, the requests I made might have been a bit excessive, but you have to understand, I did it for our future. Since I'm marrying you, won't both your family's wealth and our Xu family's wealth belong to both of us?"

"Of course, I know that these requests might make you feel embarrassed in front of your parents. I understand if you harbor resentment or dissatisfaction, but just because of that, you're not planning to marry me anymore?"

"Lin Rui, don't blame me for not reminding you. You pursued me for five years, and I tested you for five years. In the end, your persistence moved me. I decided to marry you not because of your family's wealth, but because of your persistence. Do you understand?"

"If you miss this opportunity, I hope you won't come crying to me begging for another chance in the future."

Lin Rui smiled faintly.

Shaking his head, he said, "Rest assured, I won't give you the chance to regret it."

Xu Bingbing was slightly surprised.

She didn't expect Lin Rui to reject her so decisively.

She originally thought that Lin Rui was just having a quarrel with his family, and that's why he sent the steward to reject the marriage proposal on his behalf.

She even thought that as long as she gently nudged him a bit and made him feel that she was really angry, he would immediately turn around and comfort her.

However, reality was different. The Lin Rui in front of her not only remained indifferent, but also showed no signs of remorse.

This almost disrupted her plan to come personally this time.

But Xu Bingbing still had a trump card.

Although she didn't want to use it easily, she had no choice but to do so under the circumstances.

The next moment, Xu Bingbing started crying.

Tears fell like rain.

She suddenly rushed towards Lin Rui, the former master of the romantic world, how could he not see through her intentions?

If she hadn't already rolled in the sheets with Gu Bomeng in her previous life, Lin Rui might even be willing to let her hug him and take advantage of the situation.

Unfortunately, in his eyes, she, despite her charm, was just a green lotus flower (a white lotus flower + a hypocrite), so Lin Rui felt a bit repulsed and dodged to the side.

Xu Bingbing's gentle attack instantly fell through.


"You don't even want to hug me?"

Tears welled up in Xu Bingbing's eyes.

She stomped her foot angrily.

Lin Rui couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

This Xu Bingbing really would stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

The original host had pursued him for five years, and she hadn't even allowed the man to touch her hand.

Now that he had proposed to call off the wedding, after her coercive threats proved fruitless, she actually resorted to throwing herself at him in an attempt to change his mind.

It had to be said, this woman was ruthless.

As the saying goes, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," and Xu Bingbing was probably just that kind of woman.

"From the moment I refused the marriage, you and I have been disconnected. There's no need for such desperation."

Lin Rui spoke indifferently.

Tears shimmered in Xu Bingbing's eyes.

Her face was emotional and pitiable.

"Lin Rui, how can you treat me this way?"

"For five years, we've been in love for a full five years. Although it seemed like you were the one making all the efforts on the surface, let me tell you, I've always considered you the man most worthy of my lifelong commitment."

"Now, when we've finally come together, why do you choose this moment, when I'm utterly vulnerable, to treat me so cruelly? Do you really not love me anymore?"

Lin Rui responded with a cold laugh, "Compared to your cruelty, I find my actions quite mild."

Xu Bingbing was stunned.

She instinctively pointed at herself, "Cruel? I didn't expect to be seen as such a person in your eyes."

"Yes, I haven't let you touch me in these five years, which must have disheartened you. But you know, I'm inherently a conservative girl; I wanted to save our first time for our wedding night."

"If this displeases you, I... I'm willing to give myself to you now."

With that, Xu Bingbing hurriedly took out her phone from her bag, frantically clicking on it while saying, "I'll book a hotel right now, and I'll give myself to you tonight. Are you satisfied now?"

Watching the flustered Xu Bingbing, Lin Rui really wanted to give her a thumbs up.


This woman's tactics were truly exceptional.

Again, if it were the original host in this situation, he might have agreed to her even more outrageous demands, let alone half of his property.

But unfortunately, the original sycophant no longer existed.

"Don't bother with that."

As Xu Bingbing was busily trying to book a hotel, Lin Rui coldly interjected:

"If you hadn't rolled in the sheets with Gu Bo Ming before, I might have reluctantly accepted your proposition to make a mess in a hotel. But now, after you and Gu Bo Ming have rolled in the sheets countless times, do you think I would still be interested in you?"

Xu Bingbing was taken aback.

A look of immense shock appeared in her eyes.

She quickly retorted in anger, "Nonsense, you're spouting nonsense."

"Lin Rui, to avoid marrying me, you fabricate such rumors that tarnish my reputation. It's too much. Gu Bo Ming and I are innocent; nothing ever happened between us."

Lin Rui's gaze hardened.

He stepped closer to Xu Bingbing.

Looking at her fiercely.

He had always been domineering, but at that moment, Xu Bingbing felt an inexplicable fear.

Lin Rui stared at her, his voice cold:

"Stop pretending. I didn't want to spell it out, but since you're denying it, I'll just have to be clear."

"Three years ago, on May 18th, at Tianfu International Hotel, room 008, you and Gu Bo Ming first slept together."

"On July 6th of the same year, at Biwater Bay Resort Hotel, room 201, you and Gu Bo Ming slept together for the second time."


"To date, by incomplete statistics, you two have rolled in the sheets over twenty times."

Knowing the plot feels great.

The female author of the book probably wrote these scenes to make readers despise this pair even more, enhancing the drama of the story.

Hearing Lin Rui list the evidence of her and Gu Bo Ming's encounters so precisely and completely took Xu Bingbing by surprise.

She couldn't believe that Lin Rui, who had always been submissive before her, had been investigating and tracking her for so long.

Otherwise, how could he know all this?

Still, Xu Bingbing refused to admit it.

As a renowned heiress in Tianfu City, she couldn't allow herself to be tainted by these rumors.

She outright denied it, "You're lying, that's ridiculous."

"Lin Rui, I've finally seen your true colors. You're a despicable person."

Realizing their relationship was beyond repair, Xu Bingbing decided to break ties completely.

If reconciliation was impossible, then it was time to burn bridges.

She cursed a few times and quickly got into her car.

At that moment, Lin Rui approached the car and gently knocked on the window.

Xu Bingbing rolled down the window, furious.

Lin Rui said, "Oh, I forgot to remind you of two things."

"First, although we can't be husband and wife, I might soon become your brother-in-law, so we might still end up as family."

"Second, please make sure to enjoy the sunlight on your windowsill every morning."
