
Misty And Beatrice, Two Huge Pains That Must Be Overcome

Beatrice Tracer was an above average girl, everything she ever did she did with perfection. Grades, looks, popularity, cheerleading, love, everything came to her easily like the flow of water. Everything went her way every day and thats the way she liked it, at least until the one time it didn't go her way, when she was struck by lightning.

The day had been crappy from the start, not because of any unfortunate accidents but rather because a group of mysterious storm clouds had gathered over her home town of New York City and had been there for the past week. The storm clouds wouldn't have been anything strange except that they never moved and never rained, lightning was rarely even seen from it, only ever coming down once to twice a day. It seemed that the only purpose they served was to block out the sun and ruin other peoples days.

Beatrice was a narcissitic person by nature, something she knew and wasn't ashamed to admit, because she knew she was great, better then most other girls and she felt she deserved better. Though she received love letters constantly in her locker she usually ripped them or met the boy personally to tell them she was too good for them, crushing their dreams and even going so far as to make it public knowledge.

"Um, quick question," Max asked as he interrupted the story. "Are you telling us that you knew you were a bitch and you were proud of it, because thats what I'm hearing from you right now."

Beatrice nodded her head, a small smile on her face. "Okay, you can continue your story," Max said as he returned to rubbing Pikachu's sleeping body.

Beatrice nodded and went on to explain that she had been on her way to cheerleading practice when she suddenly saw a flash of light, felt a lot of pain, a feeling of being cold and stiff passing over her before she passed out. The next thing she recalled was waking up in a forest filled with strange creatures she had never seen or even heard of before. She was quick to adapt though and soon realized that some of these creatures could be killed and treated as food. She was close to a city but since she had no money she couldnt do anything about it and simply lived out here for a full day with various people calling themselves Pokemon Trainers would stop and ask if she would like to battle. She had to practically scream at one guy who had tried to approach her in a sad attempt to woo her.

Max wasnt too satisfied with her story, especially since it was the opposite of his own. In his original world he was average in everything he did, but he was kind and caring about others and was never conceited or selfish about anything. "Damn Beatrice, no offense but you sound like a total bitch. I'm from New York too but you dont see me acting like I'm better then anyone else."

"Wait, your from New York as well?" Beatrice asked, disbelief on her face. "Then do you know a way back or even where this place is? If you know then please tell me, I'm begging you."

"I'm from New York City, yes that much is true, but as to this world." Vex shook his head slowly. "I dont know very much about it, just that this is a world full of Pokemon and people enslave them in pokeballs in order to make them fight against one another in pokemon battles. The people who enslave the pokemon are known as Pokemon "Trainers" and they command the pokemon to do as they please and enforce their own ideals on others." Though Vex didn't know much about the place he was in, he at least knew that much.

There was actually something that had been bothering Vex after hearing Beatrice tell her story. The lightning from the mystery cloud had struck her as well, leaving him to believe that the cloud was special in some way, able to transport people from their own worlds into a totally fictional one. Of course this was all theory, but she told them that she had been struck by a flash of light which sounded to him like a lightning strike, it would certainly explain the light that had hit him.

So the question was this.....when the lightning had hit them, had they been killed and then reincarnated or were they transported here for reasons that still hadnt been made clear. It was difficult to truly tell what they were doing here, but the fact remained that they had been thrust into this world without either the consent or prior knowledge. It didnt seem like personality, gender, race, or anything else had anything to do with it so it could probably be just random coincidence, but another thought passed through Vex's head. If the lightning was to blame for their arrival into this world then it would be safe to assume that there would be others from his own world arriving here as well.

"Beatrice, I have a couple of questions for you, as one New Yorker to another," Vex said, his tone serious as squared his shoulders. "Have you noticed any of the creatures here talking to you in your head?" The fact that he could hear Pikachu speaking to him in his head was strange, but if Beatrice had this ability as well then it meant that the lightning that had struck them had also given them other things besides just teleporting them here.

"Voices in my head?" Beatrice asked, tapping her chin as she thought it over carefully in her head. "No I can't say that I did, and I was around one particular creature for a while before I killed it and ate it. A large purple rat with huge front teeth, it kept saying something but it wasn't English, I killed it after a while because it was starting to annoy me."

