
The Path: Through The Apocalypse

Grant was just your normal, young bachelor enjoying his mundane day to day life when The Path brought death and destruction upon the inhabitants of Earth. Now he must fight with everything he has to survive in this post apocalyptic world. Follow his journey from a weak young man to the very peak of the world and beyond. Forced to make choices that morph him into a cold blooded ruler of men, Grant will discover that their is no room for mercy on his Path to greatness. ------ Join the discord through the link below! https://discord.gg/DTtZ23TPHV

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142 Chs

Lonely Path

As Grant's consciousness returned to his body, the first thing that came into view after his vision cleared was Skit's bony face.

"Skit, I'm not into necrophilia man. Can you back up a bit?"

Unfortunately, Skit didn't move backwards, he moved forward to be closer to Grant's face.

"What did the tree do to you?"

Grant took a giant step backwards before he addressed the question.

"Where to begin? I entered a "mind space" if you will. I was told that the Earth was about to be invaded by not just one or two different species, but many different ones.

I was told that the Earth was special and that mana was more denser here than on other planets, even ones that have entered their Enlightenment Tier.

Which you failed to mention, by the way. I feel like that could have been important information."

Skit finally relented with the pressure he was putting on Grant and in a move that was more symbolic than anything, he cleared his throat.

"I may have failed to mention that the Earth's mana was denser than normal planets but how would that have helped you in any way?

Now that you know, what does it change?

When we first met, your first and only concern was getting stronger."

Grant didn't know how to respond to the questions being thrown his way. He had been selfish in a way, but he had also never thought that the Earth could become a battleground for countless planets that part of The Path.

The more he thought about what was coming, the more Grant couldn't help but envision that somehow it sounded like the Earth was going to be some final battleground for every planet on The Path.

"Yeah okay, whatever Skit. You're right. Excuse me, I need some time to think."

Grant didn't even wait for him to reply, he just turned and walked towards a fairly clear area of the park that was somewhat far from the dungeon entrance and sat down.

[Sherlock, how many planets are part of The Path?]

{It's hard to say, species are brought onto and eliminated from The Path on a daily basis. It is an ever changing number.

Why do you ask?}

[What is the end game for The Path?]

{The end game is... I do not know. All I know is that The Path is meant to force evolution's in every species that walks it. As for what the ultimate goal of the evolution is, I am not sure.

Why do you ask?}

[You have heard and seen everything that is going on around me. What's your opinion on the specialties of Earth?

Skit said that it was rare for species to be able to pass through newer dungeons until they gained strength passively.

And yet, I get told today that many species are already here and have begun to formulate plans to conquer the planet.

I can accept one exception like Skit because he has insane control over mana, but how do you justify all the other species being here so quickly?]

{That is a good question, but if the Earth's mana is denser and purer than other planets, it means that the dungeons will grow in strength much more quickly.

Unfortunately for the inhabitants of Earth, just because the mana is more dense does not mean that you gain any passive benefits, at the moment, other than having higher mana pools to execute more skills because the mana you have absorbed since The Path's emergence is stronger.}

[What do these species even gain by conquering Earth? If it doesn't offer any extra benefits like you say, then what's the point of wasting the time and effort to conquer it?

Even if all humans are dead, they would still have to fight all the other species' that want the Earth for themselves.]

{I said that it didn't offer any benefits at the moment. That changes as you progress on your Path.

For instance, forged weapons and armors using the mana cores of Earth, will be much stronger and tougher than ones forged from less pure mana cores.

You will be able to control stronger skills as you learn to control mana more effectively. Since your body has stored purer mana, then your internal mana is naturally purer, which results in more dense skills.

Your body will naturally refine, even the mana of other planets, into the purity that your body has come to recognize. In a way, Earth is turning your body into an even stronger mana vessel than other planets.

Also, as you create your own skills, instead of buying them, it will be far easier because of your pure mana.

Basically, the Earth becomes a mecca for training and growing as a fighter. And for most species that are walking The Path, that is the most important thing in the world.}

[Stooooppp. Create my own skills?! What the fuck?!]

