
Chapter 84: The Sun Shines into Life

The word "in case of security" was used heavily, and Xia Yuxi was really scared.

When she came out of the hospital, she would no longer think about those difficult relationships with Wei Zexuan. It was only a few days after she found her mother again. She really couldn't bear that "in case".

The woman who wants to be strong can't bear the fate. With Fang Jinghua's heart disease, Xia Yuxi once again lost her choice.

"Mom, do you usually pay more attention to it?"

Fang Jinghua nodded with a smile, "Relax, I'll not die."

Xia Yuxi felt that the words of the exhortation had no effect. She thought about it and said, "I will visit you often during this time. If you feel uncomfortable, you must call me immediately."

Compared with Fang Jinghua's heart disease, Xia Yuxi also has an equally important thing, work.

She was delayed for a day and couldn't spend it like that.

Debt repayment requires money, renting a house requires money, and mother's heart disease treatments now needs money.

After she safely send Fang Jinghua to the villa, she drove directly to the night market before, but the night market during the day was not open. Xia Yuxi didn't know until after she arrived, and then suddenly became confused.

Will people still use themselves after two days? And she knew her conditions. Although she could be of age, after all, she was a married person.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun over her head was hot, and the roasted people were groggy.

Xia Yuxi walked on the street and glanced over the glass windows of the storefront. She was thinking, if the night job is not working, can the salesperson do it? There should be a lot of royalties, even if they are tossed by some people...

She stopped in front of a clothing store.

The recruitment information posted on the floor-to-ceiling window made her heart pound, and she still weighed the pros and cons between money and right and wrong.

Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder.

Fully focused on Xia Yuxi, she held her chest with a small hand and whispered, and then turned around alertly.

In front of him was a man in a clean suit. With a clean face and tasteful clothes, Xia Yuxi calmed down very quickly. She is a woman who has seen the world. The person in front of her should have some social status, not like a bad person.

"Sir, is there something wrong?"

The man coughed slightly, a little embarrassed, and he raised his hand and pushed the glasses on his face and said, "It's presumptuous, but this lady, are you looking at work?"

Xia Yuxi flushed her cheeks when she was called "Miss". She wanted to explain that she was no longer young, but it didn't seem to matter, so she nodded slightly and said, "Yes, are you the person in charge of this store? "

It is inferred from common sense that people who can take the initiative to ask such questions should have some relationship with this store.

Unexpectedly, the man's face was also reddish, and he rushed out a business card from the suit and handed it to Xia Yuxi. He was polite, holding his arm, and slightly embarrassed to bring the business card to him. The person in charge of this store, it is really in urgent need of employment, and depending on your conditions, so...

Xia Yuxi glanced at him suspiciously, and she knew that most of the recruiters who blocked the road were cheating. Paradoxically, such people did not look like liars.

Hesitantly, she took a glance at the business card, and then shoved the business card into the hands of the person in front of her without hesitation. "Sorry, sir, I can't do such a job, but thank you."

After speaking, she turned away sensitively, and then began to doubt her vision, 'it may have been a long time without contact with high society, so that her eyes became shallow, or it may be that the scammers have been carefully packaged. Liars also flatly do not believe that in the bustling streets, people from media companies really find their heads.'

Is she in good condition? Where is it appropriate? From a divorced woman who doesn't dress herself carefully, from what angle can she see that she can engage in media?

Even though she thought her temperament was okay before, she was worn away by the embarrassment of life during this time, didn't she?

Xia Yuxi laughed at herself, speeding up her pace.

"Miss, this lady!"

The man behind him chased after her relentlessly, and he kept explaining, "You treat me as a liar! But what can I lie to you? We don't need to take you to a hidden place to shoot. You also see I have a company address on my business card. You can go to the company to confirm your identity."

Xia Yuxi thought as she walked away, she did see the company's name, 'she knew the media, and she seemed to have some fame in the industry.'

She slowed down, but didn't look back.

