
The Player Hides His Past (Full)

The virtual reality game “History of the Arcana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with their in-game characters appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!

Zeom · Kỳ huyễn
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310 Chs

How cowardly

The Yusra Kingdom was developing in real-time.


The pace of reconstruction was beyond common sense.


Most of all, the money poured out was huge.


After the cataclysm.


The positions of non-combat players inevitably narrowed.


As the Yusra Kingdom began rebuilding, smiles bloomed on their faces for the first time in a long time.


"Is it finally the era of production workers?"


"It was a long time of contempt and persecution. I was no different from a normal person in the rupture. But the day has come when I can make money as a player for the rest of my life!"


"Hey, Kim-ssi. Don't make a fuss, just carry the bricks."


The first Arcana nation to appear in reality.


The capital invested in the Yusra Kingdom was beyond imagination.


First of all, Gaon and Berserk, large guilds comparable to most companies.


Their investments were too much to ignore.


"Aggressive investment by Gaon and Berserk. What do you think, Expert-nim?"


"It is a wise decision for the future. That's how they organize it. In fact, it won't be too far in the future. Even at this moment, Gaon and Berserker are increasing their influence in the Yusra Kingdom."


"The amount of money they're investing now is not a waste?"


"Yes, that's right."


Even if you excluded Gaon and Berserker.


There were guilds, players, and even countries that visited the Yusra Kingdom with huge investments.


Among them, China was the most active.


"We want to build a close partnership with the Yusra Kingdom. The guild of the great nation, Union, will be a stronger support for the kingdom than Gaon or Berserker."


With such a proposal, they offered slight sincerity.


But who was Hakuna, King of Yusra?


He was a person who knew the horror of greed better than anyone else.


In addition, he got enlightenment from watching Hoyeol.


Hakuna shrugged off all the attractive suggestions.


"There will be no change in my resolution."


The only person that could change that resolution was probably Hoyeol.


Besides, the Yusra Kingdom was called the legendary treasure island not too long ago.


In fact, even if he sold only the minerals gathered, he could cover the cost of reconstruction.


The people involved knew that fact better than anyone else.




Leonie scratched her head.




A scream flowed out.


The guild members who had been silent whispered among themselves.


"What's wrong with her?"


"It's obvious. She must be thinking about useless things again."


"Ah, she's thinking about him?"


She couldn't even hear their nonsense.


Leonie's mind was complicated and delicate


How could she explain this?


'…It's all going really well.'


She felt like her debt was increasing in real-time.


She didn't mean material debt.


What Leonie felt was a debt in her heart.


Yes, as the guild members said, it was because of Hoyeol.


"Why? What the hell? Argh!"


Isn't this too much of a reward for a simple favor?


Compared to the help she gave him, it didn't make sense.


Leonie bit off her fingernails.


'He's not that kind of person. Really.'


She liked it, but on the inside, she didn't.


Leonie pursed her lips and shook her head.


She recalled her first meeting with Hoyeol.


'Right, right. With that sleazy personality.'


With that petty personality that didn't share a cup of tea.


He couldn't have done this kind of favor.


Leonie grabbed her messy hair.


'…But what am I going to bring to him?'


Something that he could accept.


Is there anything that Hoyeol lacks…?


No matter how hard she thought about it, he didn't seem to lack anything in particular.


Therefore, it should be something he liked.




Leonie's hand that was messing with her hair stopped.


'…No, no way, are you serious?'


Was the tea that precious?


That he couldn't give her any?


No, that couldn't be.


'How great is that tea?'


Leonie thought so and shook her head vigorously.


Then she turned her head and shouted.


"Shit, this is all because of you!"


"…What are you saying all of a sudden?"


"Sister, what's wrong? You're hysterical."


Leaving the bewildered guild members behind.


Leonie was in agony again.


"…At this rate, when will I be able to pay this debt, and when can I get that?"


"Get that? What? Ah, are you talking about the tea from back then?"


"Shut up."


"Unnie, can't you just ask him and buy it?"


"It's different from buying it yourself. You guys know nothing!"


"…I don't know whose sister you are, you're so mean."








"What do you think, hyung?"


Nam Taemin asked his brother, Nam Cheolmin.


Brothers didn't need long words to communicate.


"I am thinking, 'Just how can I pay him back?'. That's all I think about."


Arcana's official website.


Newly updated guild ranking.


The two brothers reaffirmed the ranking.




Shining (-)

Union (-)

Gaon (+2)

Bohemian (-1)

Inazuma (-1)…



Their guild ranking had risen by two spots.


In addition to surpassing Inazuma, they had risen to third place.


