
Rushing Up

Next day Liu Lian went to the public library where her friends usually gather for their project.

"Hi guys! How was your holiday?" Liu Lian asked taking her seat in the table.

"Awesome. We had tour around Wellington. We really enjoyed it." Xiao Lin wasn't able stop talking about their journey.

"But I heard that there are some Islands which are more beautiful than Wellington. Unfortunately, we didn't had time to visit there." Ling Feng one of the boys said.

"I also want to visit some towns and bring some souvenirs to my family." Another girl called Ming Li said.

"Then let's do this. Let's work hard and complete the project early. Then we can have a trip. Our project is almost done. So just work hard for few days." Liu Lian said while planning another thing in her heart.

"Deal" Everyone agreed wishing to have a god trip around New Zealand.

With their agreement they worked nonstop till evening. Liu Lian wanted to complete her part early as she must have a day off tomorrow for her company work so she even skipped the lunch.

"Guys I'll go and buy some snacks. I'm starving." Xiao Ling said while rubbing her stomach.

"I'm coming too. I need to stretch my limbs. It's already evening. I have been sitting for more than 10 hours now." Another girl agreed.

Liu Lian looked at them and said. "Guys then let's go to a restaurant and get an early dinner. Library is going to close soon."

"Then let's go."

They all gathered their things and left the library. Then they went to a restaurant named La` Rosa. It was a three-star restaurant, and they are famous for their special seafood dishes. Usually there is long queue for this restaurant. So, they decide to book a table first and leave library.

After borrowing books, they need from library and packing up they left. When they arrived it's already 7 o'clock in the evening.

They took their seat and ordered their food first. While waiting for food Liu Lian started talking.

"Guys if we want to have a holiday as we planned, we have to complete work by next Friday. It means we only have less than 4 days."

"That's right. I think we are working too slow." Jing Sheng the eldest of their team agreed.

"What should we do then?" Tong song the laziest one started his whining.

"I don't want to shorten my vacation." Ming Li answered.

"Then let's work overtime. That's the only solution." Ling Feng suggested while looking at others.

"I don't have any problem about that. As we always work overtime in our jobs it wouldn't be a big problem for us." Jing Sheng said nonchalantly.

The whole team are workers in famous companies in China and much more older than Liu Lian. In fact, Liu Lian is the youngest in the entire batch. So, they have no problems about working overtime.

Xiao Lin who always treat Liu Lian as a younger sister looked worriedly at Liu Lian.

"Lian, would you be able to handle? You just recovered from a fever after all."

"It's okay sister Xiao Lin. I'm fine. I can work."

"Okay then it's decided." Ling Feng said ending their discussion as their food is already being served.

They ended their early dinner while discussing other details about their project. Then left for their hotel for the night.

Hi guys. I 'm back after a long time. I really thought of discontinuing this book as I was dispirited. But finally I decided to continue as I got few comments from readers. Plz if you're reading this book leave a comment for me. It helps me a lot.

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