
4️⃣ visiting families

Cao Jain put the riding saddle on, Sun Jain put their son on the saddle and straps him in good. They turn into Dragons and fly down the sky. Heading to the land of the Dragons, meanwhile on the land of the dragons. " Are you sure they coming with the baby" Yuan, Asked? Wu Jain, " when you two going to get the grill started. They going to be here soon, Said. * Zhong Jain, " not just they have Du with them right * Zhong? Asked. Shi Jain, " they not going to leave him by himself, Shi. Said, Yao Jain, " may we should call and see if they left Yanying yet. Said, Cao Jain, " that is a great idea son, Wu calls the castle. Said, Zhou Jain. " do not do that leave the screen alone Wu Jain, they are in the air now. Said, Su Jain, " will you three get the fish on the grill please and relax, we all excited to see them and the baby, Said. Xai Jain, " how you know they are in the air? in the kingdom of the Cats, Wen Bao put the ridding saddle on him and fasten it on, then turn into a cat. Xiang Bao put their son on it and straps him on, she turned into a cat and they ran out the gates, on the mountain of cats, Chen and Xu Heng are sitting around. " will you two go get the dear on the burners please, they are here any minute now. Said, Xiao Heng. " you do mean Xiang, Wen, and Geng? Asked. Xu Heng. " who else we are talking about? Asked. Du Heng, " I hope so, said. Jin Heng, " how about you worry about getting the dear on the burner boys then watching for them to come. Said, Li Heng. In the kingdom of the Bears, Liang Yun put the riding saddle on, tighten it on him. He turned into a bear, Ding Yun put Su on it, and fasten her on, and turn into a bear and they walk out of the gates, in the great woods of the Bears. "what is taking them so long, asked. Deng Yun, " they will be here. And put the birds on the burn, please. Said, Zhao Yun, " we don't live that far. Maybe we should call them and see if they are coming, said. Ren Yun, " no, stop rushing them. Go put the birds on will you, said. Xiang Yun, in the whales' kingdom, walked into the water, Hong Yu put the bubble saddle on him, and fasten onto him. And turn into a Whale, Zheng Yu put their daughter on and strap on the saddle, the bubble went over, and Zheng Yu turned into the water, and they swim under the water, in the wave of the whales. " where are they at!? Asked, Jiang Duyi, " they are coming to Jain get the fish on the oven will you please, said. Zhang Duyi. they landed on the ground, and prince Du Cao laughed. They turn into themselves as everyone walked. " Was that fun riding on papas back, she takes the harness strap off him and picked him up, Cao Jain, take the riding saddle off him and lay it on the ground. " how was the flight here, hey grandson, said. Wu Jain, reach for his grandfather, " son you been with us all day, and now you have abandoned us, said. Cao Jain. " yes, I want my grandfather now. she hands him to her father, Wu Jain kissed his grandboy. " the flights weren't too bad, the wind was just right. Said, Sun Jain. they arrived at the mountains of the Cats, and they change back into themselves, Xiang Bao unstrapped him and picked him up. Wen Bao take off the riding saddle and sat it down on the ground, " what took you two so long, you are cats you suppose to be fast, Asked. Chen Heng. " dad can run, can he? huh, Geng. cheez dad, hi to you too. Said, Xiang Bao. " like they forgot about us when we give them a grandkid. Said, Wen Bao, " chill out and give me our grandchildren, Xiang. Said, Xiao Heng, she gives him to her, and she takes him from her daughter. in the arrived at the great woods of the bears, they were)k up to them. Ding Yun unstrap their daughter and picked her up. " that was more fun than riding grandfather back, said. Ding Yun, " no, grandfather is faster than daddy. you two do know that you can run right? Asked. Deng Yun, " you are not that faster than me dad, and yes, we want Bai Ju to enjoy herself while riding daddy back. said, Liang Yun, they made it to the ocean of the whales, the bubble open up, and Zheng Yu unfasten their daughter and pick her up. Hong Yu take the bubble saddle off and lay it on the ground. They walked up to them, " that was a blast huh, said. Zheng Yu, " you do know that you have the power to swim fast right? asked. Jiang Duyi, " a course grandpa, but not when she is riding us. said, Hong Yu. it is just another day with the family, the dragons were having a feast. " The kingdom going our queen and king? Asked. * Zhong Jain. " good, do you need anything to deliver here, meats, fish, or crops? Answered. Sun Jain, " no we are good, ain't that right Du, he laughed. " You two are doing good, Yuan and Wu taught you very well. Said, Wang Jain. the Cat family is having dinner upon the mountains, " how is parenthood? Asked. Xiao Heng, " good and fun, I love being a mom. Said, Xiang Bao. " I love being a dad, taking him hunting and fishing has been blasted, said. Wen Bao, the Bear is also having a good time and each other pleasant too. " This little one is growing so fast. Said, Zhao Yun. " Yeah, she is one and a half next few months, Said. Liang Yun, " she is going to be one in a half and a few days, you little bear stop grow. Said, Li Yun, she giggled at her great-grandmother. The Whale family is enjoying a nice meal outside, " you know it is good that all four of you are friends, said. Peng Duyi, " whoever thought the whale joining forces with the Dragon, the Bear, and the Cat. said, Zheng Yu, " nothing wrong with that my daughter Yuan, Xiao, and Zhao are good people, all four of us new our kings were going to be friends and all knew our son and daughters were going to be the best of friends. said, Zhang Duyi. " Even Wu, Deng, and Chen are good guys so are only natural that you are friends with their son and daughters. that means Su is destined to be friends with their children, and it seems she is already is. said, Jiang Duyi. back on the Land Of The Dragons, they fill their stomachs and just relaxing. " so when is the festival? Asked. Yuan Jain, " what festival mother? Gah, called. Du Cao. " yes my son, " your mother knows what festival I am talking about, the Dragon people of the Dragon City needs a festival, said. Yuan Jain, " will I guess all four could come together in the plane a festival for our people. Said, Cao Jain, As the Cat family are purring from a wonderful meal, " it is time you and the other three come together and plans a festival, said. Xiao Heng, " is that season already? asked. Xiang Bao. " yes, the Cat people of the Cat city need a festival, said. Chen Heng, after eating a great