
Chapter 43: Early Pregnancy? ? ?

There is still a last hope in her heart. In case, if Yin Mojun really feels passionate about Xia Yuxi, maybe she can turn around.

In St. Mary's Hospital, most of the sick women, old women and children are walking here and there. This hospital was founded because of faith, so the commercial advertising is not strong.

Yin Mojun was standing behind Xia Yuxi at the moment, and infront of him was an elegant male doctor in glasses.

"What are the special symptoms other than nausea?"

Xia Yuxi thought hard, then shook her head, "It is also my first time that having such a sickness. Could it be something wrong I ate?"

The expert in gastroenterology rubbed his temples. "It is not detected out, but you said that matters has been going on for one hour and there is no feeling of bad stomach?"

Seeing Xia Yuxi shaking her head again, the doctor couldn't hold her back and said directly, "I'm afraid it's not a gastrointestinal problem. I think you young couple should go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to have a look."

'Obstetrics and Gynecology8?' Yin Mojun and Xia Yuxi almost unbelievable.

In particular, Yin Mojun's attitude towards the doctor was speechless, "Hey! The doctor's speech must also be appropriate, is too bad if..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yuxi grabbed his hand. If she hadn't been reminded by the doctor, she would have almost forgotten that her menstruation this month.. it really didn't come.

Xia Yuxi blushed, and quickly got up from the chair. "Thank you doctor, then I will go to gynecology department." She then pulled the man behind her out of the diagnosis room.

Yin Mojun still said relentlessly, "The reason for choosing this hospital is that they are responsible enough. You listen to what they say."

"General Yin."

Xia Yuxi's face became rosy again, and she whispered, "I'm really going to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department."

After all, their relationship was between the superiors and subordinates, which made her somewhat embarrassed to tell him. "You can wait for me in the car first, I'll go out to find you later."

Looking at Xia Yuxi's distress face, Yin Mojun also have guessed.

"Will it be yours and Wei Zexuan..."

"No." Xia Yuxi shook her head decisively. "We have always been in name only. Even if I ever wanted such a child, Wei Zexuan would gave me with two pills afterwards."

As Xia Yuxi said, Yin Mojun was a bit ashamed. He knew that what that man do was just to relieve his strong desire of this woman. It was her wilful thinking bore his child.

"Mr. Yin, just wait for me in the car, I'll go and come back early."

After that, Xia Yuxi didn't give him another chance to refute, and hurriedly went to the stair holding the registered document in her hand.

In fact, she really wanted to be accompanied by someone, at least to make her feel a little ease. She really wasn't sure what the results would be after going to the doctor, because when she came out of the gastroenterology department, she suddenly thought about what happened more than a month ago.

It wouldn't be so coincidental, probably not. Xia Yuxi was sitting alone in the doctor's consultation room, one by one entered the B-ultrasound room. Another was sitting in front of the door anxiously, waiting for her turn to be call. Then the trainee nurse opened the door and called out her name. At that moment, she squeezed the documents in her hands into crumpled paper.

"Early pregnancy, less than fifty days, keep or not?"

The middle-aged female obstetrics and gynecology doctor looked up at her and when she saw that no family members following her, she asked very straightforwardly.

Xia Yuxi sat in the chair, leaning her head back slightly, she did not listen carefully to the words behind the doctor.

"You see it clearly? Is it really an early pregnancy?"

The doctor patted the test sheet in her hand impatiently, and pointed and showed her the result, "Isn't it here? You can't see it for yourself! "

Xia Yuxi slowly pulled the test sheet infront of her, looking at the fan-shaped black and white image, a blurry one, but a small black spot represents an early pregnancy?

 She touched the place with her fingertips, and then couldn't help covering her mouth laughing. But the next second, two more tears slipped from the corners of her eyes.

Gynecologists have long been accustomed to this expression, she reached out and pulled back the test sheet from Xia Yuxi indifferently, "It's still early, if you do, you want to do surgery, the harm to your body is minimal. So you have to think carefully. If you miss these few days and choose not to abort, later when you want it, you are likely to suffer. "

The doctor has always been very accurate. Most of the time an unaccompanied woman will choose an abortion, and the way she cries will make the doctor more sure.

At this time, the door of the consultation room was suddenly opened, and someone came in.

The gynecologist immediately stood up and said to the side-by-side nurse, "You don't look at how you do things. How can you let men in the gynecological office."

"Wifey.. Why don't you wait for me and to come in directly."

Yin Mojun ignored all people's existence and walked straight behind Xia Yuxi. He came out today to attend Wei Zexuan's meeting, so he was in a luxurious suit, and the moment he entered the door, he took the momentum and went straight up. The others in the department were stunned slightly. The man pressed Xia Yuxi's shoulder with a large hand, and leaned forward to get the test sheet from the table.

After the fleeting surprise, he seemed to say with excitement, "Thank you dear, you finally gave me a child."

Then Yin Mojun held the woman's shoulder, and when he bowed his head, he fell on Xia Yuxi's head. The atmosphere in the consulting room instantly changed.

It turns out that the man came in, was her husband! The two tears just now was tears of joy. The middle-aged doctor came over and smiled awkwardly, "How good, I was still worried about the outcome."

But her words were like air at the moment, Xia Yuxi closed her eyes tightly, and the tears in her eyes couldn't stop flowing. She knew Yin Mojun was giving her a break, and she said that she wanted to listen to a mother, so that she would not be too sad, as if she had fulfilled her impossible dream.

