

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

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50 Chs

Chapter 15: The Weasel's Trap

As Yun emerged from the luminous doorway, he found himself enveloped in a dense bamboo thicket. Wisps of mist coiled around the verdant stalks, hinting at concealed perils. Yun's brow furrowed; this could be yet another trial by the Fox Immortal or a snare set by the Weasel Immortal.

Innately cautious, Yun refrained from rash action when faced with uncertainty. Surveying his surroundings, his eyes darted like beacons, seeking signs amid the bamboo labyrinth. Each step he took was measured, wary of triggering any lurking traps.

With every stride into the heart of the forest, the fog thickened, obscuring his vision. A ripple of unease pricked Yun's senses, swiftly suppressed by his resolve to remain composed.

Suddenly, a rustle sliced through the silence, alerting Yun. A sphere of spiritual light formed in his palm, poised to confront any unforeseen threat. Yet, emerging from the mist was not a fiendish creature, but a benign elder.

Clad in humble attire, the old man sported a genial smile, though a glint of cunning flickered in his eyes. "What brings you to these bamboo groves, young traveler?" he inquired.

Yun's pulse quickened as he recalled Lord Liu Bai Zhuang's caution about the trials along the path to Immortal Cultivation. "I seek to traverse the path of Immortal Cultivation and overcome the Fox Immortal's trials," he replied respectfully.

The elder nodded, producing a crystal jade pendant from his sleeve and offering it to Yun. "This pendant, a relic of my clan, shall guide you along the true path of Immortal Cultivation. Yet, in return, I ask for your aid in a task," he proposed.

Though Yun detected a hint of skepticism, he accepted the pendant, sensing its potent spiritual energy. However, he withheld immediate agreement to the elder's request. Steeling himself, he declared, "First, reveal the nature of this task. I shall assist you to the best of my abilities."

Impressed by Yun's resolve, the elder disclosed the task: retrieving a stolen treasure from a demonic beast's clutches. Though Yun discerned the task's complexity, he surmised it might be a facet of the Fox Immortal's trial. Resolving to aid the elder, he consented, "Very well, I shall retrieve your treasure."

Guided by the elder, Yun journeyed to the beast's lair, only to realize it was an elaborate ruse. The purported beast was a mere phantom, and the treasure, a mundane stone.

Fury ignited within Yun as he grasped the deception. Confronting the elder-turned-weasel, he affirmed, "Your deceit tests my wit and resolve."

The weasel's form blurred and vanished, its voice reverberating in the bamboo thicket. "Yun, you've passed the trial, demonstrating not only strength but also unwavering determination and keen discernment."

Clutching the jade pendant, Yun acknowledged the trap as a valuable lesson in his journey to Immortal Cultivation. With newfound insight, he departed the bamboo forest, prepared for the Fox Immortal's trials that lay ahead.