Even if dancing with joy wouldn't be enough to express it, the brothers were calm.


"Let's just think it means we should do better."


They weren't the ones that created the rise in the ranking. Just thinking about it was dizzying. If it wasn't for Hoyeol…


'Of course, hyung wouldn't have been here.'


From the beginning until now.


He felt like he'd only been on the receiving end.


How should he repay it?


When he thought about it, he still had a long way to go.


Nam Taemin was motivated.


"Let's properly finish the rebuilding of the Yusra Kingdom entrusted by Hoyeol-ssi. Hyung!"


However, Nam Cheolmin's expression was solemn.


His gaze was still fixed on the monitor.


Nam Taemin looked into the monitor wondering what was going on, then he frowned as well.


"…These bastards. Are they bullshitting around again?"




[At this time, the National Assembly] "Entering the third place in the guild rankings, it's really something to celebrate… However, it is regrettable that they don't cooperate with the Shinhwa Guild… In times like this, we need to work together…"




Terrible media play.


It wasn't just once or twice this happened.


Shinhwa Guild.


It was an open fact that they were closely related to politics.


It was so blatant that even netizens noticed it now.


– The media play is starting again, you Shinwa bastardsㅋㅋ


– They can't make it with their skills so they do all kinds of dirty things


– Why should Gaon lead them?ㅋㅋㅋ


Among simple insults.


There were also opinions that raised serious questions.


– How much did they get paid? All of the politicians are anxious because they can't hit the Shinhwa Shield?


Nam Cheolmin, who was reading the comments together, opened his mouth.


"They're crossing the line a little too much this time."


"A hundred percent agree. But I don't get it."


"You don't get what?"


"No, how did those Shinhwa bastards have a grip on those old men? Well, I've heard rumors about it before… But aren't they being too open lately?"


"That's true."


Nam Cheolmin nodded at his brother's point.


Politicians were sensitive about their images.


No matter how much money they got, the moves they made recently were hard to understand.


You could tell just by looking at the angry comments.


How could they continue to defend Shinhwa despite such public sentiment?


Nam Taemin clenched his fist.


"Anyway, to think such trivial things bothered me. Seriously."


If this was Arcana, it would just be a guild war.


"I would've just beaten them to death!"




He swung his fist in the air.


Nam Taemin was so upset he had to momentarily put himself together.


Nam Cheolmin shrugged.


"Whatever it is, you have to make one thing clear."


"Huh? What is it?"


"Don't drag Hoyeol-ssi into this."


"Ah, that's only natural! But I'm speechless. Seriously."


Nam Taemin smirked.


"Everyone got it all wrong. Whether it was Shinhwa or the politicians. After all, Hoyeol-ssi was the one who brought down the great evil. All we did was really just take credit for it."


"I know. I'm frustrated to death, too. Taemin."


Great evil, Greed of Seven Deadly Sins.


Hoyeol overpowered a level 650 monster.


But the world didn't know the truth of that day.


Look at this if you felt frustrated.


He wanted to show the world the video of Hoyeol's battle.


"At first, I was worried about what would happen if Hoyeol's battle patterns were analyzed… In fact, there was nothing to worry about. No matter how you see it, it's impossible to figure out. I've never seen skills like that before."


Nam Cheolmin was a competent analyst.


With a skill he didn't know, Hoyeol hunted the monster.


Once this recorded video got released.


The world would turn upside down once again.




"However, Hoyeol-ssi's consent is important."


"That's right. Shall we leave a text message while we're at it?"


"Text message? Why don't you meet him face-to-face?"


Hoyeol must be so busy.


Hoyeol's face was hard to see even if he stayed in the Yusra Kingdom.


Folding his fingers, Nam Cheolmin checked Hoyeol's daily routine.


"First of all, he's doing a quest at the Mage Tower, right? Then let's skip the morning time. In the afternoon, he comes to the Yusra Kingdom… Wait a minute. Come to think of it, Hoyeol-ssi has been hanging out with Harkon a lot lately?"


Knight Commander of Lionheart, Harkon.


Nam Taemin asked just in case.


"…Is it because of a quest? No, I don't think so? There's no connection between them? Hoyeol-ssi is a mage and Harkon is a knight."


"Well, I don't know. Let's work harder, Taemin."


"Argh! Even if hyung said that, what can I do?!"


Nam Taemin similarly screamed.


If a parrotbill tried to catch up with a stork, its feet will be torn [1] …!




Unlike skills, growth couldn't be measured numerically.


But I could tell with my own eyes.




My aura noticeably sharpened.


Practicing hard for a few days was worth it.


I fell into a brief flashback with an expressionless face.


