
Chapter 70: Emotional Drama

Xia Yuxi ran away, and Liu Zhiyan ran away holding his child.

For the first time, the two women were so tacit, but they caused Wei Zexuan a lot of trouble. The human body cannot be divided into two halves, and time cannot be split. Xia Yuxi and NianNian are standing at the two ends and at the same time, they are equally important and urgent.

"Brother, what does Liu Zhiyan mean? Does she threaten you with a child?"

Without Han Ruowei's reminder, Wei Zexuan also knows the purpose of the call, and he guessed that Liu Zhiyan would not live in the house he bought, and it is probably clear that there are no people in the city he can't find! She would definitely take a train or a plane when she left, so it was not easy to do.

"It's okay. She's the boy's mother. What can she do to his child? And she asked me before for some money."

Listening to Wei Zexuan's meaning, we must first solve Xia Yuxi's problem, but this tall man is already sweating. It was easy to say, but that was his child after all.

Han Ruowei stood up and said calmly, "This time, Xiaoxi's affairs will be left to me. I was responsible for getting back what I lost. I also wanted to ask her face to face, why did she deceive me, you... Go find your child."

After that, she lowered her head and picked up the bag on the table, then turned around and went out of the Starbucks door.

Wei Zexuan stood hesitating for a while, but he really couldn't bear his own heart. The moment he walked out, the man's heart was guilty. He hoped that Xia Yuxi would not blame him for this incident. He finally chose the child.

Wei Zexuan is a stubborn man. He will not turn back once he is determined. As he drove, he called the assistant again. "Find me another person. I'll find all the traffic systems, and her name is Liu Zhiyan."

When he didn't wait for the call back, his instinct told Wei Zexuan that he should go to the airport, so he really did that.

In the terminal of the airport, a little boy dragged his mother's trouser legs, and his voice was still weak. "Mom, did you mean to take me on a plane to find my dad?"

Liu Zhiyan's gaze always fell on those who moved around in the distance, "Well, baby it's not time to take off yet, so we are not in a hurry!"

Infact, the security information in the airport hall has been broadcast the second time, but Liu Zhiyan wants to bet.

Suddenly, a figure broke into her sight, the man ran quickly towards them. Liu Zhiyan then leaned over and picked up the child who was recovering from a serious illness from the ground. "Read it, time is almost up, let's go!"

The child 's world is simple. He claps his hands and smiles, even if he is uncomfortable.

Liu Zhiyan smiled, how could she take the words of a four-year-old kid seriously!

Wei Zexuan's eyes were confused. The crowded airport gave him some dizziness.

Just then, a call came in, and Wei Zexuan's assistant over the phone said, "It seems to be taking off in the direction of Nanjing."

The direction of Nanjing is the hometown of Liu Zhiyan. Why didn't he think about it. When Wei Zexuan put down the phone, he quickly turned his body, glanced at the flight information on the screen, and then his body started to run again.

"Liu Zhiyan! Stand still!"

When Wei Zexuan ran over, because the anger, and his eyes became increasingly red, the moment he stood infront of the mother and son, he reached out and grabbed the child in Liu Zhiyan's arms.

Liu Zhiyan grinned, and said to her heart, 'Who is the most ruthless between you and me?


However, she said calmly, "Isn't that what you meant? You want me not to disturb you and Xia Yuxi. Is there anything wrong with me?"

Wei Zexuan nodded frequently, he knew that his requirements for Liu Zhiyan were harsh, but if she was not persecuted again and again, they could talk about it.

Even if he can't let go of Xia Yuxi anymore, he won't let Liu Zhiyan out of his heart, but is he the kind to talk about?

The man demanded strongly, "Go back and live in the house I arranged for you, and let talk about it later, otherwise, I'm not polite to you anymore."

Wei Zexuan's request didn't seem to be threatening at Liu Zhiyan. It seemed like a compromise. He would come to see his son again?

