
Going For A Swim!!! Its A Shark........Never Mind Its A Gyarados!!!

The woods looked a whole lot cooler with morning light filtering through the trees, it made everything appear more calm and peaceful as opposed to when it was haunting and spooky during the night. Weird creatures would scurry, fly, or buzz around him as he walked before leaving. Oddly though, Vex couldn't understand any of the Pokemon like he could Growlithe and Pikachu which greatly intrigued him. It raised a bunch of questions that were just added to list of piling unanswered mysteries that needed to be figured out.

He was so deep in thought that he dodnt notice Pikachu approach until it had ran up the back of his legs and stopped on his shoulder. "Hey Vex, whatcha thinking about buddy?" Asked Pikachu with a curious expression.

"Nothing Pikachu, just thinking about how I can communicate with you and not other pokemon." Vex felt weird calling the pokemon by its species name but couldn't figure out what else to call it. "By the way, do you have a name or is it just Pikachu? It feels weird to call you simply Pikachu."

The Pikachu seemed to seriously consider this as they made their way through the trees in search of a lake or river to wash up in. "I'll tell you what," Pikachu said with a smile and a twitch of its ears. "How about you refer to me as Ace? I really like that name."

Max smiled back and pushed some branches out of his way. "Sure, you will now be referred to as Ace." He flicked his eyes back and forth across the surroundings in front of him until he spotted something blue in the distance. "I think I see water up ahead."

The two of them made their way through the reamining trees before exiting into a enormous clearing with a huge lake dead in the center of it. It looked clean and serene, not looking like a problem if one wanted to have a little dip in it. It wasnt a hot bath but Vex figured it was better then nothing.

"Well looks like we found our lake Ace," Vex said, gazing out at the water with happiness. He was greatly looking forward to having a swim since he hadnt taken a bath since he got here and was starting to smell a bit after the recent training session.

Pikachu (or was he Ace now) jumped off of Vex's shoulder and made his way to the waters edge. "Do you think its safe?" Pikachu asked as it dipped its yellow tail into the water testingly.

"Well theres only one way to find out," Vex said as he slid his pants down to his ankles before kicking them to the side. Now, clad only in boxers, Vex crouched down before breaking into a run and leaping up into the air, crashing down in the water with perfect form, varely making a splash.

Pikachu stayed by the side, sitting down with his tail making ripples in the water. It watched as Vex stayed underneath the water for a full 2 minutes before resurfacing for air. It was actually impressed that he could hold his breath for so long, an impressive feat for a human.

"Hey, Ace," Vex called, turning his head to look at his pokemon partner. "What kind of pokemon live in the water? Are their a lot of them?" He was actually quite curious and wanted to learn more.

However, Pikachu didnt answer him, but instead was standing up and slowly backing away, looking above Vex's head. The look of fear was clear upon its face.

Vex was confused at first but eventually looked above him in time to see a huge mouth descending on him. "Fuck my life," He yelled as he dived underneath the water. He wanted to escape the terrifying set of razor sharp teeth that attempted to bite his head off, but the head of the creature simply dove underneath with him.

Pressing one of his hands against the creatures upper lip, Vex managed to keep the creature from biting him, but the result was that he was being pressed deeper and deeper into the lake. It seemed that things would end for him, his life coming to a stop after either drowning to death or being eaten.

'Do you have the strength' a voice said as the creature pushed him deeper. 'Do you have the strength of will necessary to control me!! If not then you will be devoured'

Though he was a bit confused, Vex was still entirely certain about what needed to be done. 'You may find that I'm physically weak, but when it comes to my will, my strength surpasses everything in this world'.

The creature and him continued travelling downwards but at a noticeably slower speed. 'That answer is acceptable, I will bring you back to the surface.' The creature moved back away from Vex and dove down further before rushing back to the waters surface. Before the creature could leave entirely, Vex grabbed onto its tail and followed it upwards.

Just as he was about to run out of breath, he was lifted out of the water, the tail rising above the surface. He was then placed on land next to the lake, Pikachu was nowhere to be seen.

Instead of kissing the ground happily like he would've done in his own world, Vex jumped up and ran away a good distance from the lake before turning around and facing whatever had dragged him under.

The creature was a serpentine dragon-like Pokémon. It was mostly blue, with a yellow underbelly and yellow spots along its body. It had a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head and four white, dorsal fins. Its mouth was very large and gaping, bearing four canine teeth. It had one white barbel on each side of its face. The dragon serpent's tailfin was similar in structure to the crest on its head, except with a thin, white fin spread between the points.

"Wow, your one mean looking Pokemon, whats your name?" Vex asked as he stood up and relaxed. He had already figured out that the voice in his head had come from this gigantic creature.

"My name is Tenchi but you can call me Gyarados, thats what you humans call our species." Gyarados tilted its immense head curiously before lowering it, getting close to Vex. "You seem different from the average human, a certain kind of aura that makes me feel warm and comfortable. I have never felt this from any other human before."

"You've met a lot of humans I take it?" Vex asked curiously as he sat down on the grass, not even a bit scared of this giant blue serpent.

"You can understand me?" The Gyarados asked with a bit of surprise. "You understood everything that I've just said?"

"That would appear to be the case," Vex said as he grabbed his pants from next to him. "Can you hold up for one second I want to get a bit more information on you." He reached into the pants pocket and pulled out his pokedex. He smiled and held it up in front of the Gyarados.


Gyarados- The Atrocious Pokemon

Gyarados has demonstrated that it can leap huge distances both from the water and from the ground, usually several times its own body length. Its fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel. Gyarados is feared for its fierce temper and wanton destructive tendencies. In addition, Gyarados is also notoriously difficult to tame even after it has been captured by its Trainer, usually requiring an exceptional amount of reserve and effort. However, the Pokémon is immensely respected for its power, dynamic moveset, and speed, making it a fantastic team addition. Gyarados live in both fresh and salty waters.


"So your notoriously difficult to train, at least thats what the data says," Vex said after he closed and put the Pokedex back into the pocket of his shorts. "Why is that?"

"We Gyarados are proud Pokemon and accept nothing less then the best as out trainers. If we find one unfit to lead us or sense any weakness in them then we will refuse to obey. I'm not different." The Gyarados lowered its head further until it was almost eyes to eye with Vex. "So, are you worthy enough to control me? You seem more then capable and could possibly have limitless potential, however I would like to have a battle with you just to be sure."

Vex was just about to agree when a voice rang out, a sharp annoying sound that he recognized immediately. "Staryu, use water gun!!"

Vex turned in time to see a small golden brown star shaped creature shooting water out of it's center. It shot forward like a bullet and slammed into Gyarados, but with its immense size and the tiny water blast, it had little to no effect. Gyarados merely looked at them, its massive head looking first at Misty, Beatrice, Growlithe, and Pikachu, and then looking at Vex.

"Are these friends of yours?" Gyarados asked in a surprisingly calm manner. "They seem rather annoying."

"In truth they're not my friends," answered Vex as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. "Though the Pikachu, or Ace if you want, on my shoulder definitely is."