In a world beyond worlds, far removed from the concepts of time and space, there exists a mysterious tree. Seven friends encounter this tree after a series of unfortunate events, resulting in their deaths. Now, they are fated to be reborn over and over again, bound by a System they know little about. This is their story, a tale of tragedy, overcoming impossible odds, and surmounting mortality...
"A little over twenty-seven times standard gravity...not bad..." remarked Mjrna, standing over the collapsed Will with crossed arms, her tail flicking behind her as she explained, "Most humans typically lose consciousness between five and ten times gravity because their hearts can't pump blood to their brain. By twenty times, blood pools in the extremities, and organs begin to separate from the loose connective tissue...I'm guessing Leshien put you through something similar...?"
"Yes...but she stopped at twenty..." responded Will, rolling onto his back with considerable effort.