

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

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50 Chs

Chapter 19: The Awakening of the Immortal Fate

Following the Gray Mouse Fairy's trial, Yun sensed a profound surge in his Immortal Power. Standing before the hut's doorway, he inhaled the crisp air, his eyes ablaze with boundless anticipation for what lay ahead. The Gray Mouse Immortal's bestowed power and acknowledgment had deepened his grasp of Immortal Cultivation's essence.

Yun recognized each trial as a crucible for honing his resolve and skill, emerging stronger with every ordeal. His character boasted a resilience that propelled him to persist through adversities without faltering.

Guided by the Gray Mouse Fairy, Yun pressed on his quest to seek other immortal spirits. His sights were set on locating the fabled White Willow Fairy, renowned for its benevolence and sagacity. Rumored to possess a mystical power capable of cleansing the mind and heightening cultivation, the White Willow Fairy beckoned as an invaluable ally.

En route to the White Willow Fairy's realm, Yun encountered a cursed forest. Shrouded in an icy aura, its barren trees and desolate silence hinted at death's grasp. Though unease gnawed at Yun's heart, he pressed forward undeterred, recognizing the forest as a potential path to the White Willow Immortal's domain.

With cautious steps, Yun navigated the sinister woodland, keenly scouting for clues. Suddenly, a faint cry pierced the air—a poignant blend of despair and terror. Moved by compassion, Yun traced the sound to discover a young girl ensnared by strange vines, her tearful gaze beseeching aid.

Fuelled by a sense of justice, Yun swiftly intervened, freeing the girl from her leafy prison. Grateful for his rescue, the girl revealed her plight—ensnared by the forest's curse after venturing inquisitively. Yun, stirred by empathy, resolved to guide her safely home.

Yet, as they sought to depart, a colossal demonic beast emerged—a guardian steeped in malevolence, casting a shadow of dread over the forest. Though awed by its power, Yun stood firm, his valor undimmed. Drawing his blade, he braced for combat.

The ensuing clash was fierce, their powers colliding amidst the forest's confines, stirring spiritual energies. Despite mounting tension, Yun maintained his composure, seeking a means to overcome the beast.

Through grit and strategy, Yun pinpointed the creature's weakness, delivering a decisive blow that vanquished the beast and dispelled the forest's curse. Fatigued yet victorious, Yun basked in the glow of triumph.

Impressed by Yun's bravery, the girl pledged to accompany him on his quest to find the White Willow Immortal. Surprised yet welcoming, Yun embraced her presence, recognizing the added strength she brought to their journey toward Immortal Cultivation.