
The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife

Sabrina Jewel found out she was pregnant after so many pregnancy tests. The same day, her husband, the powerful President of Jewels Group of Companies in NY city, Robin Jewel, brought another woman home after Sabrina had endured his escapades with ceaseless women and tried to be a good wife. “What? After all the sperm, you could not for once be pregnant. Not even a miscarriage. She did your job for you,” Robin pinned the blame on Sabrina. Sabrina’s world crumbled right before her eyes. She left her family for this idiot but not anymore. His father knew who she was but Robin never took the pain to even research about her throughout their three years of marriage. Since he got another woman pregnant, she was done for good. “I have had enough, Robin. It’s either she leaves or I leave….”

Glorious_Eagle · Thành thị
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Chapter 250 - For as long as it takes

With a slight difficulty, Robin peeled the hands wrapped around him, his eyes filled with resentment, as he glared at the woman in front of him.

Sabrina was standing by his side so he could not see her facial expression and the valet had also arrived, giving him his car remote control.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Disappointment flashed in the woman's eyes and Sabrina was equally confused because she remembered the said woman from Robin's college days. 

He was in his final year whilst Sabrina was in her first year.

Shandra Kane was the most popular girl in college and there were rumors at one point that Robin dated Shandra before they both graduated from college. 

Sabrina had no idea about how their relationship continued after they graduated from college because Robin from then was learning about how to manage the Jewels Company Limited when Sabrina was in her second year.

"Robin, you don't remember me?" Shandra was awed.