How could she be so obedient again, if she didn't fight, what alms would she expect from this man?

Thinking about this, Liu Zhiyan raised her hand, "Give me the child."

"The child cannot be entrusted to you anymore. He is still young and cannot toss around with this unreliable mother."

When Liu Zhiyan heard this sentence, she screamed, "Give me back my child!"

Around, there were many passengers looking at their side, either with surprised, angry or sympathy.

But Wei Zexuan could not pay attention to others.

He roared in a surging mood, "This child is mine too!"

In the large airport hall, the voice of a man echoed, 'This child is mine too! This child is mine too..


The place where they stood soon became the center of the whirlpool, surrounded by many people inside and out.

They looked at each other, their eyes were full of hatred, and the flights information display on top of their heads switched screens. The image of Wei Zexuan's argument appeared on the screen.

On the screen, President Wei's eyes were calm and his eyes were smiling. He leaned on the desk with his hands around his chest, warmth in his domineering. The following slogan shocked people, 'Only by working hard can you reach the other side.'

Someone in the crowd shouted, "Look! Isn't that man Wei Zexuan?"

Looking up, there was a smile on Liu Zhiyan's face. Does the man think that holding the child is the last weapon? How can she fight President Wei and Xia Yuxi on her own? So she can only do it this way, pushing Wei Zexuan to the public opinions once again. She is no longer willing to be a silent woman who is frightened everyday.

The twists and turns of right and wrong can be seen by others, can the child Wei Zexuan be able to take it away, in the present, it is not his own decision, is it?

Seeing Liu Zhiyan's smile, Wei Zexuan's brain buzzed. He instantly responded to the other party's intention, but it was too late.

Suddenly, when he turned around and looked around, he had found that the camera was aimed at himself. At this moment, the only thing he thought of was Xia Yuxi. Will she see such herself through the eyes of the news?

Xia Yuxi, who ran out of that home, was sitting opposite He Yiwei at the moment. She looked at the strange surroundings and asked, "Yiwei, where is this?"

"Don't you say that you want to change the house and share it with me? Farther away from Wei Zexuan, you will never meet him again."

He always remembered what she said and fulfilled her promise.

When Xia Yuxi made this suggestion, she was just pregnant, and now her child is gone. She hid from He Yiwei, who has lived outside for so long, and once lived in Wei Zexuan's villa. She almost forgot herself, but He Yiwei only kept the original sentence.

When Xia Yuxi bowed her head, she felt very unconscience. She never thought of staying with He Yiwei for a long time, but she regarded the man as a bridge to cross the river again and again.

"I will find a place to move out as soon as possible, and I will pay the rent for this period."

He Yiwei shook her shoulder, forcing Xia Yuxi to look at herself, "You! How did you learn Wei Zexuan's style and only use money to pass people on."

Xia Yuxi froze, and the little hands subconsciously touched the bag. Lying in the bag was a bank card given by Wei Zexuan. Han Ruowei said that he planned to give it to her himself.

She suddenly realized that when a person feels guilty and helpless, she panics and wants to use money to solve the problem. At the time, Wei Zexuan had the same mentality as Xia Yuxi at the moment.

It 's all because there is nothing better than giving money to each other.

She choked her throat with three words: "I am sorry."

Xia Yuxi's red eyes looked at He Yiwei. He knew that this expression was not because of himself. The person who loves the most will regard everything after having relationship with that person, as if she was sitting infront of him. Himself, but in her eyes he became Wei Zexuan.

He Yiwei has experienced this kind of deep-seated thought, so he does not provoke.

When he got up, the man pretended to say easily, "I haven't eaten yet! I'll go to the kitchen to see what's up. If you are bored, just watch the TV to pass the time."

When He Yiwei left, she helped her press the remote control switch.

Xia Yuxi watched the screening picture on the TV, all talking about Wei Zexuan. She should know that he ran out this time! Will he find it overwhelmingly? And Han Ruowei, would they abandon their 20-year friendship in anger? Because this is the most extreme thing Xia Yuxi has done to her in her life.

