
The Pessimist Who Received A System

StarryStarryDay · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: God has descended?

Destruction and death filled my view as I walked away from what was once a place full of hope. The individualistic houses, showcasing people's creativity, were now all rubble. The people who once greeted me every day are now charred remains.

I had seen this so many times that by now, I only felt emptiness.

"Survive no matter what!" This was my commander's last words as we fought the cruel invaders who easily took over our minds in just moments. I held true to that word, and now, I am the only one left. But what was the point of surviving? This world is dying, but why am I still holding on to my life?

I have no hopes nor dreams, but those who do always die right in front of my eyes.

I dragged my injured-ridden body to the best of my abilities. Not too long after, I spotted a small hole, just barely enough for me to fit in. Relief flooded over me; a cave. At least I can find solace in my final moments.

My vision blurred, and the biting cold numbed my hands and legs. This seemed to be the end for me. I'd lie here, awaiting my inevitable fate.

As I drifted into what could be my last sleep, memories of my brief life flashed before me. In the end, I stood alone, a fate worse than an early death.

I, Julius Gerard Verne, never believed in gods or saints. But if, by chance, you exist somewhere, don't turn a blind eye to this unfolding tragedy.

"Do you believe the world is unfair?" A resonant voice suddenly echoed in my ears, penetrating my mind. Only those from the hive possessed such abilities among all the bastards I've encountered.

"Just end it, you cursed insect! You'll never control me!" My scream accompanied the spatter of blood. Anger replaced my weakness, fueled by the memory of how these insects manipulated our squad to self-destruction.

"No time remains. In minutes, you'll be gone, Jules. Whether you accept it or not, I am the entity you call god. Over ages, different names referred to me, but they all pointed to one being."

As I strained to listen, questioning if this was a dying hallucination, the being interrupted my thoughts. "If God existed, humanity wouldn't fall, right?"

"Quit invading my mind! Let me die in peace. I'm tired. Just end it. Playing god serves no purpose now."

"Fine, you're right. There's no point, but I'll tell you anyway. Reclaim what's yours. I am an inept god, but you, my creations, surpass my expectations. You've achieved beyond what I foresaw, reaching heights reserved for those governed by greater gods. I tried to conceal you, but ultimately failed. Like you, I'm dying, but I won't let you all perish with me."

In the midst of his words, a radiant light enveloped everything.

The more I heard, the more soothing his voice became. It was as if I were hearing my mother's lullaby in every word. Tears streamed down my face.

The winds howled, like sobbing, and trees rustled, resembling a million crying children.

Then it was eerily quiet. It was as if time stopped and the only thing I could hear was my heart beating rhythmically.

Crawling towards the light, I discerned the silhouette of a brilliantly shining figure. Despite my eye condition, I saw his face clearly.

"My child, take this and consume it. I'm unsure of the powers it holds, but it will guide your people towards hope."

The figure placed a small bead in my hand. As his light faded, a peaceful smile lingered.

It felt like a part of me departed with him. Surprisingly, holding the bead, I started feeling better. My wounds healed visibly, and in about 20 minutes, I was restored.

Did a god truly gift this to me? After being able to see it clearly, the bead really resembled a typical pearl.

Should I consume this? What if this is just their ploy again? Those insects enjoy these mind games the most.

If I die, so be it. Overthinking serves no purpose. I placed the pearl in my mouth and swallowed. I waited for a reaction, but nothing happened.

Suddenly, fatigue engulfed me, and I succumbed to an overwhelming desire to sleep. Returning to the cave, I found a comfortable spot to lie down.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the RPG System]

The loud announcement barely registered; my mind was consumed by the allure of sleep.