
Chapter 102: No Pain Without Asking

In the storage room on the second floor, there are some things that are out of season. Wei Zexuan only saw the monitoring equipment that was underneath after removing some shoe boxes.

This is a square box. Because there is no display installed, most people can't see anything. It seems that Liu Zhiyan hasn't noticed it.

Wei Zexuan crouched slowly in a small space, and he planned to take the video memory card inside and walk away. But when the body sank, a vertigo came over his head, and he reached out to help him around, and the spare shoe box fell to the ground.

The man shook his head hard, and the picture in front of him blurred and became clear.

Wei Zexuan thought it was hypoglycemia caused by bad air in the room or he was too tired recently.

He turned his head and glanced out the door subconsciously, because there was a faint sound of footsteps after the movement just now.

Time is running out!

Wei Zexuan quickly opened the box of the monitoring device and took out the memory card inside and held it in his hand. Almost at the same time, Liu Zhiyan pushed in the door and walked in. "What's the matter? The voice so loud just now?"

Wei Zexuan closed the box in his hand, and stood slowly behind the door. "These things are too messy. I accidentally touched them."

He turned to Liu Zhiyan and said indifferently, "Not found yet, where did you put my things?"

In front of the door, Liu Zhiyan crossed her hands on her chest, as if Wei Zexuan was telling a pleasant story. She didn't answer, but just smiled lightly.

Wei Zexuan stared at the corner of her slightly raised mouth, and a double shadow appeared again in front of him. After he patted the temple with his palms, Liu Zhiyan's shadow overlapped, scattered, and fissured like a person with a stunned soul... Two or three seconds later, there seemed to be several Liu Zhiyan smiling at him in front of him, and in his ears came the echo of this woman's voice.

"It looks like you're a little uncomfortable, or else I'm going to rest first, and I'll help you find it? I'll help you find it? Help you find it..."

At the moment, Wei Zexuan has been unable to control himself. He glanced down at his palms tightly and leaned leaning against the wall.

Liu Zhiyan came over with a smile like this, "I help you..."


Wei Zexuan swallowed and said, "What did you let me eat?"

The next second, the image in front of him dissipated, and a pair of eyelids sank as if they were carrying heavy weights.

"Booming" sound.

The little nanny was studying the contents of the textbook with NianNian, and she heard the voice. She hurried out of the room, and finally saw that the door of the storage room was open.

"Miss Liu, what's wrong!"

A lot of things scattered on the ground, a wolf, "Are you looking for anything? Have you hurt yourself?"

When Liu Zhiyan turned her head, her eyes were dangerous, "Don't talk nonsense, help me."

The babysitter didn't see until she was still lying on the ground. She covered her lips with her hands, and her body trembled. "Wei... Mr. Wei."

"Help him into the room." When speaking, Liu Zhiyan had already supported Wei Zexuan with his body. "You can't say anything about it today, or you will not just lose your job."

The babysitter was so scared that she turned pale, and she nodded her head as she stepped forward to help, but she couldn't say a word.

In the mansion of the Wei family, Xia Yuxi was wearing thin home clothes, sitting on the sofa.

She was quietly waiting for Wei Zexuan to return, but a sudden violent jump under her heart.

The woman stood up quickly and glanced out the window, a dark piece.

"What's the matter?" She muttered, rubbing her heart with her little hand, as if something dull was pressing her, she was almost breathless.

Sister Joe came out of the kitchen and brought her a glass of juice. When she gave it out, Sister Joe persuaded, "Don't wait, he will come back when he should return."

Xia Yuxi did not pick up anything, turned around and said blankly, "Sister Joe, my mood is suddenly very bad."


She tilted her head and said, "I don't know why, it's just this feeling very familiar, it seems like waiting for a person for a thousand years, very frustrated, no hope."

Sister Joe didn't know how to comfort Xia Yuxi, she opened her lips and closed them. The memory can't be found, but some feelings are still there. Sister Joe's experience of her past is also sitting on the sofa in the living room, waiting to see the person next door.

It's so distressing.

