

What if two families from a wealthy conglomerate got together? what will the world make of? One has a background in the most dangerous mafia in Italy and the other is a well-known head prosecutor in Indonesia. Not enough with them, here are the best CIA agents of their generation and many other great people who are just as rich. What are you waiting for?! Come on, follow the story!

Chasalla16 · Hiện thực
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164 Chs


Ellen could only cover her laughter with a faint cough seeing Silvestri's behavior like that. "That woman is so stupid," she thought again, mocking the middle-aged woman in front of her.

Uhukk … uhukk … uhukkk …. (cough)

Silvestri coughed after sipping the drink with a face that clearly showed she didn't like the drink.

"Che c'è? non ti piace quella bevanda? (What's wrong? You don't like that drink)?" asked Ellen pleasantly.

Of course, Ellen knew Silvestri wouldn't like the drink. Because the drink that Ellen served her was a sambiloto herbal drink, which is bitter herbal medicine that she usually drank while in Indonesia. Rarely and not much, even almost no Europeans like the taste of herbal medicine, and Silvestri's tongue is no exception.