
Chapter 55: Shameless

Wei Zexuan still doesn't know how deeply Xia Yuxi is in love, so he can't appreciate the woman's rejection. "What? No?"

Sister Joe said apologetically, "Sir, I have tried my best, and you really... Since you are willing to even to cook the soup, why can't you go in and make a clear statement with your wife? You wouldn't have this worries. I am too old to stand up for you."

She talked and left Wei Zexuan rubbing her shoulders, because Xia Yuxi hadn't had breakfast, she wondered if she could buy it at this time. Wei Zexuan stood on the spot and laughed at himself, feeling that this was the retribution Xia Yuxi gave to him. At the beginning, she also cooked the same soup for Liu Zhiyan, which was probably why he was rejected.

Forget it, the man turned away and carried a soup bucket in his hand. As the elevator opened and closed, Liu Zhiyan's shadow walked out.

There was a more self-deprecating expression on her face. If she hadn't seen with her own eyes, she won't have believe it! Do you think you can have good luck with a son? Liu Zhiyan suddenly realized that even if she was willing to give Wei Zexuan ten or eight children now, it would not help. Her appearance today was not intentional. She had to come to the hospital early to get medicine for Gu Nian.

However, what Liu Zhiyan didn't expect was that in the hospital that day, she would saw Wei Zexuan whom she haven't seen for one week.

She tried to use the child as an excuse to get him back, but Wei Zexuan seemed to know Gu Nian's body better than himself, and he refused.

Later, she also encountered some troubles, which made her didn't harassed Wei Zexuan.

It took only two days for NianNian's body to heal. Liu Zhiyan gave the child to the babysitter to care, and planned to go to the street to cool herself. As she couldn't drive, she waited for the bus at a nearby the villa.

During the boring time, she glanced down this tree-lined road, watching the sprouts from the branches turn into dense green, and seeing that the dry grass fields were full of flowers.

She remembered that it had been three months since she resumed her relationship with Wei Zexuan. Suddenly, her eyes saw a man holding paper in his hand not far away, looking at the house next to her villa.

Liu Zhiyan ran as fast as possible but as she turned, someone pulled her leg. But she couldn't run fast on high heels, and it made her look particularly defeated. Although Gu Zaoran didn't find Liu Zhiyan's current address, wouldn't it be better to see him?

He caught up, and shouted at her as he ran, "Yu Zhiyan, stand still! Do you think you can keep on hiding after you run away?"

Now Liu Zhiyan is a wife who lives in a high-end villa area. Although she often comes and goes by herself, she has been greeted by many neighbors.

The whole incidents chasing by a man was too shameful, like a thief thus she simply stopped and met Gu Zaoran.

When the man stopped, Liu Zhiyan looked around the surroundings and said in a low voice, "Gu Zaoran, can you be a little low on your identity?"

The man gasped quickly, and then put his hands on his waist. "What low identity? What identity do I have as a reckless university teacher?" After he said that, he looked at his ex-wife.

Gu Zaoran laughed and said, "You are noble. Should I call you Teacher Liu, or Mrs. Wei now?" His irony is self-evident, and Liu Zhiyan knew that his appearance would never be good.

No time to argue with this shameless man. Liu Zhiyan pulled Gu Zaoran, and walked towards a tree-lined roadside. Only the trees, plants and flowers were quiet around her. She was relieved to release Gu Zaoran, "Why are you here?"

"Find my son."

Liu Zhiyan knowingly asked, they haven't contacted for so long after divorce. What excuses can they find for themselves besides worrying about him?

Coming out of Gu's house on that day, she have starting to worry about this, but today, the time has come.

"NianNian.. I will not hand it to you for the time being, I have given your mother enough money." She finished her words and stared at the grass.

Gu Zaoran did receive the money. Although the amount was big, the money was not spent. Otherwise, why did Gu Zaoran appear here? He felt that the money was only to sell his son. Originally, his purpose was to simply take him back, otherwise his old mother would really go crazy.

After seeing Liu Zhiyan, Gu Zaoran suddenly changed his mind. The man touched her chin and said, "Are you really making up with that student?"

"None of your business?"

Gu Zaoran should not interfere her life, because both teacher and student are in love with each other, it is not something disgraceful after all.

Seeing her so excited, Gu Zaoran knew he was right. Even if this woman had no responsibility after her divorce, she would not have give so generously, unlike the old her.

It took a lot of effort to find Liu Zhiyan, so Gu Zaoran asked someone to check Wei Zexuan's residence. Actually, he didn't expect to meet Liu Zhiyan today. In fact, he just wanted to meet Wei Zexuan to try his luck.

It turned out that her ex-wife was really capable. At first, her postgraduate wanted to stay on campus to teach, but she was not qualified enough, so she talked about her love with Gu Zaoran.

Gu Zaoran was somewhat self-aware, others may gossip about him but there was nothing surprising about his fat appearance. His only advantage at that time was his father, was the principal.

The man who felt in love with this goddess, thought that he was favored by heaven. So he spared no effort to encourage his father to allow Liu Zhiyan being a college teacher. But the goddess was able to fly using her wings after Wei Zexuan appeared...

A memory in the past is already an old wounds, and Gu Zaoran was lucky to be able to recognize himself. Since Liu Zhiyan was destined to be a woman he couldn't keep in his life, why did he miss the chance to get rich?

Thinking about this, the man turned to smile, "Liu Zhiyan, you don't be so sensitive, okay. Do you think I will do anything to you? It's been so many years ago."

"Don't even think about it!" Unexpectedly, his plea was turned down all at once, and Gu Zaoran's face burst into a thin anger. "You really don't help for the sake of nostalgia?"