She heard the man behind her say, "Our employees all have regular contracts. If there is a broker, you can let the broker talk. If not, you can sign the contract directly with the company. I know my approach is a bit pretentious, but you should have your own judgment!"

Xia Yuxi finally stopped, and she turned her head calmly to see that the person was sweating.

Even if she still couldn't believe it, she couldn't help but want to ask, "Where do you think I am suitable? Does your company need cleaners? There is a lot of job market in that kind of job."

It is not that she is not confident, but that she knows her current situation well.

The person in front of her finally smiled mildly, and looked kind. "We need a very natural model. It doesn't need to be beautiful. The golden ratio is good. You know Liu Wen! She is not beautiful, but she is different."

This person's words made Xia Yuxi undeniable.

Liu Wen, who has a Chinese face in the eyes of crooked nuts, is not only beautiful, but even ugly in the eyes of ordinary people, but she is indeed red to purple, so the modelling industry is really hard to say.

"In the field of models, we are looking at the employment situation. I think your conditions are sufficient. You can really try it."

After that, the man once again solemnly handed the business card to Xia Yuxi, "If.. if you urgently looking for a job, the salary of the model will also make you very satisfied. Isn't that doing both?"

This sentence really hit Xia Yuxi's pain point.

She urgently needs money, to the extent that she wants to try everything, but the pie is too big. She has never won a lottery from childhood before. Can she have such luck?

Xia Yuxi hesitated in her heart, then took the business card, "Mr. Nu Hai, can I ask, if it is really possible, what is the salary?"

In fact, he remembered all the information on the business card at a glance, and she was not unwilling, just incredible.

Nu Hai thought about it carefully and replied meticulously: "The salary of the newcomer is not high. It is about 2,000 to 5,000 yuan for a plane shooting!"

This number made Xia Yuxi amazed in the bottom of her heart, and then she looked down at this business card seriously, and her heart began to jump again.

Can she?

If this is true, nothing is more appropriate than a model. The time is flexible and the salary is high. Compared with the previous chef's work, the shape is only recessed under the light. This money is too easy.

"Try it! Always give yourself a chance."

After hearing this, Xia Yuxi looked up suddenly. She looked at Nu Hai for two seconds, then she turned red and felt how rude she was.

She slightly bowed to Nu Hai saluting, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will try it."

Nu Hai said that he could drive Xia Yuxi to the company to take a look. She refused because of security and strangeness, but she was really standing in the "Know the Media" reception hall for an hour.

Receiving her was a very good-looking front desk staff member, who filled out a simple form and listened to some explanations. Xia Yuxi smoothly stood in front of the personnel department.

For more than an hour, she felt like a gorgeous dream, especially not close to reality.

But there are always some unexpected things happening in life. If there are bad things, there will be good things.

Before knocking on the door, Xia Yuxi subconsciously sorted out her sweatshirt, and then tried to push a smile on her face.

Inside the door, someone yelled, "Come in."

Xia Yuxi was surprised and excited.

When she saw the job title on the corner of the table, when she saw Nu Hai sitting behind the desk with a slight smile, she really had a desperate excitement.

If she was interviewed, did it mean that her arrival was a job.

All this is actually true.

In the dozens of minutes sitting in front of Nu Hai, Xia Yuxi's mind was full of a strong impact of fantasy and reality. When it was a few years ago, when she was Miss Xia, a model job must be very disdainful in her heart. A few years later, she was in a thrilling mood holding this contract, because it represented her starting a new life.

In the interweaving of fate, she stumbled upon the fact that Heaven is not thin to her, because Han Ruowei, she entered a company that others are envious of, and became Yin Mojun's special assistant. Because of that lonely time, she became acquainted with He Yiwei, who has given patience and money, sees no dawn, and the god of luck is here again.

She looked down at the contract in her hand earnestly, her heart was a little sour, and she had a faint sense of joy.

