
The Pet Project

If you were forced to get yourself a pet what would you choose? For me, I don't like giving attention to anyone who isn't me...

Smithika · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


I have a friend. I strongly feel that she is a friend. I am not sure if she feels the same. In our elite school she is considered a charity case. She is intelligent and received scholarship. I admire that. In a school filled with students with first class personal tutors and trainers, she is a top student without anyone's help. But that does not mean that she is safe from bullies. As long as she is with me, no body dares touch her and I get to be the nice girl who protects the weak. I like how that makes me feel.

She raises a cat and she invited me to see it, see it walk around somewhere in the house that is. According to her, cats do what they want to do. You get to pet them when they let you. They scratch you if you don't pay attention to them. They climb up no matter how important staff you have there and destroy them. Just like dogs you have to bathe, feed and play with them. They don't always come to you if you call them. Most importantly they will not attack people if you want them to.

Just when I was about to yawn myself to death I heard yelling outside. Well, she is not rich, she lives in poor people part of the city. It was expected that there would be poor people problems there. But when again would I find myself present in a live real life drama? I went to her window and peeked outside.

Two little kids were crying their eyes out and a drunk man was beating them. There were other people around but nobody was helping. Everyone was watching with contempt but I guess they don't want to involve themselves in others problems. I don't blame them. If they stop him now he will beat them again at some other time. Everyone is poor there. They cannot take such huge responsibility.

Can money save them? How much will he need to stop beating them?