

Though the tavern was fairly empty when Will's group arrived, it didn't take long to become crowded once word got around that he was buying drinks for everyone who dropped by. He even sold the owners a handful of imported alcohol in butt-sized kegs at a substantial discount, allowing them to turn a considerable profit while giving the locals a taste of foreign lands.

"To the Great Warrior, William Aladfar Oirthear...!" shouted a random Zoan, prompting a twenty-eighth round of hurrahs from the overcrowded tavern. Will, seated in one of the only booths in the tavern, nodded and raised his mug in acknowledgment of the hurrah, but as he had already gotten up to piss several times, he didn't drink.

"How much longer are we going to stay here? It's been more than four hours..." grumbled Ohta, her face lightly flushed as she nursed her ninth pint.