Nu Hai said, "The contract can be signed without considering the two-way choice between the company and the employer. After several plane shootings, Xia Yuxi can truly feel the salary, and the company can also check whether she is really competent in this way."

This was the best result for Xia Yuxi, so she readily accepted it.

Out of the "know the media", it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. The sun above her head was still very poisonous. Xia Yuxi was looking at the sky, but she was energetic. The dazzling light seemed to penetrate her body, and those tiredness dispersed under the warmth. Those dark, wet corners were evicted a little bit.

She reached out and grabbed a hand against the sun. When her fingertips spread out, the golden light passed through her fingers and it was beautiful.

It's really beautiful, the expression on Xia Yuxi's face.

Wei Zexuan sat in the car not far away and stared at the gorgeous little face, and he was reluctant to look away.

The phone at hand rang, and he opened the sound in good mood, "Mr. Wei, are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

"Well." Wei Zexuan's eyes still chased Xia Yuxi's brisk pace, and he responded casually. "She's been short of money recently, so let's arrange work for her, just shoot anything, I want all the copyright."

Wei Zexuan promised not to disturb her life, but he couldn't do it.

He did not look down on Xia Yuxi's ability, but one day, he suddenly realized that the woman's strength in the past was forced to be strong only because he was not protected in front of him.

And Wei Zexuan couldn't take it anymore. The woman who clenched her teeth was going in the wrong direction under his eyelids.

He knew today's approach was a hidden danger, but he couldn't let it go. Because Xia Yuxi was his lifelong plan.

In the distance, Xia Yuxi can't be seen. Wei Zexuan drove to the company. Today, he was in a very good mood. He sorted things out and threw it to Han Ruowei. He returned to the villa before four o'clock.

As he entered the house, he shouted at Sister Joe.

Sister Joe ran over in surprise and took the briefcase and clothes he handed over.


Wei Zexuan smiled and pulled off the tie under his neck. "Sister Joe, what should I eat tonight, I think I should cook a few good dishes."

"Why are you back at this time..." There was a little bit of complaining in Sister Joe's questioning, and then she looked back behind him anxiously, as if something had been hidden.

At this moment, the door of a room on the second floor opened and two people walked out.

As soon as Wei Zexuan raised his eyes, he saw Xia Yuxi walking out with Fang Jinghua's help.

He suddenly figured out that Sister Joe's strange questioning just now, and for a while, the man turned out in slippers when he turned around.

Xia Yuxi is unwilling to run into him, so he should not show up.

Wei Zexuan hurriedly walked into the yard on the slippers. When he walked to the car, he realized that his clothes and bag were with Sister Joe, not even the car keys.

Behind him, someone shouted that he knew he couldn't hide.

Sister Joe ran over and pulled Wei Zexuan's clothing corner, "Oh, what is this. Are you leaving! I have been seen for a long time."

When Wei Zexuan turned his head, his facial muscles pumped unnaturally. "Why didn't you call me in advance?"

"I didn't know you were back so early!"

What to do now? Wei Zexuan stared into the villa, but he didn't pierce his eyes. How could he know what Xia Yuxi was doing now? According to her nature, she should pack up and leave immediately!

"Come in!" Said Sister Joe, "Your wife didn't say anything, why are you twitching?"


"Well, I think you are thinking too much." Sister Joe recalled for a moment and said, "Mrs.. is in a good mood today, and bought a lot of things. She came to see her mother. Maybe she will leave a little while."

Wei Zexuan counted the time in his heart, she should have just arrived. Hesitating, half pushed by Sister Joe, went back to the villa.

When entering the door, the mother and daughter were busy in the kitchen.

Embarrassed Wei Zexuan walked over and stood a distance apart, "Xiao Xi, you are here, eat a meal first then only go!"

When Fang Jinghua turned her head, she greeted Wei Zexuan happily, while Xia Yuxi was much calmer. She nodded and spoke very naturally. "You came back early, so have a meal together!"