Turning her head, Xia Yuxi held Yin Mojun's clothes tightly.

Yin Mojun really couldn't stand her expression at this moment, so he buried Xia Yuxi's head in his waist.

The woman infront of her shivered and her tears wet the man's suit and shirt. What Yin Mojun could do was just pat her back, waiting quietly for her to vent all the pain in her heart. In fact, he also wanted to ask a question like the doctor, Do you want to keep this child?

With Xia Yuxi crying, a little energy was leave on her body. She was pulled out of the hospital by Yin Mojun.

In the car, Yin Mojun pressed his headache. "Elderly people say that pregnant's woman crying is bad for child."

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuxi stopped her voice all of a sudden, but still kept sobbing.

"So, are you planning to keep this child?"

"Can I? "

Yin Mojun was queried for a moment, he was in no way to say this. If its just for any other woman to consider this matter, they will choose abortion. But it is estimated that she will choose to give birth to the child because they have been divorced.

Yin Mojun didn't want to ask her how she was pregnant, no matter what this reason was her. But what should she do next?

"Xiao Xi, do you plan to have anything to do with Wei Zexuan?"

Seeing the woman shaking her head, he continued, "Since this is the case, I don't think this child should stay. In fact, with your current appearance and age, it is not difficult to find someone to loves you, but children are a real problem. This will make a lot of guy afraid to coax you due to other people's child. You have to admit this."

However, Xia Yuxi's thoughts are different. Because she never thought that there would be another person. This idea has been sitting in her heart for so long. If Wei Zexuan could become her first man, he would also be her last.

In other words, from the moment she met him more than 20 years ago, this fate has been sealed till today. She calmly said, "I don't need anyone else."

"You are stubborn!" Yin Mojun thought she might have made such a hasty decision because she had little social experience and didn't understand the hardships of life. But watching her stupidity, he couldn't help it but stayed quiet for awhile.

"Do you know how difficult it is for a single mother to bring up a child? You can't deny your life because of a failed relationship. Not only does the child need a father, but you also need someone to accompany you throughout pregnancy."

Xia Yuxi slowly turned her head, she seemed to be thinking about Yin Mojun's words. For a long time she asked softly, "President Yin, I guess you have never really fallen in love with someone."

Yin Mojun was dumbfounded because she was really hit his soft spot. Is love so great? He find it really hard to understand, it may be that men and women have different view of love.

Fine! Even if she's right... Yin Mojun closed his eyes and said, "Are you sure you want to keep this child?"

"I just want to ask myself if I can do this." She already had a certain answer in her mind but wanted to make Yin Mojun stand on her point of view. If the man said yes, she was really at ease her curiousity.

But Yin Mojun do not.

"Of course you have the right to decide the child in your stomach, but Xia Yuxi, I must remind you that there is no shortcut in this world. Do you think Wei Zexuan will never find out? Will he agree with you to bore his child after divorced? Even if you're going to kept it and gave birth, wouldn't he know."

Xia Yuxi's shoulder fell, and her face was ashes, "He will be so hard to appeased?"

Yin Mojun sneered, "Don't forget, I'm also a man, and I definitely know better than you."

"Who is he?" Xia Yuxi suddenly sat upright from the backrest, and the woman's eyes were filled with anger at Yin Hong for a moment. "We have been divorced. This child is my own and has nothing to do with him."

Can it be okay? The blood of him still flows in the child!

Yin Mojun was also infected by her impulse. He came together and grabbed Xia Yuxi's arm tightly. "You listen to me."

"I don't want to listen!" She made her mind at the moment she saw the test sheet, because the incident in the mountain was a coincidence. She clearly realized that she would never have that opportunity again in her life. Even if she understood everything that Yin Mojun said, she couldn't convince herself to abort this innocent child.

Even if the whole world is against her... "Don't tell me to get an abortion, this child.., I want to keep a child."

After the quarrel, there was silence in the car. Xia Yuxi was angry at why she had to be divorced him. But Yin Mojun was angry that she didn't knew anything, but wanted to burden herself for the rest of her life.

As time passed by, Yin Mojun finally figured out the problem. Then he made a half-round steering wheel, and the car slowly left the hospital.

When Yin Mojun was driving, he was wondering if he had gone crazy these few days. He was so involved because of other people's personal problems, and his had nothing to do with him. Will his conscience gain her love? And he couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, in this 30-year life, Xia Yuxi is the only person who makes him feel that love really existed. She always has a magic power, which makes people throw in their protection for her.

The quiet car was a bit stuffy. Yin Mojun the. suggested, "Since you have decided, at least you should think about the real problems now. For example, do you still want to stay in that inn again? You can ignore your own health, but your child cannot."

Seeing that Xia Yuxi didn't speak, the man tightened his eyebrows. "Since I've let go of the ruthless words but infront of Wei Zexuan, I can't just sit back. Let me take care of the house for you!"

In fact, Xia Yuxi also felt that her words were a bit overspoken. She vented her all emotions of Wei Zexuan to her boss. Is it still alright for her to owed to Yin Mojun further? How can this she repaid him?

"Mr. Yin, no need. I will think of a way of myself."

"Is there any way you can listen?" If it was Han Ruowei, Yin Mojun would be relieved. Although that woman looked a bit temperament, what she did was very reliable.

The arrival of a child has changed Xia Yuxi's life once again. But it wasn't just only her who was affected, but also Liu Zhiyan, who was standing infront of the obstetrician and gynecologist at the moment.

"You said my sister was pregnant? When did it happen?"