
The pirate king

In the year 20XX. A golden man appeared in the sky and said that earth has reach the requirements to evolve and fruits of all kind will appear around the world and they give superpower to to the eater, those powers can rumble the heaven and earth. There will be new monster on land, under water and in sky in the day over 10% of all creatures on the face of earth almost go extinct so all human banned together and change the tide of the war. The golden man also said at the end of the miracle line you will get the power to split the earth in two. From that day every person wanted to become a pirate.

1GYALLIS_Murder · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: The tournament and new recruits

As Noah and his crew set foot on the new island, they were greeted by a bustling community of people who were happy to see visitors.

Half of Noah's crew was sent to search for food and water, while the other half was tasked with recruiting new members to join their journey.

Noah and Lio, along with a few others, decided to organize a tournament to find the strongest and most skilled fighters on the island.

They set up a ring in the center of the town and sent out invitations to everyone, promising a reward for the two winners.

As the day of the tournament arrived, the town square was filled with people eagerly waiting to see who would come out on top.

Noah and Lio stood on the side, watching as the battles began.

The fights were intense, with each contestant showcasing their unique skills and fighting style. Some used brute strength, while others relied on speed and agility.

The crowd cheered and jeered, making the atmosphere even more exciting.

After hours of fighting, the tournament came to an end, and two victors emerged.

Noah and Lio approached them, congratulating them on their victory and offering them a chance to join their crew.

The two winners, a young man named Kai and a woman named Saria, were overjoyed at the opportunity.

They had been dreaming of adventure and exploration, and joining Noah's crew was the perfect chance to fulfill their desires.

As the other half of the crew returned with supplies, they were surprised to see the two new recruits.

But they welcomed them with open arms, knowing that having skilled fighters on board would be a great asset.

Noah and his crew spent the rest of the day stocking up on supplies and getting to know their new crewmates.

Later in the evening, they set sail towards their next destination, filled with renewed energy and excitement for what lay ahead.

As the days passed on the ship, Noah began to sense that something was amiss.

He noticed that his crewmates were acting strangely around him, whispering and exchanging furtive glances when they thought he wasn't looking.

He tried to ignore it at first, thinking that perhaps he was being paranoid, but as time went on, his unease only grew.

One night, Noah settled down to sleep, his body exhausted from the day's work.

But as he drifted off, he felt a sharp blow to the back of his head.

His vision swam, and he felt himself being dragged across the deck of the ship.

When he came to, he was lying on a deserted island, with nothing but the clothes on his back and a sense of overwhelming betrayal.

He knew in his heart that his own crewmates had turned on him, but he couldn't understand why.

For days, Noah struggled to survive on the island, hunting for food and trying to find a way to escape.

But as time went on, he began to feel a growing sense of determination.

He knew that he couldn't let his crewmates get away with what they had done to him, and he vowed to find a way to get his revenge.

Weeks passed, and Noah honed his survival skills, learning to fish and hunt with a newfound intensity.

He built himself a shelter out of palm fronds and driftwood, and he spent his days training his body, pushing himself to new heights of strength and endurance.

And then, one day, he saw a ship on the horizon. At first, he thought it might be his own crewmates come to finish the job they had started, but as the ship drew closer, he realized that it was a different vessel entirely.

With a sense of cautious hope, Noah began to signal the ship, waving his arms and shouting for help. And to his relief, the ship changed course, coming closer to the island.

As the crew of the ship came ashore, Noah felt a sense of relief wash over him. They were a friendly group of sailors, and they welcomed him aboard their ship, offering him food and water and a place to sleep.

And as they set sail, Noah knew that he was finally free.

Free from the island that had been his prison, and free from the crewmates who had betrayed him.

He didn't know where his journey would take him next, but he was determined to make the most of it, to live his life to the fullest and never again let anyone hold him back.