
The pirate king

In the year 20XX. A golden man appeared in the sky and said that earth has reach the requirements to evolve and fruits of all kind will appear around the world and they give superpower to to the eater, those powers can rumble the heaven and earth. There will be new monster on land, under water and in sky in the day over 10% of all creatures on the face of earth almost go extinct so all human banned together and change the tide of the war. The golden man also said at the end of the miracle line you will get the power to split the earth in two. From that day every person wanted to become a pirate.

1GYALLIS_Murder · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 15: The lost city

Noah and his crew had been sailing for weeks, searching for any sign of the lost city.

The rumors spoke of a city of gold, hidden away on an uncharted island somewhere in the vast ocean.

The journey had been long and arduous, and their supplies were dwindling.

But they were determined to find the city, no matter the cost.

As they approached a small island, they spotted a group of pirates gathering on the shore.

Noah knew they would have to fight their way through if they wanted to continue their search.

He rallied his crew, and they prepared to battle the pirates.

The fight was fierce and intense.

The pirates were well-trained and heavily armed, but Noah and his crew were not to be underestimated.

They fought with skill and determination, and soon the pirates were in full retreat.

Noah and his crew chased them down, and they quickly overwhelmed the remaining pirates.

After the battle, they searched the island for any clues about the lost city.

They found an old map that seemed to lead to a nearby island, and they decided to follow it.

The journey was treacherous, but they finally arrived at the island.

As they stepped onto the island, they were greeted by a lush jungle and the sounds of exotic birds.

They made their way through the jungle, searching for any sign of the lost city.

After hours of searching, they came across an ancient temple, hidden away in the jungle.

As they approached the temple, they heard a loud noise coming from inside.

They cautiously made their way inside, and they were shocked to find a group of mercenaries guarding the entrance.

They knew they were in for a tough fight.

The fight was brutal and exhausting.

The mercenaries were well-equipped and highly skilled, and they fought with a ferocity that Noah and his crew had never seen before.

But Noah and his crew were not to be outdone.

They fought with all their might, and soon the mercenaries were in full retreat.

As they made their way deeper into the temple, they discovered a hidden room.

Inside, they found a massive treasure trove filled with gold and jewels beyond their wildest dreams.

They also found a clue that seemed to point to the lost city.

They knew they were getting closer.

But their victory was short-lived. As they made their way out of the temple, they were ambushed by a group of Marines.

Noah and his crew fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

In the chaos, Noah was captured and taken away to a Marine prison.

Noah's crew was devastated. They had lost their leader and friend again, and they didn't know how they were going to rescue him.

But they were determined to do whatever it takes to bring him home.

They set sail for the Marine island, ready to mount a daring rescue.

As they approached the island, they could see the massive Marine base looming in the distance.

They knew it was going to be a difficult fight, but they were ready.

They stormed the base, fighting their way through hordes of Marines.

The fight was long and grueling.

The Marines were heavily armed and well-trained, but Noah's crew was determined to save their captain.

They fought with all their might, and soon they had cleared a path to the prison.

They found Noah locked away in a small cell, weakened and beaten but still alive.

They quickly freed him, and together they fought their way out of the prison. They made their way back to their ship, battered and bruised but victorious.

Noah was grateful to his crew for rescuing him, and he knew they had risked everything to save him. They set sail once again, determined to find the lost city and claim the treasure that awaited them. But they knew it would be hard.