

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 30: The Snake's Challenge

At the brink of the White Willow Immortal's domain, Yun and Ling Shan stood shoulder to shoulder, their resolve unwavering, anticipation pulsating within them for the trials ahead. The recent triumph over the demonic beast not only showcased their prowess but also fortified their commitment to safeguard this realm.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed in their ears, resonating with authority—it was the Snake Immortal: "Yun, Ling Shan, mighty deeds you've wrought. But the journey of Immortal Cultivation knows no end; fresh challenges await."

Turning, they beheld the Snake Immortal's figure emerging behind a towering white willow, its gaze brimming with sagacity.

"In the far reaches of the Black Water Pool lurks an ancient malevolent serpent," the Snake Immortal divulged, its tone grave. "I sense its impending awakening, and should it stir unchecked, dire calamity shall befall this land."

Determination gleamed in Yun's eyes. "Lord Snake Immortal, we'll venture to the Black Water Pool to thwart the serpent's awakening."

Ling Shan tightened her grip on her staff, courage lighting her gaze. "We'll not allow harm to befall this land. Together, we'll fight."

The Snake Immortal nodded, its tail weaving a luminous aura around Yun and Ling Shan. "I'll bestow upon you strength, but remember, true power emanates from within."

With the Snake Immortal's blessing, Yun and Ling Shan embarked on their odyssey to the Black Water Pool. Through dense forests and treacherous mountains they journeyed, until they reached the pool's ominous shores.

Enshrouded in dense mist, the pool exuded an ebony hue, emanating a chilling aura. Yun and Ling Shan stood at its edge, sensing the malevolent presence lurking within.

Yun inhaled deeply, steeling himself for the impending struggle. Casting a glance at Ling Shan, their eyes mirrored unwavering resolve.

As they prepared to venture forth, the pool's waters stirred violently, and a colossal serpent emerged, its eyes ablaze with malice.

With weapons at the ready, Yun and Ling Shan braced for combat against the demonic serpent. Employing techniques learned from the Fox Fairy and the Snake Immortal, they engaged in a fierce duel, each strike a culmination of strength and wisdom.

After a harrowing battle, they discerned the serpent's weakness and unleashed a decisive blow. With a deafening cry, the demon serpent succumbed, vanishing beneath the pool's inky depths.

Exhausted yet victorious, Yun and Ling Shan stood by the pool, their bodies marked by wounds but their spirits ablaze with triumph. They knew this victory not only safeguarded the tranquility of the White Willow Immortal's realm but also enriched and ennobled their souls.

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