'I practiced to death, really….'


Once again, I realized the importance of [Natural Enemy Relationship].


A battle of life and death with a level 300 monster.


I couldn't express it, but it wasn't easy, really.


"It's an incredible growth rate. Sir Hoyeol!"


Harkon said in pure admiration.


"That's ridiculous…"


Not only Harkon, but also aura users Yesica and Enoch seemed surprised.


Yeah, it was unthinkable.


To think I had raised that faint aura to their level.


'I wish you'd recognize my hard work.'


The aura thickened in the battlefield between life and death.


What does that mean?


In other words, this Yusra Kingdom was a battlefield between life and death for me.


Minimum level 300 to the highest level 400!


Each and every monster that roamed around was a formidable enemy to me.


'There wouldn't have been such a struggle…"


Those guys.


[Natural Enemy Relationship] not activated.


Defeating only with swordsmanship alone?


That would be impossible even if it radiated aura.


Strength and agility stats.


Even if these stats could support my physical strength, I wouldn't know.


'It might be different at a later time, but right now, I wouldn't know.'


In reality, my stamina runs out as soon as I released aura.…! Therefore, I struggled while manifesting 『magic』.


'It was pathetic, really.'


Of course, I wouldn't say it with my own mouth.




I put the sword back in the scabbard and spoke calmly.


"That was a great lesson. Sir Harkon."


I had learned everything I needed to learn.


Harkon shook his head gently at the brazen declaration.


"What have I taught you? All I've done is give you a little chance to wake up your sword talent. Yesica, Enoch. Did you see it?"


Harkon gazed at the two knights and uttered passionately,


It was kind of a spiritualistic speech.


"Even Sir Hoyeol, who has such a talent, developed his aura in desperate battles. What does it mean? The environment doesn't matter. What's important is this mindset…!"


There was a reason why we got along well.


'They're both boomers.'


One was about formality, the other was spiritualistic.


The more I listened, the more I felt like I would lose my mind.


I left my seat.


It was time to get off work.


I was heading to the portal when my smartphone suddenly vibrated.


'Nam Taemin?'


Guild Master of Gaon.


Just as I checked his text.


Someone talked to me.


"Hello! Hey, you're Lee Hoyeol-ssi, right? I am Jung Manseok from Korean Daily. I know it's rude, but let me ask you one quick question!"


As I just said.


A boomer who valued formality.


This was bound to destroy my mood from his first greeting alone.


It was purely questionable.


I pointed out.


Why do humans repeat the same mistakes over and over again?


"As a fellow Korean citizen… And again, the day when the Yusra Kingdom appeared in the world. I'd like to ask a question to Lee Hoyeol-ssi, who was present at the same time. What do you think of the growing criticism toward Gaon…?"


However, Jung Manseok, who was pouring out the question, was shaking.


Yeah, I was different from ordinary players,


The reason I was able to be free from the media was all thanks to this prickly personality.


There was no way that Jung Manseok didn't know that.


So, he held back his trembling and spoke to me.


'I can roughly understand what the question means.'


Criticism towards Gaon.


Just like any other media outlet did.


Korean Daily must have also received an order from the Shinhwa Guild.


It wasn't like gossip that only people aware of it knew.


'They're openly pushing me.'


It was an obvious trick that I could tell just by looking at the Internet news and comments.


I looked at Jung Manseok.


Fear hung over those eyes.


'I know how you feel.'


If you're told to do it by the higher-ups, you have no choice but to do it.


You have to do it even if you don't want to.


It is the sorrow of office workers.


So I opened my mouth.


"Tell them right away."


It wasn't an act out of sympathy or anything.


I just found it unacceptable.


Shinhwa guild or whatever.


For their own benefit.


Hiding in the back.


It was a pathetic trick that cleverly manipulated people and the media.


This lofty pride couldn't just let it be.


"It doesn't matter who it is. Is there anything you want in the Yusra Kingdom? Then don't hide pathetically. Also, don't roll your funny head, either."


That kind of behavior was completely contrary to the attitude of the aristocracy.


I spoke coldly.


"Present yourself before me."




"I have all the authority."




The sin of offending me.


Even three visits to the cottage wouldn't be enough to cover that.








A few hours after that.


The world turned upside down once again.


"…I-It's real. This video?!"

1. 'If a parrotbill tried to catch up with a stork, its feet will be torn' is a Korean proverb. Parrotbill has short feet, stork doesn't, so parrotbill has to stride its legs wide in order to catch up with the stork's pace and that will tear its legs. So basically this proverb means that you shouldn't force yourself to do beyond what you're capable of.