

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

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50 Chs

Chapter 10: The Promise of the White Willow

After the Fox Immortal's whisper faded away, Yun stood beneath the White Willow Tree, his heart swirling with a mix of feelings. He understood that the road ahead would unfold into a vast realm of Immortal Cultivation, but it also brimmed with uncertainties and perils.

The branches of the white willow swayed gently, whispering ancient secrets. Yun's gaze drifted along the trunk until it settled on the fox-patterned area. He reached out, tracing the familiar engraving, a warmth spreading through him.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Yun. Turning, he found an old man in white robes—Lord Liu Bai, the master of White Willow Villa—greeting him with a wise smile.

"Liu Bai," Yun acknowledged, puzzled by the unexpected encounter.

The old man sensed his confusion and explained, "Yun, our paths have long been entwined with the destinies of the five Immortal Spirits. Your journey is ours too."

Yun's trust in Liu Bai grew, and he bowed respectfully. "Master Liu Bai, I'm open to your guidance."

Accepting a jade pendant, Yun felt its gentle power coursing through him. With determination, he declared, "I'm ready for whatever lies ahead."

A smile of approval graced Liu Bai's lips as he stroked the tree trunk. "The White Willow Tree bears witness to our pact."

As his words echoed, the tree radiated light, unveiling a doorway. Together, Yun and Liu Bai stepped into a mysterious realm—a chamber pulsating with aura, adorned with intricate spells.

"Here, you'll master profound techniques," Liu Bai explained. "But brace yourself for severe tests."

Excitement mingled with nerves in Yun's heart. This was a pivotal moment on his journey. With a deep bow, he pledged, "I won't disappoint."

Suddenly, a jarring voice shattered the tranquility. The Weasel Immortal emerged, turning ally to adversary.

Anxiety surged within Yun as he tightened his grip on the jade pendant, ready to confront the unforeseen threat.

Brandishing a dagger, the Weasel Immortal sneered, "Your journey ends now, Yun."

In a surge of power, Yun's body erupted with immortal energy, repelling the threat. Liu Bai's astonishment mirrored Yun's realization—the White Willow Tree's might was formidable.

Turning to Liu Bai, Yun vowed, "I'll uphold our pact with all my strength."

Relief washed over Liu Bai's face. "Yun, you've proven your mettle. You're now our honored guest."

As aura converged around Yun, he braced for the challenges ahead, ready to confront even stronger foes.

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