
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Talk with Penelope

Gabriel went to his room and waited for 15 minutes when one of the workers in the inn came and informed him that the baths are ready.

When he came out, he saw Penelope coming out with her little sister lifted in her hands. Ash decided to cure their wounds. He went to the inventory and took out a health potion which could cure any terrible wounds and restore the body to normal state.

"Penelope, take this and pour it into the water before you bathe in it." said Gabriel giving the small bottle containing the potion.

Gabriel made his way to the male bath which is to the right side of the floor and entered the big tub. Since soap was not present in this world, he used the soap nuts that he had in the inventory to wash his body. It has nearly been a week since he took a bath and he felt comfortable after wash his body with liquid from soap nuts.

The water was neither too cold, nor too hot. In this world they use big cauldrons to heat the water on fire wood and put it in the baths before pouring cold water to decrease it to lukewarm.

He cleaned his body and came back to his room to wear new clothes. He wore a red noble jacket with a black pant.

He combed the hair and applied oil on his head. Afterwards, he made his way to Penelope's room and knocked on the door.

"Please give me a minute. I am coming." came the voice from the room. Gabriel waited and Penelope opened the door wearing new clothes and all the wounds and other scars have disappeared.

"Before talking to them, I need to talk to you." said Gabriel.

"Sure, Gabriel." said Penelope and invited him inside. Gabriel saw Lucy is up and she was happily smiling at him.

Gabriel took a chair nearby and sat on it while Penelope sat on the bed beside her sister.

"You don't need to hide the fact that you are a dark wielder and your sister is a Light wielder." said Gabriel narrowing his eyes.

Penelope's eyes widened as soon as she heard those words.

"W..When d..did you..?" stuttered Penelope.

As soon as you came in front of the carriage.

Wielders are powerful divine weapon wielders which could destroy countries if they are not trained properly or become uncontrollable.

"So, did you save me because you want to use me?" asked Penelope looking down gritting her teeth and clenching the fists on the bed.

"I don't care if you are a wielder or not. If I wanted to use you I could have purchased you from the slavers and apply a slave mark to do my bidding." replied Gabriel without any expression.

Penelope felt relieved as soon as he heard those words. She could sense truth in his words and the reason he had presented her is quite strong.

"I know that wielders are hunted down by those wretches superheroes and those selfish Protector guild. The only place where you and your sister can be safe is with me or my family.

Since my family is out of the equation, you can only rely on me now." said Gabriel shrugging his shoulders.

"As long as you don't ill treat me and my sister I am willing to be your servant." said Penelope standing up and bowing down in front of Gabriel.

Gabriel stood up and lifted her by the shoulder and said "I accept your terms and you will only do the tasks like cleaning and cooking.

I will train you in wielding your dark divine weapon properly. Since your sister is still not 10 years of age, I cannot train her."

Penelope looked at him with admiration in her eyes because he took her in along with her little sister and is also willing to train her.

"But what will you do if the superheroes find out about me or my sister." asked Penelope worried.

"Those morons can drop dead. I am making way to superhero academy. You will be staying with me in Noble's dormitory." replied Gabriel.

Penelope understood that he is not afraid of Superheroes and protectors. In fact based on the words he said she felt like he had some hatred towards the association and the guild.

Penelope stood up and sat on the bed again. "I need to ask you one more thing. One of the slaver uttered the words "One more noble to sell", so which family were you from" asked Gabriel narrowing his eyes.

Penelope was shocked on hearing those words. She thought he would forget those words or would not care about those words, but she was completely wrong about him.

Penelope could not talk for a minute and her jaw dropped. She closed her mouth after a minute and adjusted her demeanor.

Penelope took a long breathe and decided to honestly answer him. "You may not believe me, but I am the daughter of the fallen Leto family." replied Penelope closing her eyes.

Gabriel activated the Lie detector as soon as she started answering and a green glow appeared in front of his eyes indicating the truth.

Gabriel smiled and said "I see. That unique red color hair of you and your sister. I should have known."

Penelope was once more surprised by his attitude she thought he would shun her because she was a fallen noble but he shattered all her expectations.

Leto Barony was a small barony in the Northern part of the Jura kingdom. It is famous for its mines and beekeeping. The barony is covered in snow half of the year, so growing crops is not possible. Even though they had to depend on imports, the lord ruled properly.

"I heard that the "Snow Plateau bandits" invaded the barony and killed the "Joseph Leto" and "Wendy Leto"" said Gabriel.

"That's a lie. My parents and my people were murdered by a cult." shouted Penelope with anger.

Gabriel's eyes became big as soon as he heard those words. He came to her and asked "What cult?" with a serious expression in eyes and anger rising in his heart.

"They wore red robes and wore a red demon mask. They released red beams of light to kill people. It was a massacre and my parents sacrificed themselves to protect me and my sister." said Penelope clenching her fists.

Gabriel felt that he had touched a sensitive spot of her but he needed to know the information.

"Did your superhero disappear when the attack happened?" asked Gabriel.

Penelope was stunned as soon as she heard those words. "How did you know?" asked Penelope with eyes widened.

"Hmmm. Same M.O. but wearing a different dress and mask. Something doesn't add up" Gabriel thought to himself.

"A month ago Dexter Barony was attacked by a cult wearing white robes and skull masks. They caused explosions and used Blue beams to kill people. We barely drove them away. The superheroes guarding the Barony went missing and no one replied through communication orb" said Gabriel.

"You mean to say that the cult which attacked Leto Barony and Dexter Barony are the same." she asked with anger reaching the peak.

"I can't say it with 100% surety because the cult did not leave much evidence to investigate further. I also believe that the cult has connection to the king, but without any evidence it is only my theory." said Gabriel.

"All this time I thought that a crazed cult murdered my parents to do some nasty ritual, but I didn't expect the king to have a hand in it." said Penelope.

Gabriel saw the "Dark Cadmeon energy" leaking out of her due to anger. "Control yourself. The reason I am going to the academy is because those white robes had connection to superhero academy." commanded Gabriel.

As soon as the command was issued, the energy disappeared. Wielders have an energy called Cadmeon energy which protects their body.

"Waaaaaa" Lucy shouted in fear and started crying seeing her sister. "There, there nothing will happen." said Penelope comforting Lucy.

She put her to sleep slowly before she came and said "It must be fate that you saved me. I want to get my revenge on the cult. That is the only reason I have survived until now."

"Okay, but we need to find out if the white and red robes are the same or different for you to take revenge." said Gabriel grinning.

"That's fine by me." said Penelope. One last question before we end our talk." said Gabriel.

"Ask away." she said.

"How were you caught by those nasty slavers?" asked Gabriel.

"As soon as I escaped from the barony, we entered "Dark Bridge" village. I begged there for money to feed myself and my sister.

One of the slavers saw the bracelet on my right hand and understood I was a noble's daughter. He used convincing words to lure me and captured me." said Penelope.

Gabriel decided not to pry even though she gave a vague explanation because he understood that she cannot talk about the horrors she had experienced.

"Come down with me." said Gabriel and went out. Peneloped kissed the forehead of the sleeping sister before following Gabriel.