
The Player Who Can't Level UP

While others are trying to control the mana within them, Vi, on the other hand, is controlling the huge pool of mana in the world he is in. As a level 1 player who can't level up, he resorts to other methods to become the strongest. Can't tame monsters and summon spiritual beings? No problem, he can use his own blood to create summons. Can't wield weapons made by metals and renowned blacksmiths? No problem, he can use his own bones as his weapons. Can't use elemental powers through mana? No problem, he can use his own shadow to cast magic. Can't execute enough physical power with his level 1 body? No problem, he can transform and bring out unparalleled strength. Can't use illusions and other mental attacks? No problem, he can do all of it with his hair. And thus, Vi becomes a king different from everyone. A king who without an army or kingdom, but a king who alone defeated everyone obstructing his path.

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180 Chs

Shadow Clone

"Yes, I am here." The voice spoke again. But his tone of voice this time was somewhat happy.

Vi's eyes suddenly widened as he was really taken by surprise this time. And then he asked, "You're hiding in my shadow?"

To think that other than him, he would meet someone else who had the ability to hide in others' shadows just like him. Who in the world was this guy? When did he hide in his shadow anyway?

"To put it more correctly, I am your shadow." The voice replied again, confusing Vi the next instant.

"What do you mean by that?" Vi frowned slightly as he asked.

"Hehe, surprise, eh?" the voice, whose owner appeared to be the shadow of Vi, chuckled smugly as he took a moment of pause before he continued, "It is what you heard. I am your shadow."