{Of course. How do you think the skills and items that can be bought with credits as well as rewards for Random Rolls are created?

They are the result of someone else's hard work and dedication to growing stronger.

Didn't you realize that when you read the description for that sword on your back? It even talks about the dwarf that forged it?

That is a one of a kind weapon since Brughaet Alechest gave up after one attempt.}

[Holy shit.. you mean someone actually named a katana, Wet Noodle?! And someone else made MORE THAN ONE bright ass orange track suit?!

Wait.. more importantly.. are you saying that The Path's were created by people too?!]

{I do not have an answer to that question. The Path's existed before I did. That is not to say that new Path's do not come into existence as new species begin to walk their own Path though.

You are a prime example of this.

Your Path has never existed before and most likely never will again.

This is purely conjecture on my part, but I believe your Path was not meant to exist. \

Yes, neutral Path's exist, but they are still restricted in their own ways. Your Path however, is unhindered and free to go wherever it wishes.

Which makes your Path a lonely one.}

[I see.. that is important information. Thank you for the knowledge dump Sherlock, it'll help a lot in the future.

However, you are wrong about one thing. Just because my Path can go anywhere, doesn't mean I have to go alone.

It's the opposite. It allows me to not only follow other's Path's but to forge ahead for them.

I can befriend anyone or fight everyone. I am not hindered by the rules that The Path has set for everyone else.

Plus, I'll never be alone, you'll always be with me buddy.]

{What you say is true. I will be with you in victory and defeat, death or immortality.}

[Well said bud, now lets stop moping around here, and get to work! We have some survivors to meet up with.

Plus we should level up some of my skills along the way. All of them are sitting at max level right now and I have plenty of requirements to fulfill to level them up!

While we travel, its the perfect opportunity!]

{You forgot about them didn't you?}

[You know what Sherlock, I liked it better when you were quiet all the time.... I need to check on what needs to be done exactly before we move out.]



Name: Grant Holmes

Level: 32

Race: Human

Path: The Unbound

Title: Unbound

Strength: 291 + 110 | Agility: 332 + 160 | Health: 318 + 100 | Stamina: 369 + 100 | Mana: 592 + 100

Random Rolls: 7

Credits: 600

Available Free Stats: 64


Unbound Stats (Active: Level N/A)

Jack of All Trades (Passive: Level N/A)

Overclocked Perception (Passive: Level 5)

- To increase to the next tier: Kill 25 enemies with your eyes closed (22/25)

Terrorize (Passive: Level 5)

- Force allies or enemies alike to do your bidding (10/10)

Basic Swordsmanship (Passive: Level 5)

- Kill Enemies with any type of sword (100/100)

Grant was happy with where he was at stat wise, he had no doubt that his stats far out scaled any of the survivors in the dungeon, including Richard and Robin.

He had also gained a massive amount of stats from killing so many Enlightened Tier monsters lately but he had still almost lost to the coyote's.

He was also frustrated because while he was reading through his status, he noticed a skill that he had still not mastered the art of using.

Every time he tried to use Unbound Stats in training, whichever stat he chose to transfer from, would instantly plunge to 1 and he would be caught off guard by the severe change. If he moved Stamina into Strength, he would fall over from instantaneous exhaustion. If he moved Strength to Agility, he couldn't hold his sword up any longer, and so on so forth. It had frustrated him to no end and he gave up on using the skill for the time being.

[Sherlock, why does Unbound Stats work so instantaneously when I activate the skill? The way it's described, I should be able to shift stats as I see fit?]

{It's because the control you have over the mana inside your body is absolutely horrendous. As you learn to control your mana more intricately, you will be able to control the skill to a finer degree.

My suggestion to you if you want to expedite the process of mana control. Buy the skill with credits. Once you begin to get the hang of how the skill works, you can activate it without actually using the skill you purchased.

Of course, that means you are spending credits since you're too lazy to learn properly and just want a shortcut.}

[Yep... much better when you weren't talking.]

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