
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Võ hiệp
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22 Chs

closing chapter

I decided to just run through the events that happend so the story has some sort of ending

with the starks joining the tullys followed suit with the combined force of the 3 kingdoms crownlands and riverlands renly didnt stand a chance and was crushed in his first battle being killed by tytos himself tytos decided to put Robert's bastard gendry in charge of the stormlands making the baratheons of the stormlands loyal to him

with the redwine fleet dragon stone was assaulted for 4 weeks before it fell to the might of the reach the oaf mace may take credit for the win but it was randell tarly and the redwine fleet which took dragon stone with the fall of the two baratheons the only people who had some semblance of a claim to the iron throne was Daenerys targaryen and not as strong but still a claim was tytos lannister so the vale decided to be loyal to the lannisters this only happend since lysa arryn and petyr baleish were killed for adultary and plotting against their king with this only dorne were anxious to stay loyal

this was fixed somewhat when the mountain and amory lorch were given to them along with a royal appearance and apology for what robert did and what the mountain did sadly for tytos tywin had died at this point but before he died he had a goodbye with tytos and told him how much he grew but also told him his mother was a distant targaryen giving him a even stronger claim to the throne not that tytos made this public since no 9ne would believe it and instead they would call him a liar

once Daenerys landed she found her ships harried by scorpions killing her medium dragon but the bigger one and littler one posed a threat but by this point kings landing had been secured with as many scorpions operated by cornish since they have a history of killing a dragon they fell but not before killing many soilders and nobels even small folk were killed

but by the end Daenerys targaryen had been killed falling off her deceased dragon and tytos lannister with his tyrell queen ushered in a jew dynasty that would last until the modern era (they would function like the british monarchy in modern day)

also its currently a tie between stark and targaryen