
The phoenix's dearest sorcerer [BL]

Once you find out your a threat to everyone as a soul phoenix, of course you want to isolate yourself, that is if you are as self conscious as Rin. Being a soul Phoenix meant that is was even harder to control his abilities than how his older sister does, so as to Rin's conclusion isolation was his bet. [seven years later]... Rin found himself longing to enter their countries biggest academy for sorcerers, but who knew that someone in the academy would become someone so important to him in just days. What would happen to Rin then? Is his school life going to be as ordinary as every sorcerer? or will it be as thrilling as flying on a dragon? Stay tuned for the story of The phoenix's dearest sorcerer!!

Lady_Lyrics · LGBT+
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8 Chs

An extra entrance exam!

When Rin and Ms. Hikari arrived at the classroom, Rin went to his seat but as always he could feel eyes watching him. Until one among his classmates caught his attention a boy sleeping at the right side of the class Rin thought 'huh, sleeping on the first day... ' he walked passed him and sat down trying to ignore the boy while Ms. Hikari went back to her desk.

after she sat in her seat a note suddenly appeared on her desk, she silently read the note and stood up she said "Alright class! the school head has called all the students to the training grounds" she said then continued "all magic users. Before all of you get out, there are rules in going out of this very room for now, the rules are no elements, no spells and no abilities which means no magic. If you disobey one of these rules then we'll have to fight" she smiled "Do you understand me?" she then looked at her students and then continued "you have five seconds to get out before I have to make you!! time starts now!!" when Ms. Hikari finished talking she immediately used her element.

Sparks of fire started to appear and almost immediately fire started to start ablaze on her hands. while all her students started to run to the first and second door, Kydo at the right side of the class was still in a deep sleep and Rin knowing fully well that Ms. Hikari was serious about fighting them, as his classmates ran out of the classroom he quickly ran towards Kydo's desk, he pulled Kydo's left arm and tried to wake him up, Rin said "hey!! wake up already! I swear once you wake up your gonna regret even sleeping here in the first place!" he said hurriedly.

Ms. Hikari seeing this kind of scene thought 'Tsk!.. how lucky of him to be helped by the fourth son of the spiritual bloodline, to be cared even!... heh .' after she giggled in a vicious tone, she said with a loud voice "5!" then she added "How nice! Rin's helping you, you know!" she said with a sadistic smile, then fire started to burn the part of where she was standing "You should just leave him, Rin! you know it's not worth it! HAHAH" Ms. Hikari said as if she was going to go serious on them anytime soon.

she then shouted "3!!... what? did you expect I was going to continue with a 4? everything I do is already seconds in time! me giving you a three second threat is just my mercy!!" the fire on her hands continued to flare up as if it was excited. After the last sentence Kydo hazily woke up and realized that Rin was waking him up hurriedly and Ms. Hikari starting a fire in their classroom, out of surprise he immediately stood up with a gasp and ran out with him holding Rin's hand, pulling him outside before Ms. Hikari could say "1!" and throw a huge ball of fire towards them.

"huh.. no fun" Ms. Hikari said while she looked at the both of them running outside the classroom towards the training grounds, she then added quietly "well you both managed to get out of here, feel free to run." she said smirking, then as if she realized something she quickly stopped smirking and thought 'ah... that again, guess I got overhand... well on the bright side they'll already get to know my anger... but still, I shouldn't have done that' she then looked back at where she was standing and as expected the flames were gone.

A while later a portal opened from her left side, a person with a black with red outer lining cape came out from the portal, he patted Ms. Hikari's shoulder. He said "that was a nice way of controlling you're reactions Ms. Hikari " he looked at her and smiled.

"ah, I should've known you were watching me Sir Hedi." she said smiling while she was walking towards the door.

"haha, well too late" he said following her to the door and continued "shall we go now?" he said smiling.

"yes, I think I want to watch this school year's extra entrance exam" she said while she was already out of her classroom while Sir. Hedi followed her.


Rin was pulled all the way to the all element training ground, he looked down, he was deep in thought and thought that 'I was the one that was supposed to pull him out of the classroom, but instead I was the one that got pulled out... he's really too strong, he's crushing my hand' after a while he got out of his own trance and looked up. They were already at the training ground which was why Kydo stopped.. he thought, but once he looked at Kydo's right ear he thought he saw a hint of pink on them and said "uhm, are you okay?" he said while pulling Kydo's hand, he noticed that the pink on his ear reddened quite Abit and thought 'wait... did he just notice my face? I guess the bangs really cover it up but when I'm up close they can have a slight view of me' and him not getting any reply he blushed looking back at his right side pouting.

Kydo at this time looked at the people in front of him while he was blushing quite a bit remembering the time Rin helped him and thought 'why would someone like Rin even care about me?! he... is he not like the other rich and spoiled kids?', some of the students were shocked that he held his hand and some of the students were blushing knowing fully well that they had another tea to spill, Kydo then remembered that Rin said something. He let go of Rin's hand and turned around, he said "yes, I am... what about you?" he asked. Rin then stood up straight and said "then that's good then. you.. don't have to worry about me" he said while looking at the ground, before Kydo could say something Rin then said "uhm I'm gonna leave first... uh bye" he said quietly and left for another spot on the training ground.

After Rin left the people around Kydo once again was even more shocked seeing that Rin asked permission to leave to Kydo and said 'bye' to him. Among the crowded bustling one of the teachers said "That's enough, all of the students who are here will you please stand in a line by your year and height and if you've done so, we'll begin the afternoon meeting." he said with a loud voice and went in the training ground's spectator's room. It wasn't like a normal room with all it's four walls intact it was just like a balcony in each sides it was big enough to fit a four small rooms and in the middle had a huge crystal ball that showed a clear view of the students.

While the students were standing in a line, a few small ten to twenty violet crystals were on the air as if it were birds spectating them, the floating crystals were connected to the violet crystal ball in the teachers spectating room.

After the students on the training ground were all settled in, Sir. Hedi suddenly appeared in one of the spectating room and said in a loud voice "alright students! as some of you know me I am Sir. Hedi, today is your first day of classes as first years and some of you already know that the people on the lower ground below us, on the first to the fourth floor are all of the second to fifth years. Also some of you had already heard of a rumor that our school has an extra entrance exam and that entrance exam only accepts ten to twenty students that are still standing. We do have an extra exam and that rumor is true. Before we will take you in, you will have to fight until the very end of the three challenges. The first challenge is score catching, each one of you will be given a number.. if one of you loses their numbers the one to get at least a small score will still pass, as long as you have a score you will pass but if that very score will get taken away and you couldn't take it back or get another score before the time is up, you will be awaiting for another year to take our entrance exam again, and if you still cannot pass your second try in entering our school... then you will not be able to enter this school ever again."

"If you think you can't pass please raise your hand" no one raised their hand.

"well since no one raised their hand, let's begin!! the rules are simple. Get a high score you will pass, get a small score you will still pass but get a zero score and you still couldn't get another score before the time is up, you are out!." he then looked back and nodded, after Sir Hedi nodded five large portals appeared around them. Sir Hedi then said "you may now choose a place to go, before you can take each other's number, also do not worry all five of these terrains are all connected with each other, so feel free to pick." he then said "you have twenty seconds to pick a terrain. Time starts now!!" he said a loud.