Thinking of this, Sister Joe put down her things and got up, pulling Xia Yuxi's arm directly, "Go upstairs, your brother has ordered me to let you go to bed earlier, you see what time it is."

"It's nine o'clock..."

Xia Yuxi tried to break free, but was pulled tight.

Sister Joe said indifferently, "Why, do you really want me to be fired because of you? Thank you for taking care of you in the hospital these days!"

Xia Yuxi was pulled towards the second floor, but he chattered, "Sister Joe, what can you do with my brother and that Liu Zhiyan! He has been going for an hour."

"I don't know, why don't you go and ask yourself."

"Sister Joe, that Liu Zhiyan must have something to do with us, I always think she is special!"

Sister Joe stood still and whispered and said, "There was no relationship before, and there will be no relationship in the future. That is a Sven scum. Our Wei family will never contact her."

After all, she pushed Xia Yuxi's body into the room, "Take a good night's sleep."

"Oh!" The door was knocked down.

Xia Yuxi said to herself, "Is that because of hatred against us?"

I don't know why, tonight Xia Yuxi couldn't sleep. Although she returned to the room after listening to Sister Joe, she just went from the floor-to-ceiling window downstairs to the window sill of the room.

She was sitting on the window stump with her legs squinted, her little hand fiddled with the petals of gardenia, her gaze was always on the window of the villa next door.

There is still light, there is no light...

Did Wei Zexuan come out of Liu Zhiyan and go somewhere else? Shouldn't he live in a neighbour's house?

She wondered in her heart until the sky was bright.

Xia Yuxi then returned to bed and lay down.

Before falling asleep, she thought vaguely, 'Why do I care so much whether my cousin is home, why I miss him all night, why...

"Why am I here?!"

When Wei Zexuan woke up in the morning, he sat on the soft big bed with his upper arms naked. Everywhere is the color that Liu Zhiyan likes, and the room is filled with the incense she uses.

The man patted his head hard, and suddenly stopped. When he spread his hands in front of him, he found that something was missing.

A moment's memory returned, making Wei Zexuan close her eyes tightly.

He remembered that he came to Liu Zhiyan to get the memory card in her monitoring equipment. He also remembered that the card was tightly held in his palm, and he...

When the man opened his eyes again, his eyes were scarlet.

He slaps the quilt... as expected.

"Yu Zhiyan!"

After hearing the roar, Liu Zhiyan pushed the door open, and she leaned on the door rail, admiring the naked man on the bed. "Come down and eat!"

What she said was like flirting between ordinary couples, which instantly made Wei Zexuan's eyes completely red.

As soon as the man stepped out of bed, he stepped in front of Liu Zhiyan.

He yanked Liu Zhiyan's neckline with a large hand and moved backwards heavily... The woman exclaimed and fell on the carpet in the room.

Over his head, the man's eyes were hazy, and he bent down slowly, covering Liu Zhiyan in the shadows. This cold feeling seemed to be pressed down all day.

If Wei Zexuan had been indifferent to himself before, then he only had hatred at this moment.

Liu Zhiyan raised her arm backwards and leaned towards the bed.

Wei Zexuan approached one or two steps until she never retreated.

"Wei Zexuan, you... what are you doing?"

The man hooked her and pulled her closer. "Last night, what did you do?"

Liu Zhiyan's dry throat rolled, "I should do it, I've done it."

As soon as her voice fell, a loud slap was remembered in the room.

The slap of pain was real. Liu Zhiyan reached out and touched the corner of her mouth, with red patches on his fingertips. She woke up and got excited.

Sober is Wei Zexuan's feelings for herself, and her impulse is that she must let Wei Zexuan take her fate.

The woman looked sideways and smiled, "What if you kill me? You have betrayed Xia Yuxi."

The man in front of him was shaking, and when he leaned over again, his hands were tightly wrapped around Liu Zhiyan's neck.

She was dragged from the ground by the hands around her neck, and Liu Zhiyan opened her eyes wide, her eyes protruding outward, but she could not say a word.

In just three or five seconds, her entire face was flushed red.

