
The pieces I lost

The story that follows the heartbreak caused by one's first love, overwhelmed by the hurt that begins to consume her, she turns to a friend. To heal, she must hurt another, but along the way she questions whether she wants to hurt the one person who she knows could heal the pain that another caused. Meet Amanda, someone who makes terrible life choices because her first love was never able to love her the way that she needed it, leaving her sick and deadly when it comes to loving. The two boys eventually turn to men and Amber isn't sure how to feel about either of them, until she does.

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8 Chs

Chapter 8: A growing Spark.

"What's going on?" I ask my mom as I'm entering the house.

"Where have you been, what have I said about leaving the house without telling anybody?"

"Mom... you were all at work, why would I need to tell anybody?"

My mom rolled her eyes, showing signs that she was growing weary of my attitude. "Where were you I asked." My mom once again asked me.

"I was with Nicole, we went out to eat."

"What about Aliah?"

"We're not friends anymore, mom!" I say, storming up the stairs in attempt to refrain her from questioning the end of our 4 year friendship.


I couldn't help but memorise the day I had with Trevor yesterday instead of neatly folding the pile of clothes that I was getting paid to do, which was up until I praised by the assistant manager.

"Good job, Amber! Keep up the work." She said.

Keep up what work? I had hardly done anything these last four and a half hours and with only an hour and a half left I use Trevor as motivation to get by my shift as I go from staring at the clock to memorising what his touch felt like... God, what was I doing? I probably look delusional to these customers, no wonder not a single one has asked me for my help today...

"Amber, girl!" Maricella calls out as she grabs me in for a hug. "We haven't worked together in so long, where have you been?"

"Maricella, you're on the mens section today, move it." the assistant manager demanded.

Maricella rolled her eyes and made her way there, gesturing me towards her which I ignore as I try to stay out of trouble, especially at work.

Pee. I had the sudden urge to pee.

I begin to quickly walk out the store, the assistant manager calling out to me which I reply "BATHROOM!" from the other side of the store.

As I'm heading towards the bathroom, I make a quick turn and bump into a hard figure... just who I wanted to see, as if I didn't have enough distractions today.

"Amber?" Trevor says with a smirk on his face, he places his arms around my neck and ruffles my hair as I use my strength to push him away.

"Trevor, you're making my hair look bad!" I groan.

I look over to see a guy standing there and looking at us as if we were two weirdos, the guy looked exactly like him...

"This is my brother, Terrance."

"Hi." I say with as much confidence as I can, I had to impress his family.

"Hi." he replies.

"What are you doing here?" Trevor asks.

"I work here..."

"Oh, that's right!" He says as he grabs the store tag hanging around neck, "I might just pay a visit to this little store, when do you finish?"

Now.. who was I to tell him when I really finish? I'll be gone in less than an hour and he'll show up like the idiot he is.

"My shift just started, I finish in four hours." I smirk.

"four hours? I'll come by in an hour or so."

"Sure..." I reply as I pass by him.

He very softly grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes, it felt like my body was melting as the warmth of his touch spread to my heart. Comfort was what this felt like.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Bathroom, do you want to come?"

"Yeah, let's go."

I laugh as I push him away and walk away.

Everything felt so easy with him, we had a similar sense of humour and we got along quite well. Maybe this could be the start of something great.


I got back to the store and helped Maricella unpack new pants that had just arrived, folding them and placing them in the pigeonholes as we caught up on one another's lives/

"And you see, I think we both learnt a lesson from this. As painful as it was it only happens to the best of us."

I laugh as Maricella speaks of the heartbreak we've both experienced.

"I'm serious, Amber. Men think they can go around and do as they please as we weep and ache for them. Enough is enough, don't you think? You're a smart and pretty girl, but you need to learn to play your game right."

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"You get too attached and let guys treat you as they please."


"Well, even though it was just one it was still one. And a horrible one at that.."

"Well... what about the guy I'm interested in now?"

"Trevor? From what you've told me he seems okay, but don't forget that he is a player. So you have to stay weary, play hard to get but not too hard. Be his friend, a close one at that. That way, he'll find comfort in you and subconsciously feelings will follow with that. Trust me."

I took in her words and turned my head hoping that the clock had hit 3pm.. and it did!

"Well, thank you for the advice but we'll continue this when we next have a shift together."

Maricella rolled her eyes and waved goodbye as a customer approached her, changing her good mood to a bad one. Thank god I just finished, I wasn't about to deal with the two of them.


Once I had gotten home my phone starting vibrating, *Trevor* the screen lit up.

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