
The mansion

I looked out the window to see, a beautiful house. Far prettier than anything else I've ever seen.

The door was opened, "Young master, I can carry the guess if you would like."

"No, it's alright I'll carry him." He declined.

"I really don't need to be carried, I can walk," I replied.

"Walk? You hardly can without your knees giving out, that was two days ago." He spoke.

I just didn't want to deal with getting carried again.

He carried me to the room, "I can be put down now."

"Hmm? I should get that wheelchair, it'd be troublesome if you couldn't get downstairs while I wasn't here." He muttered.

He called someone on the phone, "Get me the wheelchair I ordered today, you have twenty to get it, understand."

He hanged up the phone, "You really didn't have to do that."

He's trying to spoil me, I bet you that wheelchair is a good 500-1000$ considering he's rich in the stuff.

"No matter how many times you say it, I'm still getting it." He said.

"Young master, Miss Lin is here." A butler said.

Seems there's a second female lead, the enemy of the first also, ten times complicated.

"Xi, I missed you, I haven't seen you in—"

She stared at me, "Names Jotani, Call me Jojo."

I changed my name, I sick of that name, far more than used than needed.

"Jojo, my name is Ri Lin, nice to meet you." She smiled sweetly.

[Hello crippled, I will be using you in order to get what I want]-Is what I imagine is what she thinking about. I mean come on! You know she's evil, most chicks are in this world!

"Jojo, behave. I have the guys getting the wheelchair from downstairs, be right back." He spoke.

He left as her eyes became cold, "You will be used, behave like a little puppy you are."

I nodded, "I'm the puppy, then your a mutt, but at least I'm cute."

I smiled, as he opens the door, "Here ya go."

He walked over and carried and carefully placed me into the wheelchair, "Thank you."

I smiled, "Xi, so what are ya doing tonight? My family is having a party this evening if you would like to come?"

He looked at me, "Jojo, you decide."

"You can go ahead, I'll be fine, here," I replied.

"No, you can come along as well, My family would love to meet you, Jojo, they've never you." She spoke quickly.

"I'd prefer not, I'm not much of a party person anyway," I muttered.

I turned my wheelchair around to loom through the window, it looked odd, there were two men discussing something near that shady area over near the town square.

She walked towards me and whispered, "You better behave little puppy, or I'll tell Xi, that your a big meany and he'll kick you out of the house."

"I'm not going isn't that good enough for you," I replied.

"Good enough? You have a large fortune you're going to inherit in a couple of months, I want all of it." She softly spoken.

I blinked at her and slightly grinned, "I'm not a fool, I wouldn't fall for your sly tricks any day women, so, don't test, me."

My eyes glowed again, "Dare test me if you like."

She walked away, as he came over, "What were you guys talking about?"

"Hmm, nothing." I muttered "There's nothing to worry about."

I sighed, "Xi, we should get going."

"Right." He replied "I'll be back, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

He shut the door as I called on the phone, "Find any dirt on Ri Lin, and make it so it's texted to me, anything that could be a scandal will do, and be quick about it, Aki."

"Yes boss." Aki replied "Boss, there's also another problem, it seems that Diablo's men, are moving towards are Z base. What are your orders?"

"Capture the leader and question him, leave not witness to the capture in other wards, capture all on sight." I explained.

"Yes boss, I will do as ordered." Aki replied.

"Good, I'll see you later." I replied.

I smiled, more like a smirk, same difference! I hope that idiots okay.

Meanwhile with Xi....

"Young master Zhang, we're thankful you came this evening." A young women spoke.

"I came as it's polite to see you again." Xi replies in a stiff stone cold manor.

"Mother, Xi has a guess at his mansion, he's really sweet." Ri spoke.

Narrator here gonna translate what she really means- "Mother, there's someone who could ruin my plan, we need to get rid of him! Fast of possible."