
Chapter 149: Turning Faces Without Recognizing People

After thinking about it, she could not pay attention, and the other three players began to urge again, "What are you doing? Throwing a thrush at the card? So slow!"

Fang Jinghua simply put her heart across, "No!" After she finished speaking, she took a picture of it. This touch seemed to be a light on her hand, a "bar", which was added to make her feel excited, she thought, if the bar blooms.

What? Isn't she going to win all the money from the three? Just a handful of small touch, got 500,000 a hand. If it is really a flower on the bar, wouldn't it be a few million easily?

She leaned forward slightly to touch the card behind the bar, only to feel sweat in her palm.

Fang Jinghua said silently in her heart,, 'Blossom! Blossom for me! If this wins, I will not bet in my life..'

As soon as the card was touched, Fang Jinghua's heart instantly cooled completely. It seemed that she had no luck with the flower on the bar.

Rolling her eyes upwards, she lazily threw the card in the hand, "80,000!" Then she leaned back and leaned back against the chair.

The excitement just now has not gone! Either you still haven't got the best time, otherwise this one won...

"80,000? Haha 80,000, do you dare to fight? Huh!"

Fang Jinghua straightened her body all at once, and she looked at the speaker a little indifferently, which only took three or five seconds to reflect.

"Huh?" Fang Jinghua stood up from the chair all at once, and she said in a broken voice, "How is this possible, only two laps have been opened, why did you listen so early!"

Why didn't the man smile? He said, "Why, God can't listen? But I have to figure it out, if you are a fan of the banker's door..."

Fang Jinghua supported her head, glanced subconsciously behind him. At this time, Mrs. Fang went to the bathroom, and Mrs. Bao Engineering had tea in the distance!

Someone at the poker table said, "So, this one won't win the dealer's more than 5 million? I don't want any odds, you give an integer!"

"Boom!" Fang Jinghua sat in the chair with a bang. She quietly told herself, 'nothing is okay, winning or losing is normal, but fortunately, Mrs. Fang paid her the bill.'

At this time, Mrs. Fang out of the bathroom, shook her hand and the voice came through before the person approached. "Did you win? This is really fast!"

As Fang Jinghua approached, she discovered that the old lady's face was extremely poor.

Mrs. Fang came over and asked in a low voice, "Lost?"

Fang Jinghua nodded, his eyes filled with guilty conscience.

"How much?"


"What?" Mrs. Fang suddenly caught fire. She threw the tissue in her hand and threw it directly on the ground. "Are you kidding me? Five million? Why did I lose 500 in 3 minutes when I went to the bathroom? Do you think I will believe it?"

What does she mean? Fang Jinghua threw down the card in her hand and tilted her head to look at it, "There is nothing impossible, anything can happen at the table."

"Humph!" Mrs. Fang raised her eyelids upward. "You don't have to pay for it. You're very confident in saying this! But why don't I believe things are so clever? I know what level you have been in for the past half month, even if you lose occasionally, one hand is small, how could you be careless in such a hand?"

After she finished speaking, she shouted. The wife of the project engineering also came over, "Then you talk about it, today I suddenly mentioned this game and said that there is money to make, and I lost 5 million how I got up!"

When Mrs. Bao Engineering heard this, she turned around and left. "It's not my business. I have been drinking tea in the distance."

"It's really not your business." Mrs. Fang stepped forward and pushed the racket on the mahjong table. "Sorry everyone offended. I can't play today's cards. I suspect that my people and others have cheated money together, so just let it go!"

The one who won the money just stood up, "What do you mean! I won if I win? I can just let it go? You can do it if you want to do it? Just give me a five million cash cheque."

Fang Jinghua stood between the two men, and suddenly dared not make noise. She now only hopes that Mrs. Fang will lose her pride and pay the five million dollars to hee others.

But Mrs. Fang was so excited that she just didn't want to pay the bill! She turned around and came to see Fang Jinghua, and hugged her with her shoulders, "Hey! People talk to you! Wei Zexuan's mother-in-law, you first write a cheque for 5 million! Then let's talk about it. Say, how did you lose this card."