'Does he still have a son?' Liu Zhiyan turned her head without saying a word. The man then heard and said, "Forget it, it's reasonable for you to be a woman who doesn't help me, but Wei Zexuan is different, he got it for free. My son, he has to pay something!"

In Liu Zhiyan's eyes, Gu Zaoran was a shameless man. In the beginning, he gave her a drug, so that she accidentally conceived the child of the Gu family. This bad habit had been revealed later. Liu Zhiyan made a fuss about going for an abortion. Gu Zaoran couldn't stopped her but helped taking her to the hospital.

The doctor said, "It's a miracle that you can conceive a child with this physical condition. This child is not born. It is estimated that you have no chance to conceive in this life. The important thing is that, this pregnancy will be dangerous to you.

Not long after Liu Zhiyan had given birth to her son, at that same year, she met the doctor by accident at a cold drink stall. Then she knew that Gu Zaoran paid someone to lied, but everything was too late.

Infront of him, he was threatening Liu Zhiyan with his mean methods, which made people feel sick.

Liu Zhiyan stared straight at his eyes and dipped in tears, "Say, how much do you want this time?"

Gu Zairan licked his tongue and calculated in his heart, "When she took him away, she left the old lady Fifty Thousand, this time it was a fair trade. He should have a little more, so there should be no problem!"


Liu Zhiyan was about to jump, "Gu Zaoran, are you crazy? Do you really think I'm here to open a bank?"

"You have no money, I know, but the person next to you is richer than the bank. Is my son who has been raised for four years worth half a million? If you work harder, maybe you can inherit it. Do you calculate the account of that person's property carefully? Are you losing money?"

When Liu Zhiyan stared at him, he thought, "Can this person be more shameless?" Then she quickly drew her bag and threw a card on the man's face. "I only have so many. Do you want it?"

Gu Zaoran took the bank card in his hand, "How much is this?"

"Ten thousand."

"One hundred thousand?"

Then he put the bank card into his pocket and pointed at his ex-wife, saying, "Are you forcing me to look for that surnamed Wei? Are you sure you can explain to him the tattered things in the past?"

In this life, Liu Zhiyan was only threatened by Gu Zaoran. Although she hated him, there was nothing she could do.

"I really don't have the money. The 100,000 yuan is still the deposit fee that Wei Zexuan gave me last month. If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

Seeing that the man was silent, Liu Zhiyan closed her eyes and turned her bag upside down. All the scattered small objects in the bag fell on the grass. Gu Zaoran could only give up, and asked a little unwillingly, "What is the password."

"My birthday." He thoughts he has seized Liu Zhiyan's weakness. This woman has some courage and dare not lie to him, but the 100,000 yuan is really too small, and it is not worth for his trip.

He glanced at Liu Zhiyan and snorted coldly, "I think you owe me, pay it in installments. But Liu Zhiyan, I really look down on you, you divorced me and abandoned my child, just to be with Wei Zexuan but you still can't hold people's legs."

"You look at yourself now... Well, it looks like a decent dress, it looks much more expensive, but what do you have now? I, Gu Zaoran had no money, but I treats you in my treasure, but now what? You followed such a rich owner, but people only think you are a nuisance."

"You shut up!"

Gu Zaoran's words deeply stimulated Liu Zhiyan's heart, "I'll give you the rest of the money, but I don't need you to manage my business!"


Gu Zaoran raised his hands and said, "Okay, I don't care, I don't care." Now that Liu Zhiyan has promised to give him another 400,000, he naturally doesn't have to say anything.

However, when the man turned around, he looked back at Liu Zhiyan's angry face, reluctantly, she smiled ironically, unscrupulously.

What other mood does Liu Zhiyan have? She hadn't walked out of the villa area, her heart seemed to be blocked. Why did so many things fall on her head?

Growing up in a poor country side since she was a child, she finally took the college entrance examination with her own efforts, but still missed the opportunity to stay on top of the people in the city. Thinking about whether she should find herself for a stable job? Don't you want to go back to that remote village?"

She is dissatisfied with the current situation of the Gu family, and at the same time encounters a love that all women dream of, but she really isn't for money, she also loves Wei Zexuan. Why can't everyone see that? Now what should she do? She was blocked by that man. If Xia Yuxi had forced hersef to her end, who would gave Liu Zhiyan a way to live?

She happened to looked at her child who's playing his toy. He looked up at his mother and with a milk bottle in his mouth, "Mom, when will you take me to see my dad?"

Yes, she still has such a big trouble waiting for her, so that every night, she sleeps with nightmares. Liu Zhiying covered her face with both hands, and wailed with a cries. Later, Liu Zhiyan figured it out while wiping her tears.

Even though Gu Zaoran didn't listen to everything, he was right. If Liu Zhiyan didn't work hard at this moment, and passively waiting for the pie to fall from the sky, it would be betrayal and despair waiting for her later.

Some women are destined for a smooth life from birth and have nothing to worry about. And Liu Zhiyan is a typical fate, and will not have nothing without her own hard work.

She got up from the bed, went to the dresser and sat down, quietly applying makeup on her face, and then choose one of her casual dress to put on her before leaving the villa again.

Wei Zexuan had just stepped out of the conference room at this time, and his assistant quickly followed up. "President Wei, I don't know, if I should report to you."

 "Say." The man looked down at his watch, because the secretary arranged a second meeting ten minutes later.

"The person taking care of the young master just called and said that Miss Liu had just leave the child at home and went out of the house."


"I don't know the specific destination, I only know that she's taking bus 181."