
The Perfect of Campus Life – Addicted to My Erotic Professor

Yu Ling is a very genius girl, who has a charm and uniqueness that not many girls have. To be precise, she was a very rare girl. How not, besides having an IQ above average, she can manipulate and read the situation. Not only that, she can predict events or someone's behavior. She's not a fortune teller, but she claims that she is a girl of science, she thinks that all of it is always based on science to know the signs or symptoms of events. Systematic and logical, are the principles of her life. She studied many sciences, but what she likes most is philosophy and psychology because she is interested in humans as objects of research. After graduating from Senior High School in Madrid, her mother, Yuna Gracia has to move to Texas because of her business in fashion. Her mother asked Yu Ling to go to college. At first, she doesn’t want to. But because Yuna is the only one she has in this world, there's nothing wrong with making her happy. If she didn’t do it, who else could make Yuna happy and still have a reason to live after her father passed away. Before deciding on majors, she collects information about the universities. There is one thing that catches her attention, namely, majoring in sexology at a university not far from her house, TAMU, that's its name. She thinks that all this time she studied humans to predict political motives, what would happen if she puts the aspect of sex to determine human behavior? "Very interesting!" she thought. Sex is a topic that is always liked by all humans without exception. Moreover, sex thing can be used as a variable in determining a person's personality, interests, and needs. Unfortunately, Yu Ling has no experience with sex. In the research that she often did before, she always did various ways to collect her research data, no matter if she had to be involved as the object of her research. In addition, since birth, her father is the only man who ever touched her as a child. But since his father died, he has never been touched by a man. Even if a boy wants to touch him, he immediately slams his body. Since that incident, no man dared to approach her. She spends most of her time in the library. Studying at the university was started, in a month, two months, and three months passed. She enjoyed it. She is not very popular, let alone attract the attention of her friends in class. Because they never wear fashionable and sexy clothes. She is a model for her mother's fashion brand. For her, it's just useless. Not infrequently she was bullied by her friends because of the way she dressed. When her female friends mock her, she doesn't fight back. But not for men. She can always paralyze any man who tries to touch her. Entering the second semester, she felt bored. She needs something that could be the object of her research. Someone attractive who has a masculine aura that becomes a magnet for women. But who is it?... She got the answer in the library. "Professor, I don't understand. Why does this body want your touch.” Yu Ling asked who was on the lap of a grown man. "Yes, touch that part. Ahhhh….” She screamed when the professor kissed the back and neck of the virgin girl. "Your mustache and beard make this all the more delicious." She whispered which then blew into the professor's ear. “Professor, let's make a deal. Let's exchange our first experiences. You take mine, and give yours to me…. please.” With a sighing sound as a result of what they do penetrate. "Then, what advantage will we get each other?" asked the professor who pressed Yu Ling's body onto the bed holding the girl's hands. “I will come to your bed whenever you need me in any way you like, and you will be the object of my research.” "deal." The approval that accompanied a hard object pierced through Yu Ling's virgin blood membrane. “Ahhhh… it hurts, what a delicious pain.” How long will this relationship last? Will it end when Yu Ling finishes her research?

indry_namja · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 A Beautiful Morning

She can't help herself anymore. Every time she looks at the face or some part of that man's body, she feels her blood boil. She wants to touch him immediately, suck and bite him in several parts. Those desires, she always tries to hide. But it will come off when she is with that man.

Yu Ling, a half-blood girl infiltrates a meeting room. Monday, that morning, at 8 am there will be a meeting for professors at TAMU. Not long, it will only take 1 hour. However, the desires that she had been holding back since yesterday, came out in the morning. Hastily she takes the car's key and drives. From home at 7 am, It takes only 30 minutes to reach. That's enough for her. Upon arrival, the campus atmosphere was still very quiet, but she doesn't care. She runs into the meeting room. She touches the doorknob and found out that the door had been opened an hour before the meeting. The names of the professors who are participants in the meeting have been prepared on the table. It helped her to find a chair that would be occupied by the man she loved. Fortunately, the position of the man's chair was very strategic which became a stump chair that had no one beside it. Judging from the position of the table, it was the man who would lead the meeting. "Wow. I like the dominant guy." Said the girl biting her lower lip and closing her eyes. The man's face flashed in his mind.

She checks the Lancelot watch that is had bought from her mother, showing she still has 20 minutes left. Immediately she stows the bag under her arm, then she hides under the table. There is the sound of footsteps, it seemed like more than 3 people. They greet each other with 'hi' and good morning. By utilizing the senses of her ears, she tried to analyze the situation in the meeting room. She recalled the number of chairs that had nameplates on them. There are about 10 people.

