
Chapter 24: The Beauty Mi Lia

- Huh? - The helper didn't understand his boss's behavior. He'd always liked those before.

- Let's go. - Pulled him by the hand of one of the comrades who had been involved in the incident with Untouchable, and therefore also identified the girl.

- But... - Screamer did not understand what was going on here.

- This is the Untouchable's girl. - In a loud whisper his friend informed him, steering him insistently away from the square. - You weren't there then, so look again and remember. This girl is not to be touched.

Unfortunately, many cultivators have good hearing. So it was not only the recipient of the message who heard what was said.

- But is Untouchable so scary? - Quietly asked the helper, looking at the girl one last time before leaving the square.

- The girl was paired with him by the Great Elder. Personally. - Already in his ear, very quietly his friend hissed. If such a character didn't want publicity, it was better to keep his mouth shut. Therefore the last words were not heard by any of the bystanders.

The company left after the leader. But the onlookers remained. Though the fight had not taken place, the very phrase "Untouchable's girl" promised to be a sensation. So, the girl and her companion became the most discussed topic in the square.

Yee Rhys could only mentally sigh. He had always known that girls attracted attention. But he hadn't expected it to go this far. On the plus side, no one had ever dared to approach them.

Smart people quickly connected the disappearance of the Untouchable, the burning of his house, and the appearance of his girlfriend in the company of an unknown young man.

The Untouchable began to cultivate?


If he became a legend without Qi, what should be expected of him after becoming a cultivator? Let someone else test it on his own skin.

And the smart people were silent.


Yee Rhys returned home, overwhelmed by contradictory feelings. On the one hand, Usa Lada really did not get involved and did not interfere. On the other hand - they had attracted attention after all.

It would have been better if they had just fought. Though no, not better. If they'd fought, they'd have been punished, and that would have taken a few precious days off the schedule.

Deciding not to bother, the young man put all extraneous thoughts out of his mind and went about his cultivation.

Around lunchtime, while Yee Rhys was practicing body cultivation, the shapely maiden from the first cabin on the left appeared in the courtyard. After looking at her defiant behavior and the unfamiliar admirer she was walking hand in hand with, the young man had an interesting idea. He stopped his workout and walked toward the couple who were about to enter the cabin.

- Excuse me. - Yee Rhys smiled as friendly as possible.

- Yes? - The shapely beauty replied, glancing over her neighbor with an appraising glance. Twenty years old. Average height. Pretty face. Long hair into a ponytail. Naked torso shimmering toned muscles, as if flowing with every movement.

- What do you want? - The admirer angrily stared at the uninvited rival.

- My name is Yee Rhys, I am your neighbor from the third house on the right. - The young man introduced himself.

- Mi Lia, this cabin. - Flirtatiously smiled at the maiden.

- You introduced yourself and now piss off. - Put his word the admirer.

- To be honest, I have a little favor to ask of you. - Yee Rhys confessed.

- No favors. - Cut off the beauty's companion.

- Col Lee. - Mi Lia shook her head reproachfully. - Can we at least listen to the request before we refuse?

- All right, we'll listen. - The cavalier retracted.

- Thank you for your generosity. - Slightly bowed his head Yee Rhys - You see, opposite me, in the third house on the left recently settled a girl, Usa Lada. She has... a problem, personal ona. That is why I ask you, if you have free time, to visit her and talk to her. Perhaps it is your advice that will be her salvation.

- Aren't you her "problem"? - The pretty girl squinted flirty.

- I can't say for sure. - He scratched the top of his head. And bowed slightly. - Thank you for listening to me.

- Not a big deal. - Mi Lia brushed it aside. - I will think of a visit to your poor girl.

She took her companion inside.

He turned and staggered back. He had done what he could. At any rate, he could not bring himself to discuss the matter with Usa Lada. He did not know where to begin.


Near dusk, a knock sounded at the door.

Yee Rhys reluctantly opened his eyes. What was it this time?

There was Mi Lia with an outraged expression on her little face.

- What happened between you? - Without greeting, she asked straight away.

- What do you mean? - He didn't understand.

- I went to see your girlfriend. - Breathed out shapely beauty. - She was really hysterical. Tears was flowing in three currents. She sniffed out the curtain. There was no room to be clean. And when I tried to find out what was causing it all, the unimaginable began. Wanted it, and didn't want it. One day he did, the next day he didn't. A rat then a toad. Anyway, can you explain clearly what exactly happened?

Yee Rhys thoughtfully scratched the top of his head.

- It happened about ten days ago. - Finally he reported. - She was a worker then, and she was running away from a group of young students. Well, you know.

Mi Lia nodded impatiently.

- As a result, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. - The young man summarized the confusing situation. - And then we were both fed an aphrodisiac. So it's hard to say who raped who there. I guess we both did. I didn't see Usa Lada after that until she showed up yesterday at the cabin across the street as a disciple of the Outer Sect.

- You're hiding something, brother. - The pretty girl shook her head. - But it still makes more sense than that snot.

- Don't get me wrong. She doesn't like me. Neither do I her. Strictly speaking, we only really met yesterday at this very doorstep.

- Well, it's too early to tell if she likes you or not. - Muttered experienced Mi Lia, eyeing the innocent little dove. - You say you've both been raped. May I ask by who?

Yee Rhys grimaced.

- Someone very powerful. - He finally admitted it. - I don't want to say, but it's the one who organized the settlement of this courtyard.

- Uh-huh. - The pretty girl's eyes gleamed contentedly. She'd been suspicious about this settlement from the start, but no one knew anything for sure. And here was such a source of information.

- Don't look at me like that. That person doesn't want to make itself known. But now that you're here, there's a chance you'll get to know each other. All I can tell you so far is that there's a video recording array set up in the courtyard. And the courtyard walls have soundproofing spells and protection against attacks from the inside.

- Are you kidding me? - Mi Lia frowned.

- You can check it out for yourself. - The boy shrugged. - Try breaking a wall. Or talk to someone on the other side.

- Hmm. - The pretty girl hesitated, wiggling her size five dignity as she did so. - Well, forget it. As a thank you for the information, I'll go and console your hysterical girl. See you later.

- See you.

The young man closed the door. It seemed like one problem had been solved. At least partially.


The next knock on the door came after sundown.

Is it open house today?

Yee Rhys got up and opened the door.

On the other side of the threshold stood the Lady.

- Can I come in?

- And if I say no? - Asked the young man with a frown.

The beauty smiled dreamily.