
Chapter 02: Is still doing what's worthless here.

"Isn't that what you want? How? Unsatisfactory?" Wei Zexuan, who looked with his cold eyes, couldn't help but mock out. His evil haughtiness jazz up and his eyes were full of pleasure.

"You... I love you so much..." Xia Yuxi said with her teeth were getting more and more painful. It might happened because of the drug she just taken. Xia Yuxi felt that the pain was coming out more from inside her body. Almost uncontrollable, Xia Yuxi fallen straight on the carpet without any preventive measure. The expensive carpet effectively shield her fall gravity and the pain was reduce.

"What do you think about it now? There are only two of us here, you don't have to act again!" Wei Zexuan originally planned to leave, but when she thought about her mother being definitely outside, the anger in his heart was several times stronger than before.

"I didn't make a fuss..." Xia Yuxi wanted to control her grievances, but couldn't stop the tears. The pain from the abdomen and heart made her feel at loss. She didn't know if she still loved the man infront of her, if she do, this love is really worthless.

"Don't think that I don't know your tricks. Do you think you can convince my mom to scold me? Dream on!" Wei Zexuan now wants to kill this woman with his own hands, but being pressure, he can only endure it.

"Well, what do you think is good..." Xia Yuxi had no strength to care about him, only drag her numb body and climb to the bed. Just with touching the soft mattress, Xia Yuxi breathe out unconsciously. She, then wrapped her whole self with a quilt as the man's soft curse reached her ear.

"Is it the original form? Don't think that you are pitiful, all that happened today is what you are looking for!" The voice of the man is mixed with shameless triumph.

"Well, I am looking for..." The quilt covered till her head. Xia Yuxi whispered and then curled up her petite body completely.

Wei Zexuan was sitting on the sofa thinking tentatively. Finally, he reached out and loosened the button of his shirt. The last button cannot be unfastened. It was smashed directly by him and the button fell to the ground.

"We can't go back anymore... I can't go back..." Xia Yuxi felt the pain in her body was increasing. She try to control her emotions but the pain was too unbearable that she cried again hoping the man might do something.

"Can't you go back?" Hearing this sentence, Wei Zexuan, squinted for a second, followed by silence.

"Well, I can't go back..." Xia Yuxi wiped her tears with the corner of the quilt, and said nothing anymore.

"I never thought about how to be with you!" It was only that second. She felt that somewhere in her heart was suddenly stung by something sharp. "Let's get down!" Not waiting for Xia Yuxi's emotions to be stabilize, Wei Zexuan pulled Xia Yuxi down.

Suddenly pulled up by such a force, Xia Yuxi's arm was hurt. She had just stopped crying but due to the pain, she screamed. "Wei Zexuan, what are you going to do?" She was really unhappy..

"I am taking the bed." Looking at the crying Xia Yuxi with her rosy red cheek, Wei Zexuan's face scornfully smiled. His deep facial features were blurred under the cover of the night.

"What do you say?" Xia Yuxi's voice softly. Her Wei Zexuan had chased her to the sofa?

"I let you sleep on the sofa, can't you understand?" After that, Wei Zexuan waved his hand and directly pushed Xia Yuxi to the position of the sofa, but he was not careful. Xia Yuxi felt her stomach hit the corner of the coffee table.

"Ah..!" Uncontrollable, Xia Yuxi screamed, both her hands pressed hard against her abdomen that was hit. The sharp pain instantly filled her whole body, and the sweat on her forehead could be seen.

"You can't even get out of bed. Get out of here immediately!" Wei Zexuan who was frustrated, pulled the quilt over in bed and turned a blind eye to Xia Yuxi.

"Well..." Where can she go if she leaves here? Thinking about this, Xia Yuxi no longer makes any noise and just lying on the sofa sadly.

Fortunately, the sofa is quite large, it has more space to accommodate her small body but the temperature of the night still makes her body chill. Holding on to the coldness and shivering to herself, she desperately fell into the depths on the sofa.

There was only one quilt in the room. Xia Yuxi, who was lying on the sofa, stared at the sky outside. Since its almost early in the morning, the sky slightly brighten up.

Still unable to sleep due to the cold weather... Xia Yuxi desperately comforts herself and forces herself to close her eyes to sleep.

The clock on the wall showed 7 o'clock in the morning, Wei Zexuan did not have the habit of staying in bed. Few minutes after the alarm clock rangs, he calmly sit up from the bed.

Xia Yuxi with a heavy head due to her sleepless night, opens her eyes when the alarm clock rings.

Outside the window, she could hear the bird sings. Wei Zexuan stretched out his body, did not look at the person curled up on the sofa and walked straight into the bathroom.

The sound of the water made Xia Yuxi feel a sense of security for a moment. She felt that her head seemed to be heavier than last night. Her eyes showed some discomfort. Could it be... fever?

Although Xia Yuxi tried to stand up several times, it wouldn't work and her body still settles on the sofa. She moved some of her stiff arms, reached out and touched her forehead.. It's hot.

"Why don't you leave? Waiting for me to drive you away?" Wei Zexuan, who came out of the bathroom, still had drops of water from his body. His eyes were slightly confined and he couldn't tell his uneasiness.

"I... I will go right away..." Although her mouth voiced out, Xia Yuxi's feeling powerless and her body is getting more and more severe. It seems that she may faint at anytimes...

"What? You want it last night? Do you want it now? What are you still doing here?" Wei Zexuan yelled at her, but he accidentally grabbed her arm at this moment. Pause for awhile. So hot?

Slightly stunned by his action and before she could reacts towards his stronger strength, Xia Yuxi was pulled straight to him.

All of the sudden, Xia Yuxi's feet were unstable and fell straight to the ground.