"How did I give it?" Hearing this sentence, Fang Jinghua raised her head and widened her eyes at once, "Mrs. Fang, what do you mean, and it is clear that you have lost it, how do you make me pay now?"

"I said that!" Mrs. Fang made a mahjong table next to her hand, and turned her face directly to not recognize anyone. "I watched you playing cards, and you lost, but you, a person who never loses. How special to lose money when I am in the toilet! How do I know that if this is a button made between you and them, waiting for me to drill a hole?"

"You are not reasonable!" Fang Jinghua held her heart in a rage, and followed the blue bean-like sweat beads with a pale complexion.

"Did you lose and don't want to give money?" Fang Jinghua asked, shaking her lips.

"Yes!" Mrs. Fang raised her eyebrows and answered directly affirmatively. Then she said to the woman who won the money, "Whoever, I gives you some guts. Who want the money you can ask from her. If she don't want to pay, I can tell you, this woman is Wei Zexuan's mother-in-law. Money will be nothing to them, then asked or you will leave with nothing."

After she finished speaking, she really turned around and wanted to leave. Fang Jinghua stepped forward and grabbed her, "You can't leave, we've agreed to it."

"What did you say?"

Fang Jinghua knew the person who wanted to deny, and naturally the previous words were overturned. She hurriedly turned to the wife of the contract engineer, hoping that she would come out and take some money, but the woman was actually empty.

Seeing that Mrs. Fang shaked her hand, she left like this, and Fang Jinghua stood innocently, just thinking that there was a whirl of sky above her head. There is a feeling that the sky is dark.

Five million... Five million...

"You? Was it really Wei Zexuan's mother-in-law? Why haven't we heard of it before?"

Fang Jinghua felt that her ears seemed to be covered with a thin film, and the more he could not hear the other person's speech.

"I still believe in Mr. Wei's credibility. So, you don't need to give money today, just call Wei Zexuan in my face. After all, this number is not small. It is estimated that no one has cash in hand. If so, just go to the bank account!"

"No..." Fang Jinghua finally spit out hoarsely, "I can't call him."

"Why can't we call Wei Zexuan, isn't he your son-in-law?"

Seeing Fang Jinghua for a long time she didn't speak, and the other two people in a poker game talked coolly, "Look at her dress, it should be fake! Anyway, I haven't heard anything about Wei Zexuan's mother-in-law. Have you heard about it?"

Another person echoed, "Not to mention the mother-in-law, who didn't even make his wife public. Just two months ago, two women broke out. Who knows which one is the right one!"

The winner of the money was said so, and his heart was lost.

She walked over and rubbed Fang Jinghua's shoulders, "Hey! What the hell is going on, can you say something? If you have cash money, you can write cheque or transfer money. If not, ask your son-in-law, the richest man, otherwise, don't say I'm not lenient to you."

Fang Jinghua shook her shoulders, trembling and looked up at the woman in front of him, "I have no money."

"No money?" The winning woman smiled with her head up and her face was speechless. "The mother-in-law of Wei Zexuan is also fake? You are the one who specializes in cheating money! I'm so much more like you. ."

The words are a bit ugly, but even if it is ugly, Fang Jinghua can swallow it. Because even if she was killed, she would not tell Wei Zexuan about this matter. Not to mention the huge amount of money, the matter of her own gambling was enough for Wei Zexuan to drive her out of that house.

Fang Jinghua hugged the winner's body all at once, "I still have hundreds of thousands on my account, or should I give you this deposit line first? You can rest assured that these five million will be returned to you, I will write you a note."

"Note? The document can be useless. Where do I go to catch you when you run away? Come on. Since you don't have the money, don't clean up and ask for food, just follow me!"

"Where?" Fang Jinghua looked at the person in front of her cautiously.

The man smiled but said nothing. Behind him, a woman from the poker game introduced the identity of this player,

"Where can I go? Zheng Tai's husband is mixed, and you go with her, and you can naturally take out the five million!"

The sweat on Fang Jinghua's face blew down suddenly, and the corners of her fearful lips were trembling, and she couldn't say a word. At this time, walked in and walked in alone.

