
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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22 Chs

Introduction To The Snake Pit

On the train ride, Draco was a bully and Ron reacted like usual. The outcome was different though, as one twin slapped Ron while the other kicked Draco hard in the shin. This stunned the bodyguards into looking confused just long enough that Hermione was scolding the blond who was hopping when Neville and Luna found their cabin. At their arrival several seconds later, the two standing Slytherins grabbed hold of their friend and pulled him out. The Gryffindors pulled their door shut behind them.

"Well. That was brisk. What's the rest of the weather forecast for today?"

"Hey, guys. My Grandmother got me a new wand."

"Awesome, Neville. How did you get her to do it?"

"I was doing things in my greenhouse wandless instead of using my wand. When she caught me and asked why, I told her about how I found it easier to do it that way."

With that, Neville went on through the story of how he was hovering his fertilizer bags behind him as he worked in the greenhouse when he hadn't noticed his grandmother walking in. The man with her was looking rather surprised at the use of the wandless magic as well. When they asked him to repeat it with his wand to see how badly it was working against him, it had been a total flop to keep the bags of fertilizer in the air. Neville was demonstrating the story with his bookbag and his old wand.

"He and Gran had been talking political alliance stuff. Mr. Diggory you know is Cedric's father, and he recognized me and told Gran that keeping me with that wand was not something a good guardian would do. So of course she took me to get a new wand, especially as he came a week later to see if I had gotten a new wand yet."

Cheers and high fives were given.


There was enough people that they could take a carriage without anyone outside the group.

"Hermione, tomorrow's the weekend, right? Could you help me and Dudley look for something in the library?"

"Sure what's up?"

"We're looking about how crazy family relations work. Hypothetically, I am related to someone in two different ways."


"Maybe, not really."

"Sure. There's a lot about how the pure bloods work that I don't understand. I had been putting it off, you know with all the crazy adventures we've been having over the years. You know, we're running out of scarier creatures for you to find so how to get along with this culture would be a good idea."

"Thanks. Does after lunch work, or do you want to do it after breakfast?"

"After lunch works."

"Sounds like a plan."


Dudley had gone with Hagrid as he was larger than the typical first year student. Hagrid didn't feel it was safe, balancing out Dudley with lighter first years, and Dudley just thought that it would be awkward compared to otherwise. They walked together along the water's edge.

Dudley was sorted last of the first years. Harry was watching with anticipation when he stepped up to the school and had the hat put on his head. Only a few seconds passed before the hat yelled, "SLYTHERIN."

Dudley got up and pushed himself into a spot at the Slytherin table.

Minerva McGonagal was about to put the hat away, when it started complaining.

"Wait. We're not done here. Go back out front. RESORT REQUIRED."

Minerva set the hat and stool back out looking a little shrug.

"Hmmph. Finally. POTTER, HARRY."

Harry Potter got to his feet and walked to the front. He felt like he was under the gaze of everyone as he sat on the stool. His current head of house stuck the hat on his head.

"So you're finally going to listen to me, then?"

"I guess so, hat."

"About time. Your brother of sorts is more Slytherin in some ways and more Gryffindor in others. You'll have to help each other with the animosity towards you I have been picking up from your proper house. His loyalty tends to keep more than yours, while it's harder to gain. He's not been stymied when it comes to dealing with bullies. Now, I'm about to yell Slytherin, and when I do, place me on Snape's head, will you?"



Harry Potter got up from the stool and handed the potions professor and new Head of House the hat.

"He told me he wants to talk to you, sir."

"Fine. Hand it here."

"Yes, sir."

Harry, in his newly green bordered robes, walked over to Dudley and sat next to him in the seat that Dudley was sparing for him.

"Thanks, Dud."

"Your welcome, Harry. What was the hat talking to you about?"

"Talk to you later?"


The group over at the Gryffindor table were showing various emotions. The twins started laughing. Neville looked a little startled and a little sad, and Hermione had slapped Ron who had been about to start sputtering. Dean and Seamus were shocked, and the rest of the girls started whispering.