At this time, the sound of a slamming door sounded outside the door.

Xia Yuxi turned her head and looked at the door, her heart was agitated, and she had a bad hunch.

"Xiaoxi!" He Yiwei probed out of the kitchen and pointed the door with the spatula in his hand. "Will you open the door for me? I asked the supermarket to send some daily necessities. It should be here."

Xia Yuxi stood up blankly. She looked at He Yiwei's eyes and said. 'Are you sure?'

The man smiled and turned back to cooking again. Xia Yuxi had to go to the door and clenched the doorknob with her little hand.



She was more concerned, and Xia Yuxi sighed and opened the door, and saw a man in a supermarket apron carrying two heavy pockets in his hands, while behind him stood a stern Han Ruowei.

"If Weiwei?" Han Ruowei lifted her hand and opened the door across the middle of the delivery man. "You didn't expect me to be so fast? It only shows that your plan is not thorough enough!"

"You listen to me explain..."

Han Ruowei said, "Hum."

At this time, He Yiwei finished cooking a dish and hurriedly walked out of the kitchen. As he came to the door anxiously, he lowered his head and drew his own pants pocket. "How much is the thing, I pay."

When he handed the money to the delivery man, he also saw Han Ruowei, and the man and the woman stood in a clue.

Han Ruowei pushed away the delivery man infront of them, and went straight in with two steps. "You can rest assured, my brother did not come. My lost friend, I have no face to tell him! "

Han Ruowei didn't tell the truth, because although she was angry, she still had a sense of compassion, and she was only angry at Xia Yuxi to deceive her, but she couldn't let her know that Liu Zhiyan was in between again.

When she sat on the sofa in anger, two people followed.

He Yiwei said, "Did you really tell Wei Zexuan about this? If it is true, let's talk about it!"

"Who do you think You Are?"

Han Ruowei will not give anyone face when she is angry. "You are a helper. I can't talk to you here. I just want to see Xia Yuxi today!"

"Ruowei, don't do this." Xia Yuxi begged bitterly, and between He Yiwei and Han Ruowei, she was embarrassed.

But Han Ruowei didn't face of this long-time friend, "What do you want me to do? I have known you for 20 years, how did I become the object of your use? Xia Yuxi, do you know how busy I am today because you phone call, I threw everything down to accompany you, and I, the last person was left in that damn place!"

He Yiwei wanted to come forward to explain for Xia Yuxi, but was holding his breathe. The woman's gaze was begging, he could only close his eyes and shake his hand and walked to the kitchen.

After He Yiwei left, Xia Yuxi sat down beside Han Ruowei with timidity in her heart. She pulled the arms of her good sister and was thrown away.

Xia Yuxi bowed her head, her voice trembling slightly. "Sorry, I can't help it."

"Is there no way you can tell me clearly? You have to cheat?"

She didn't think of asking for Han Ruowei properly, but that day, when she called to her sister, she saw the feelings between the siblings first. Xia Yuxi was afraid that she would not get the chance, and she would make herself clumsy.

But these words are also powerless.

"Sorry, I just want to leave that house, and my head is confused."

Han Ruowei sighed for a long time. When she was angry, she didn't think about Xia Yuxi's situation. Even when she heard the two bodyguards say that it was under house arrest, she couldn't accept it.

Xia Yuxi's choice is actually right. Who can bring her to that villa besides herself?

It took a long time for Han Ruowei to slowly say, "Xiaoxi, I know that you have resentment in your heart, but you have to be considerate. My brother can't do anything because he wants to be with you so much, can't you just let it go?"

At this moment, there was a screen on the TV not far from the two, followed by an excited host live in a noisy environment. "Here is the second terminal of Taoxian Airport. In the past ten minutes of the security checkpoint, there was another emotional drama..."