One, two, three, the girl counted the number of seats already occupied. She could see the number of feet from under the table.

And finally, here came a man who is sitting in a chair near her. Well, it's the professor she admires. She covers his mouth up and catches her breath. She keeps waiting and hearing what the man had to present. She glances briefly, then hides again. The man does not sit too long, stand more. So he does not realize there is a cute girl under his desk.

When the meeting kicks in at 45 minutes, he sits down and pushes a chair with his body closer to the table.


'I think I kicked something,' he thought. He looked under the table, and to his surprise.

"what are you doing there?" he asked in a whisper.

"Professor, I am missing you." Yu Ling replied in a spoiled voice.

The professor massaged his forehead, confused as to what response he should give. Moreover, he was currently in a meeting with other professors.

'I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. His mind was very worried about what this girl would do. Yu Ling is a reckless girl. No fear. Not stupid, it is precisely her courage in doing something that she has considered with common sense.

It's just that, what he usually does is often beyond expectations.

It is true….

Yu Ling started to show her face between Professor Arshad's thighs. Then she put his arm on that thigh. His palm supported his chin. He looked at Professor Arshad from below with passion. Yu Ling's cute face which looks so clear with white and smooth skin makes Professor Arshad spontaneously respond with a mischievous look. He raises his left eyebrow, which indicated he was also tempted to 'play'.

Suddenly, Yu Ling has an idea to prank Professor Arshad. She put her own body into a comfortable position, spread Professor Arshad's thighs, then lowered his body to fit his thighs. The professor panicked. He understood what Yu Ling was going to do. He was anxious and broke out in a cold sweat. Worried that people there would find out that a student was teasing her with this kind of behavior. But he tried to catch his breath and adjust the expression on his face.

One of the meeting participants asked Professor Arshad to talk about the research steps they would do next. It is Professor Kate, a widow with a daughter. Yu Ling who heard the woman's voice showed a displeased expression. 'Don't respond to her too well, she wound misunderstand' Yu Ling thought. But seeing Professor Arshad's friendly attitude towards Professor Kate, Yu Ling became annoyed.

Then, she continues to prank the handsome Professor. Yu Ling strokes something that was inside Professor Arshad's pants. Something that appears like a mound. She smiled slyly at Professor Arshad who was watching her from above. She was getting bolder to play with it.

Slowly, she unzipped Professor Arshad's black pants, then unbuttoned his pants. It's opened, and she can see the expensive branded gray underwear that is being used by Professor Arshad. Without a code to the man, Yu Ling immediately pulls a long object from the side of the panties. Yu Ling smiled as her tiny, apple-red lips slightly pursed. The smooth right hand held it slowly, while the left index finger played with the end of the long, boneless object. With a gentle squeeze, Yu Ling tried to stimulate Professor Arshad's d*ck so that it woke up and turned hard, and stand up straight.

"We'd better make that trip in three months. It is a perfect time. What do you think?" asked Professor Kate.

Professor Arshad brings his gaze to Professor Kate. "About time, it's up to you. The sooner the better. As long as everything needed is prepared, I will not comment."

"Okay. I agree with you." Professor Kate replied as she tidied up some of the documents on her desk. "Well, how about your life in Texas? Did you enjoy it?"

Didn't answer right away, Professor Arshad just smiled lopsidedly but his gaze was straight on the middle of his body that was being played by Yu Ling.

"Everything is going well. I like the life I'm living now." The answer is holding back a tickle in the sensitive part.

'Your little hands make me fly. Use your seductive mouth to satisfy me the little one.' Thought Professor Arshad who was still looking at the girl below him. Yu Ling who was sensitive to his male expression as if wanting more,

"Well, have you found a girlfriend here?" asked again Professor Kate who still hadn't moved from the chair.

Professor Arshad straightened his body again as if holding something back. In that part, Professor Arshad felt warmth and something slippery was moving wildly to the end of his d*ck.

"Is that still part of our research topic, Professor Kate?" a man who is good at avoiding something he doesn't like. Professor Kate fell silent and smiled. "You're still so cold and mysterious."

'mi Reina, you did it!' thought Professor Arshad who was still struggling to maintain his consciousness. Now and then he peeked down, at this time the girl was already oral his. Yu Ling, who wasn't bothered by some words from Professor Kate, remained focused on her toy, so that at this moment she felt Professor Arshad's hand on her head, helping her head up and down. He could feel Professor Arshad's hand squeezing her hair which indicated the man had reached a climax. And sure enough, a few seconds later he felt a warm liquid tingle in her mouth. Without feeling disgusted, Yu Ling swallowed the liquid but she deliberately spits out some of it from her mouth. While playing with his fingers with her tongue.

'damn. You're my Queen on the bed'