

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Chapter 9: The Truth in the Yellow Sand

Guided by the Fox Fairy, Yun embarked on a fresh journey. Traversing the mist-shrouded forest, he arrived in a land of endless yellow sands—the heart of the desert. Under the blazing sun, the scorching heat seemed to set every grain of sand ablaze.

Yun's brow glistened with sweat, lips parched and cracked, yet his gaze remained steadfast. He knew this desert held clues to his birth, an integral part of his Immortal Cultivation path.

After days of desert trekking, Yun stumbled upon an oasis—a sanctuary amidst the arid expanse. A crystal-clear spring gushed forth, surrounded by a few sturdy palms, a beacon of life in the desolate landscape. As Yun approached to quench his thirst, a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows of the palm trees.

The mysterious man's voice, hoarse and low, pierced the desert silence. "Young Immortal Cultivator, what brings you to this forsaken land?"

Yun halted, wary of the sudden appearance. "Guided by the Fox Fairy, I seek the truth of my birth."

The cloaked figure pointed into the desert depths. "The truth lies not here, but within the heart of the desert. However, three tests await before you can approach it."

Undaunted, Yun declared, "I'll face the tests."

With a nod, the mysterious man vanished into the sands, leaving Yun to confront the desert's trials. Each step forward left deep imprints on the yellow sand, quickly erased by the relentless winds—a testament to the challenges ahead.

The first trial—a mirage of loved ones beckoning ahead—tested Yun's resolve. Recognizing the illusion, he steadied his mind and pressed on.

The second trial—an onslaught of sandstorms—forced Yun to rely on instinct and memory to navigate through the blinding tempest.

The third trial—a ferocious sand scorpion—challenged Yun's courage and cunning. Drawing upon his immortal power, he emerged victorious.

Upon overcoming the final trial, Yun reached the desert's heart—an ancient temple bearing his family's totem. Inside, adorned with intricate murals, lay the truth of his lineage. Yet, his revelation was interrupted by an unexpected visitor—the cloaked figure, revealed as an ancient foe of Yun's family.

With a sly glint in his eyes, the enemy taunted, "Yun, discovering the truth marks only the beginning. Are you prepared to face your destiny?"

Yun's resolve hardened. He understood that his journey held greater challenges ahead, but embracing the truth was the first step towards growth.

"I'm ready," echoed Yun's voice through the temple, his determination illuminated by the ancient murals.

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