The man said steadily, "I can give you five million cheques, can you leave with them?"

Suddenly, the four people looked towards the door together and saw that Liu Zhixan was walking elegantly in steps. As she walked, she drew a piece of paper out of the bag. It seemed that the five million check had already been written.

She was so generous that she approached the front, looked at Fang Jinghua, and then looked at the winner, "Mr. Zheng, you scared my auntie."

"Who are you?"

Liu Zhixsn was not slow, even with a slight smile on her lips, she put a check in her hand into the winner's hand, "What the use to know who I am? It is best to take the money, isn't it?"

The money-winner glanced at Liu Zhixan and said nothing. She looked down and checked the authenticity of the cheque carefully. Then she hummed, "It's not going to be over, but I also advise you, the money-seeker. It's better not to let gambling out like this, it's not shameful enough!"

After all, he lifted the cheque in his hand and left with two others.

In this mahjong room, Liu Zhixan and Fang Jinghua were left shortly. At the moment when the three men closed the door, Fang Jinghua's feet softened and almost sat on the ground. Fortunately, Liu Zhixan helped her, "Auntie, beware."

Fang Jinghua's panic even forgot to thank her. She was helped to the coffee table, and as soon as she sat down, she vigorously poured a cup of underwater belly, which slowly breathed her breath.

During this period, Liu Zhixan was beside her, but looked at her with a quiet smile, "Are you drinking?"

When the second glass of water was handed over, Fang Jinghua hesitated a little.

She is not ignorant of Liu Zhixan, but also knows that she was the woman who had been confused with Wei Zexuan, but Xia Yuxi suffered a lot. But why is she the one who helped repay the 5 million?

Anyway, her fortune-telling is preserved, so who's money can do? After Fang Jinghua drank another glass of water, the person was awake, and she slightly bowed down to say hello to Liu Zhixan, "Miss Liu, this matter really is thanks to you, you can rest assured that I will pay it back, but I may not get it for a while come out."

Liu Zhixan smiled and tilted easily. "Auntie, what do you use for it? As far as I know, you owed a lot of foreign debts, but Wei Zexuan paid it for you? Do you want to find him this time?"

"No!" Fang Jinghua resolutely replied.

Liu Zhixan couldn't help but laugh out of her voice, "So what do you want? Let me listen, but I think such a big thing still has to be put on Wei Zexuan, otherwise things will go wrong, you're done, I'm caught in the middle. It's not easy to do, can you make me worse now?"

Fang Jinghua opened her lips and did not know how to answer for a while.

It took a long time for her to sink her head, and her voice seemed to be free from the sky. "I will let Xiaoxi go out to make money. Will I give you back slowly?"

"No." As soon as Fang Jinghua looked up, his face was filled with question marks.

Because Liu Zhixan's tone also seemed to embarrass herself, but why did she do this! If it's embarrassing, why did she pay the five million for herself?

"Auntie, would I give you a suggestion, would you like to hear it?"

As soon as Liu Zhixan spoke, she had no real intention to ask for Fang Jinghua's meaning.

She looked down at her nails and said lightly, "The number of five million is not small! I think you are not looking for Wei Zexuan The words are simply not worth it, and Xia Yuxi is not a reliable thing to help you make money. Furthermore, even if she can afford it, you must first ask if I will take her money."

"What do you mean?"

Liu Zhixan smiled and leaned over her body, "Auntie, in fact, these five million can also be paid, but, can you help me do one thing, and do it well, I don't only need these five million, but also give to you. You don't have to pay back."

In the cloud that Fang Jinghua listened to, suddenly it was a threat, and suddenly it seemed that the pie had fallen from the sky.

So she couldn't wait to ask, "What? Miss Liu talk about it!"

The conversation between the two was not long, because things were going smoothly, that is, ten minutes! Liu Zhixan stepped away from the mahjong center in a low-key manner, and walked forward and told Fang Jinghua not to mention to anyone that she had seen her.

After she left, Fang Jinghua sat there alone, measuring in her heart whether there would be any undesirable consequences for her to do so, and the bag she held in her hand did not hurt anyone?