"Okay, okay, hold the phone for just a second," Misty said as she slammed a fist against the ground to gain everyone's attention. "Vex, are you really gonna buy what she's saying? A random stranger that claims lightning transported her from another world to this one. Dont you realize how ridiculous that sounds?" Misty was clearly agitated by the whole story and she wanted an explanation as to why he was taking it so well and even supported it.

"Normally I'd say yes and that the person who said it needs to be searched for any type of brain diseases. However, I'm actually from a different world myself, the same one she's from." Vex smiled bitterly, the same one Beatrice had not too long ago. "As a matter of fact, her being transported by lightning confirms a couple theories I had and sparks a couple more theories. If you don't believe what I'm saying then feel free to leave and go back to Viridian City."

Misty laughed sarcastically and stood up, throwing her own bag over her shoulder, clearly not believing a word Vex had said. The thought of another world existing where Pokemon didn't exist was just too abstract, too far-fetched for her to truly believe. Though she had wanted to get payment for her bike from the fluffy-haired boy, she decided that it was safer to leave this nutjob alone rather then continue to follow him around.

Misty had taken about five steps away from him when Beatrice spoke up, eating another piece of meat from the pile of meat next to her. "If you go out there now without a light, you'll most likely be attacked by the creatures that come out during the night. Ive only been here since yesterday and trust me when I tell you that those nocturnal creatures are no joke."

Vex wasn't too interested to see if she was going to stay or go, instead he focused his thoughts on Beatrice's words. She said that she didn't hear any voice speaking to her inside of her head, and that scratched out Vex's theory that the lightning strike had changed them in some way. However that raised another question.....how come he was able to hear Pikachu speak and not anyone else? He wasnt too sure if it was just Pikachu or if he could he the voice of every pokemon, but it was still amazing regardless of whatever pokemon he could hear. He came up with a theory that either only he was blessed with this amazing ability or Beatrice was just the only one left out. He would have to search around this new world to find out if there were anymore people from this world to prove or disprove his theories.

"Misty, come sit back down and just forget what we said," Vex shouted over to her as Misty was still standing where she had stopped. "Just continue living in you imaginary little world where nothing strange ever happens. I dont care how your brain works but since you folllowed me into this forest, your not allowed to leave until I let you. Now come over and have a seat next to me." Misty seemed to be debatung on whether ot not to turn back, but in the end she turned a full 180 degrees and walked back over to him and took a seat right beside him.

"Now that that's settled, who wants some meat?" Asked Beatrice as she tossed Vex a piece of meat, clearly not asking but rather telling him to eat it.

"Im curious as to what Pokemon this was," Vex asked as he took a bite of it without hesitation. He hadn't had anything to eat since he had been transported to this world and he was unsurprisingly very hungry. He didn't even care what kind of pokemon it was, though the taste was a bit off but it was still delicious. "If it was one of those purple rats, I'm gonna have to whack you."

"Well actually it was a big brown rat, one that could only have been taken down if you surprised it. Lucky for me I was transported with my pocket knife still in my pocket." Beatrice reached into the small pocket on the side of her skirt and pulled out and silver knife that flipped open. "As an above average female in today's society, I usually carry this with me to protect myself from robbers and rapists. I also carry pepper spray with me just in case."

Vex sighed as he took another bite of meat. "Okay then Miss Beatrice, I got a question for you." He was reluctant to even ask her this question as he felt that she, like Misty would get annoying very fast. Though she did have quite a bit upstairs, sneaking a quick glance at her rather large breasts, and was rather hot, her narcissistic attitude made her unlikely to become a future love interest. Her personality also made him not want to take her with him. "Though your annoying, narcissistic, selfish, irritable, and a total pokemon killer Ive come to a decision. Your from New York and your admittedly pretty cute so I'll let you travel alongside us."

Beatrice tapped her chin before smiling, flashing two rows of bright white teeth. "I'd be happy to join you guys on your adventure. Count me in!!"

Now Producing an Attack On Titan fanfic, make sure to get a good look at it while its here and let me know what you think!!!

Its a work in progress so give me some good criticism

carloswatler76creators' thoughts