

"Daddies!!" Kookie shouted as he walked to his daddy and dadda's cabin stomping his feet.

Everyone was looking at him while Jimin and Jin were covering him but "Don't cover me!! Let me meet my daddy and my-" Jimin put his hand on Kookie's mouth.

"Kookie, you cannot," Jimin whispered and then Kookie remembered where he is and composed himself again.

He walked to the cabin and opened the door with a bang startling the two inside.

"Handle your little now," Jimin said as he closed the door. Jimin and Jin walked away.

"Baby, what happened?" V asked as he extended his hands for Kookie to hug him and the latter did.

Kookie sat on V's lap. He fold his hands and pouted looking at his daddies and cutely glaring at them.

"What happened bub?" V asked.

"Daddies don't love Kookie" Kookie had a pouty face and eyes ready to cry anytime.

Taehyung got up immediately and kneeled in front of Kookie who was on V's lap.

"Why do you think like that baby?"

"Because once you didn't call Kookie" both sighed.

"Because we were busy bub, many things were happening" Kookie was still pouting.

"We wanted to clear everything up and then call you" Taehyung cupped Kookie's cheeks "So, that Kookie can spend some time with his daddies" Kookie looked at his daddies with suspicion.

Taehyung and V were showing him innocent eyes, Kookie melted in those eyes and gave in by hugging his daddies who looked at each other and winked.

V broke the hug "Bub, you sleep, we still have a little work okay?" Kookie nodded and slept on V while leaning his head on the latter's shoulder and legs on V's, eyes closed as he drifted off to dreamland as V sang sweet night.

Kookie liked that song but when his daddies sing this song for him, he loves it. The deep voice of his daddies while singing made him happy because he is the only one who can hear it, and only him, if anyone else hear it then they... Let's say they stop breathing *happened once*.

"V" the latter looked at Taehyung while patting Kookie's head "Don't ever sing in front of others, our singing voice is only for them," Taehyung said eye pointing at Kookie.


"Once, I was singing for Kookie at the base, here when someone came, he was at a high level and when I was singing for Kookie, my back was facing the door. I didn't know when he entered, he waited till I completed singing-"


"You have a nice voice, boss" Taehyung turned around with Kookie on his lap who glared at the person for listening to his dadda's singing voice.

"Thank you. What are you doing here?"

Before the person could say anything, Kookie asked "Did you hear my dadda sing?!" He asked glaring at the latter who nodded with a smirk, knowing very well that his boss only sings for his boyfriend and no one has heard him sing before, even his family.

Kookie was very special to Taehyung and only sang for him. Kookie said nothing and looked around with his sleepy and angry eyes, he found something at the table and walked to it while the two looked at him.

"Why are you taking a knife-" and the was a knife in the person's head, aimed perfectly. Taehyung had his eyes wide, he never saw Kookie like this, he thought Kookie was an innocent baby who didn't know anything about mafia and killing but here he can see how possessive and crazy he is.

Taehyung walked to Kookie who was glaring at the dead body and chanting "Mine, Mine, Mine" Taehyung pulled him in a hug as he called someone to clean the dead body.

Flashback end

V choked on air and started coughing while looking at Taehyung and then at Kookie who was sleeping soundly then back at Taehyung.

"So, be careful when you sing" V nodded, still processing what he heard whereas Taehyung was again back to their work.