It wasn't just the students that were affected. Dumbledore had started sputtering himself, and McGonagal looked a cross of relieved and surprised. The woman from the Ministry seemed stuck in shock, repeating "what" every so often. The ones closer to the teacher's table passed that down the line, and they were sure they knew what kind of DADA teacher they would have that year. Nothing much would be learned, and everyone would be reading the library in order to pass the end of year exams. Any respect that she had been trying to get that first evening was absolutely shot as the twins and Slytherins, at least the younger ones, were already planning on how to irritate her and make it look like it was Peeves. Of course, once aware, the poltergeist would probably get in on the action as well. The Headmaster finally said the beginning speech, and food was served at the tables.

Harry and Dudley stayed with the first years. They filled up their plates, passing the food dishes around with the eleven and twelve year old kids around them. They introduced themselves to the table, ignored the snubbing from the older kids, and got along with the few that would talk with them.


"You call yourself a spy and you've been misreading signs of gaining independence of an abused student for the arrogance of James Potter."

Snape's eyebrows rose.

"Are you sure you are not misreading things?"

"I am very much sure. I've been sure all three times I've been on Harry Potter's head. Just as I am sure that you've missed it all these years from his head and now from yours."

"I'll try to keep that in mind."

"I am sure with the stubbornness of your brain it will take a few reminders. They are NOT to go back to the Dursleys. The place they have is good, but you know the Headmaster is going to try to send them back. You know this is the only time I can tell on a student, when it is a life threatening or potentially life threatening situation. Go ahead, you can put me away now."


Snape took the hat off his head, gave it to McGonagal, and sat down again. He looked down until he could look appropriately blank. It was no use giving the Ministry toad anything. She might not look threatening, but because of her status outside the school, she could make a lot of trouble for them.


Harry grabbed the slip of paper passed to him from the first year on the end of the table. Taking a pen and parchment, he wrote a quick note and passed it to Dudley under the table. As sticking papers into robe pockets were easier than sticking them into pants pockets, it was done rather swiftly. Above the table it only looked like Harry was writing something and sticking it in his bag, as his supplies were replaced in the same movement.

The older Slytherins were keeping a watchful eye on the larger two down among the first years. Watchful resentment over a seeming infiltration of Potters was the main thought process of quite a few. However, being affronted was not the only thought. A small minority, Blaise included, thought that if being Gryffindor was a mask that Harry Potter had worn over the years, they really didn't know the real Harry Potter at all. Others were confused. They had thought that being Slytherin meant that there was no room to be Gryffindor, and that was obviously wrong.

Dudley knew enough of this type of behaviour that he was expecting things to happen as soon as no teachers could hear or see. He knew Harry would also recognize this, but knew that there would be a portion of time in which he would be alone with them away from Harry or a teacher. Even though he was listening and talking with the younger years, he was planning.

After supper, Harry had gotten up before the desert, seeing the Headmaster leave as well.

After dessert, Dudley and the rest of the first years were shown to the Slytherin common room and dorms. Dudley was shown to the fifth year guys dorm he was sharing with Harry and a couple others after the first years were shown to theirs. Once in his room, he found his trunk at the foot of a bed and sat on it. Deciding that now was the time to read the paper that Harry had slipped to him he read "Have Dobby check me for meddling when I come back". Right, there were enemies on two sides of them. Well, shortly they would be able to tell where the rest would be hopefully.

Draco stepped into the room.

"So you're bunking in here?"

"It would be inappropriate for me to bunk with preteens."

"You're not spying on us, are you?"

"I am not spying on you for Gryffindor, and Harry isn't either. I can promise you that much. Did the hat ever consider you for Gryffindor?"

"No, I just want to be able to relax in my bed space."

"Just don't start anything then."

"May I ask, why are you coming here so late?"

"You may ask, but, (as a prefect stuck their head in to tell them to get down the stairs) you'll have to learn later. Depends how you'll use the information."


Draco nodded as the two boys headed down to the common room from the dorm where the students were gathering. Their Head of House stood waiting. Harry knocked and was let in as they did so.

Professor Snape gave the Head of House speech. He ended with a couple points.

"If you don't remember anything else, stick up for each other out of these walls. We are targeted by the other houses, though mainly Gryffindor. The other thing to remember if you don't remember anything else is don't get caught. Do everything in your power to not lose house points as it is hard enough for Slytherin house to gain them. Understood?"

