
Chapter 238

Ever since Xiaoyao's Spinytail completed the first stage of evolution last time, Xiaoyao has become happy.

She knew that the next stage of evolution of the carapace cocoon was the hunting swallowtail butterfly, and she had already imagined countless beautiful hunting swallowtail butterflies dancing in her mind.

In addition, Xiaozhi conquered the Lobster Soldier and Cocodora, and the group's interest also increased.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Now, it's time for the Xiaoyao expedition team to pursue the incredible mysteries of the world."

"The location of this expedition is the unnamed river on Butou Island."

The excited Xiaoyao was indeed crazy. She even used her hands to pose for the camera, making it look like she was actually live broadcasting.

However, even if it was a live broadcast, she would not use the camera directly, right?

"That's right, if you go upstream of the river, you might encounter new Pokémon."Xiao Sheng is full of expectations for such an adventure.


As for Xiaozhi, he remembers this part of the plot.

In the original work, the upper reaches is a secret training base belonging to the Water Leaping Fish, and the Water Leaping Fish there are all Although he was relatively young, there was only one larger water-leap fish that was wild, and he got along very well with the water-leap fish here. In the end, he was subdued by Xiaogang.

However, now that he had encountered that water-leap fish. He is also very interested in Yueyu. After all, it's not too much to gather the Yusan family in an area!

Xiaozhi glanced at Xiaogang, I'm sorry, don't blame me for poaching this time (Xiaogang: My back feels cold. Feel)

"The Xiaoyao expedition team is now walking on an unknown road along the river. What mysterious phenomena will be waiting for us ahead?"

What appeared in front of a group of people was a very huge waterfall. This waterfall was three stories high and its momentum was very amazing.

"I can't believe that what's blocking Xiaoyao's expedition team is actually a huge waterfall."

"There must be rare Pokémon behind this waterfall. The more this kind of place is, the more mysterious Pokémon there are."Xiao Sheng said firmly.

"That's easy, everyone can get over it according to their own abilities!"Xiao Zhi suggested.

Except for Xiao Sheng, there are all Pokémon trainers here. Let's see if they can use their own Pokémon to get over it.

"I'll go first. Xiaogang volunteered and was the first to come,"Come out, Lotus Leaf Boy.""

I saw Xiaogang take out a rope and tie it tightly to a stone, and then throw it to the big tree above the waterfall. Although it was impossible with human power, Xiaogang asked the Lotus Leaf Boy to use He used the water gun and used the power of the water gun to tie the rope to the tree.

"I took the first step."Xiao Gang slowly crawled over with Lotus Leaf Boy.

"Next is me."Xiaoyao used the silk produced by the newly evolved carapace cocoon, swayed with the carapace cocoon, and successfully crossed the other side of the waterfall.

Xiaosheng stood next to Xiaozhi,"Brother Xiaozhi, what should we do? manage?"

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly,"Isn't this simple?"Then, Xiaozhi grabbed Xiaosheng,

"Hold on to me."As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Sheng felt a gust of wind coming from his ears, which made him close his eyes. It wasn't until Xiao Zhi said"Okay" that he opened his eyes and found that he was already on the other side of the waterfall..

In fact, Xiaozhi used another mode of the waveguide to fly across the opposite side with extremely fast speed.

"Wow, so awesome!"Xiaoyao has already started to admire Xiaozhi. It turns out that trainers can be so powerful.

After climbing over the waterfall, everyone came to another place. The difference from before was that it was surrounded by mist and luxuriant water and grass.

"The water flow here is very slow!"Xiaoyao sighed

"That's because this side is a tributary and that side is a fast-flowing main stream."Xiao Sheng explained.

As he walked further, the soil became softer, and the fog was cleared, and a group of cute Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, that's a water leaping fish!"Xiao Sheng recognized the Pokémon in front of him at a glance. It was the water Pokémon of the Fengyuan Yusan family – Shui Yueyu.

It was also the shadow of Xiaoyao, because the Pokémon Xiaoyao came into contact with for the first time was Shui Yueyu, and Xiaoyao even got wet in his face.

Because Waterleap Fish is a swamp fish Pokémon, the soft soil is the most suitable place for them to live, and this is also their habitat.

"They look so small!"

"I think they should be little ones that have just hatched!"The sharp-eyed Xiaogang could tell it at a glance.

Xiaozhi carefully sensed the surroundings and said,"I think this should be the place where the water leaping fish is cultivated."

To be continued....