Wei Zexuan held her neck, pinned the person to the wall, and then made it clear, "Xia Yuxi, it was like this that she was almost killed by someone. You had better experience it once. But you and she is not comparable. I can do whatever it takes to keep her alive, and you, just the opposite..."

Liu Zhiyan rolled her eyes upwards, and she was as weak as silk.

She nodded for a moment, as if she was unconscious before she fainted, more like she understood Wei Zexuan's words and said yes.

The man then loosened his hands.

After a dull sound, Liu Zhiyi fell to the ground.

She slowly opened her eyes and spit out a mouth, "Will you kill me at all costs?"

The man lifted his clothes from the ground and put them on one by one. "It will make you worse off."

The two villas are less than 30 meters apart, and Wei Zexuan is very tired.

He was worried about Xia Yuxi, but it was himself who was accounted for. He didn't know what kind of mood he should face the woman at home.

On the contrary, Xia Yuxi looks very enthusiastic today.

As soon as Wei Zexuan stepped into the house, Xia Yuxi ran over and hugged his arm tightly. She asked a bit aggrieved "Brother, where did you go?"

"Next door."

When the man spoke, he released Xia Yuxi's hand. He couldn't bear the look of Xia Yuxi because he would have endless guilty conscience.

"You was next door all night? Are you familiar with that Liu Zhiyan?" Xia Yuxi chased Wei Zexuan all the way upstairs to the door of his room.

The man turned his back on him, his body fluctuated twice, then turned his head and said calmly, "Don't ask me anything, just take care of yourself."

"But I waited for you all night!"


Xia Yuxi somewhat relied on and pulled Wei Zexuan's clothing corner, "Because I miss you."

At this moment, Wei Zexuan really wanted to throw a slap in his face. He thought that after recognizing his feelings, he would no longer do things that hurt Xia Yuxi, but he was still mocked by fate.

Especially at this time of her amnesia, she actually did this kind of thing.

"Let me go." Wei Zexuan growled abruptly.

Xia Yuxi panicked and quickly let go of her arm. "Are you arguing with that big sister?"

"Say what!"

As soon as the door of Wei Zexuan's room opened, it closed again.

When going downstairs, Sister Joe stood with a blank face at the entrance of the stairs, apparently she heard the conversation between the two people.

Xia Yuxi glanced at her, and the unwillingness just came up again.

She came over and grabbed Sister Joe's arm tightly. "Sister Joe, tell me, what is the relationship between us and Liu Zhiyan next door?"

Wei Zexuan admits that he stayed with Liu Zhiyan for one night. Why made Sister Joe answer?

She glanced at the second floor, and in her heart helped Xia Yuxi scream.

"Sister Joe, even if you don't say that I will remember it one day sooner or later, if that time, I might hate you."

"I don't know, I don't know anything."

Sister Joe shook off Xia Yuxi's hand and hurried to the storeroom. She grabbed a rag and cleaner and hurried out. No matter what, she wiped when she saw it.

Xia Yuxi always followed her like this, "Sister Joe, isn't my brother going to quarrel with Sister Liu. Isn't it going to take a night to fight? Isn't the two of them...

Sister Joe turned around in a hurry, "Don't think about it, they can't have anything."

"What is that!"

In front of her, Sister Joe swallowed her mouth, still weighing the pros and cons in her heart.

If this kind of thing must be said by oneself, either Wei Zexuan is herself, then she would rather be herself.

"Liu Zhiyan likes your brother, but your brother doesn't like her. That's the relationship."

"Then why did he stay there all night?"

Sister Joe twisted her eyebrows. "They... have a child."

Xia Yuxi opened her lips and said something but nothing came out, and opened her lips again.

Finally, Sister Joe's answer satisfied all her curiosity. Everyone told themselves not to touch the woman named Liu Zhiyan, who turned out to be Wei Zexuan's ex-wife.


If the ex-wife's does not listen, it will destroy the feelings of his family and she should keep a distance.

This time, she had nothing to ask, it was time to be satisfied.

Vaguely, Xia Yuxi's feeling of chest tightness struck again, and her little hand was beating slowly on the chest, instead of being uncomfortable, she was too stuffy to breathe.