A chorus of "Yes, Professor" answered him.

"Excellent. The password is on the corkboard. Pay attention and don't get locked out. Dismissed."

Dudley stood to show Harry the dorm room. Draco came in behind them.

"So, Dudley, are you going to answer my question? Why are you starting school so late?"

Harry looked up, "Are you going to swear on your magic you will not spread this around?"

"Is that the price for getting my curiosity filled?"

Dudley looked at Harry, nodded, and said, "Yes."

"All right I will do so. I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, swear on my magic that I will not spread around why Dudley Dursley-Potter is starting school late. Done."

Harry nodded at Dudley.

"I got adopted by Harry. I had magic, now that I have accidental magic I know I've felt it all my life, but I haven't been able to use it until now. It's as if the whole adoption thing put a hole in the dam holding it back."

Draco stopped dead.

"Wait. Seriously?! No wonder if you fit in Slytherin, Harry is coming too. That is a genuine scary problem, and if I get you too upset, you're likely to blow the whole castle to smithereens. You need all the support you can. Let me know if things start to bug you too much."

Harry was watching the whole conversation closely.

"Is that an honest desire to help, Malfoy?"

"It is, and also partially a desire to stay alive. Since you've let me know about that, you may as well call me Draco."

"Then you may call me Harry."

"And you may call me Dudley."

Harry saw the paper on the bed and said to Dudley in an aside, "I'm heading to the washroom."

Dudley asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm sure I can take care of it myself."


Harry picked up the paper and left. In the washroom stall, Dobby stated that there was no nasty magics. Harry let him leave, and then when he was gone, actually used the washroom. He came back out more relaxed.

"Good news?"

"All clean."

"Wait, were you checking yourself for tampering... from the Headmaster?"

"Yes. He has already done it once that we've caught."

"I thought you trusted the Headmaster."

"That changed last year with the whole Tri-Wizard thing. He had me tell him everything that happened when I was dealing with being poisoned, bleeding, and shaking from the Cruciatus. Madam Pomphrey was not happy with him, and neither was I. He stopped my mail too."

"I hope you got that fixed."

"Yes. Anyway, I still kind of care for him, but he's lost my complete trust."

"Do you think Dumbledore is going to use the fact that you're now in the snake pit?"

"What do you think? I think it would be a change to anyone's chessboard. He'll try use it anyway."

"Is Dumbledore going to use you to gain our trust?"

"I cannot put it past him to try, but I can always easily say you're having a hard time trusting someone you've been going against for our entire school years and that it is not happening. However, if I make it known I don't trust Dumbledore, that will make it more likely for you guys to trust me. If he manipulates me into doing something, then that means he might expect you guys to follow me into helping me or something. However, I would hope you guys would be able to see the manipulation as it is and help me find other options. That is a warning."

Zabini stepped forwards, from where he had been mostly hidden by Draco.

"That's convoluted, Potter."

"He has been manipulating me most of my school years. Actually, the answer would be as soon as Hagrid knocked on the door and introduced me to the wizarding world."

Dudley stated, "Harry has told me the truth about his school years. Harry's been a pawn almost the entire time."

"We'll definitely keep that in mind."

"Good. I don't know when things will happen, but they typically start around Halloween. I noticed I have been under a mini interrogation. I hope you don't mind if I have some? Why are you treating us somewhat civilly?"

"The hat stuck you here and I am not sure why."

"I am not the hat."

Harry said that blandly, but then he started to grin.

Dudley laughed. "Oh, man. Ever since we've been getting along, we've been working together to pull the wool over peoples' eyes. We have our own blunt edges, so we can be mistaken for Gryffindors, but we're not. Like the Weasley twins."

"Say what?"

Blaise just shuddered. "I am so glad they decided to go into the house their family typically goes into and not in here."

"By the way, Draco, if you hadn't taunted Ron about how he got second hand things, I would have shaken your hand on the train. Otherwise, some of your taunts are well delivered."

Draco gaped, then groaned and flopped onto his bed.

"My world just flipped. Is it raining, or is it the water from the oceans falling down?"

Blaise rubbed his head in exasperation. He knew that the path ahead for the two Potters was anything but easy.