

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs


Xander was just too shocked to speak like how did it happen, who killed her what did she die of. Questions upon questions kept on running through his head like headless chickens, and he just couldn't help him self as a tear drop rolled his cheek.

His mother had always been his rock she was there when no one was, she was the only person who could make his life worth living back when he was still bullied.

And he had always wondered why she didn't tell him about his father and other relatives, and since birth no one had ever came to say that they were related to Xander.

And sometimes he wondered if his mother was actually r*ped and she ran away from home. And maybe just maybe that was the reason why she never had told him about it.

But he just managed to wipe his tears and look at sir Catascatch to know if they were other things he was going to tell him.

And after patting Xander's back he continued speaking.

"You see the whole thing was strange, your mother was not only blown up to bits the house itself also exploded", he said and let out a sigh before he continued.

"And what was most strange about it was our best trackers couldn't find anything about how it blew up", he said and Xander was about to walk away when sir Catascatch called him back.

"The only thing we found was this", he said and handed Xander a black box with the image of what seemed like a Phoenix bird caves into it. And it indeed was beautiful.

"It was the only thing still intact when I searched it", he said and after patting Xander's back he spoke his final words before he left "you don't need to go to your classes today".

Xander just held the box and walked into the woods, he walked in deeper and deeper until the only thing he could see was trees upon trees.

Preety soon he started punching the ground and causing dagmages to it with each hit, and not until his knuckles were bloody did he stop.

But it was already healing, it was like that since he evolved.

But soon a message soon poped on the system.

[Would you like to unlock the box]

[Yes] [No]

And without thinking twice he pressed the yes button and the transfer message he had gotten about a month ago about someone entering the system was suddenly filled.

And the voice he heard made he so shock that his face seemed to turn to a pale white color.

"Took you long enough son",the female voice said and be could recognise it even in the mist of a thousand screaming ghosts, it was his Mother.

He just couldn't believe it the woman that made him the ground so much that he had caused a few craters was alive.

" You can stop crying am alive, well somewhat alive",she said and it was then that Xander could see that he wasn't dreaming or hulucinating, it really was his mother.

"Is that really you is that really Sheilah Woods", he asked with stars in his eyes.

" Yea it's me, and you can talk with me through your mind. Just talking to yourself like that makes you look like a weirdo", she said and Xander noded and soon he nodded.

It was a bit weird he could see her clearly now, by his side and she was like a hologram she just could not touch anything.

"So how are you even here, you know in the system". He aksed and he heard her sigh before she continued.

"That I can't tell you for now", she said a bit sad and he just noded although he didn't understand why his mother would choose to hide something from him.

" You're just too young in this whole system business for me to tell you know would just distract you so just focus on what you're doing right now", she said and he sigh before he decided to ask her something else.

"So how can I level up my skills like my system skills and my smoke skills as well as others", he asked and he was silently praying that she would not tell him 'no'.

"It's easy you just have to continue using them, you have to use them for as much as possible ",she said with a smile on her lips.

"Another thing is how can I acquire more skills", he asked and like he guessed the reply he got wasn't easy.

" You can get more skills by completing more missions, another way is by evolving ", she said and he just noded while trying to take it all in.

"And one more or two things though...who created the system and are you or prephaps we related to the woman who gave me the books", he asked and unsurprisingly she didn't answer and after a few minutes of silence she gave him an answer.

" I told you that you will learn kf this information later on",she said and Xander noded before he got up and started heading towards the room he shared with his friends.

When he got there he went to the window he used to escape the school to hunt down beast. Although he didn't open it.

He used his Aura Detector Skill and soon he began to notice that there were men and women there, and that was not all there seemed to be in the places where he hand hunted.

And what scared him more was that there a lot in the place he had used the silver dragon's clap.

And he noticed that some of the people were slowly inching towards the s can hook and some were looking at the window where Xander was.

But thankfully the system was here to save him, as he soon heard a ding.

[All traces of host ever hunting in The Great Lake Academy forest has been removed]

Xander smiled at the message and asbhe looked at the people he noticed that their faces now looked confused.

They had lost all traces of Xander and they kept cursing and swearing at Xander and some of the hot headed ones even went as far as using their abilities in the forest.

And soon large about of fire ice and other elements were being released into the air, and were greatly consuming he trees around.

But Xander noticed that one of the stood out from the rest as he wasn't cursing or swearing or damaging the forest, rather he was looking or rather starring at the building that Xander was in.

The dude just wasn't taking his eyes of the building it was as if he was spellbound to forever stare at the building.


Here is the bonous chapter I promised earlier guys