
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Helping villagers with monster extermination

Gabriel slept off that night in the inn. The next day arrived and he went to the edge of the village to see the villagers erecting wooden poles as fences.

The guard head Bracken was overseeing the security measures. When he saw Gabriel he immediately bowed and said "Good day, My lord."

"Good day. How is the fortification of village going on? You seem to be lacking a lot." said Gabriel.

"Well, the resources are scarce since the merchants and other business groups refuse to come here due to the monster invasions." said Bracken.

"Hmm. Looks like I would have to do something about the situation." said Gabriel.

"My lord, but those monsters are still a few kilometers away since they too need to rest before coming here." said Bracken.

"I will thin down their numbers as much as I can. But you guys would have to deal with the rest of them." said Gabriel.

"But, my lord you shouldn't put yourself in danger again." replied Bracken in an anxious tone.

"Look I am on my way to the superhero academy. I want to get this done as soon as I can. As soon as the problems of this village are done, you guys should contact my father through the device." said Gabriel.

He did not talk anything more and took off running like a cheetah in the directions monsters are coming. Due to his city realm his speed was amplified and he reached the location in just 20 minutes.

He saw that there are Goblins, Acid Pythons, Ogres and Sand Eagles in the hoard. These guys may have been tough for a territorial realm superhero, cultivators or mages.

Gabriel knows that his primal energy has a limit too. So, he decided to eliminate 3/4th of monsters in one go while the remaining 1/4th can be dealt by the villagers.

He kept 500 meter distance and transformed his both arms into blasters. A big blast of energy came out of the blasters and vaporized the monsters in the frontline.

The monsters at the front did not understand what has happened and were afraid. Gabriel did not give them any time and released more blasts of energy which kept on vaporizing the monsters.

There were nearly 300 monsters. He brought down the monster count to 150 in just 15 minutes. That was the power of Blaster rampage.

The monsters saw Gabriel and now understood it was him who killed the hoard. They stormed towards him. Gabriel transformed his hands into cannons and released 10 cannon bolts.

Nearly 75 monster's bodies turned to pieces. Gabriel felt his limit catching up to him so he ran away from there.

He did what he wanted to do and came running back to the village. Bracken saw him and asked "My Lord, what happened?"

"I killed 75% of the hoard. The rest is up to you and the villagers. I did see the red and blue glow in their eyes. It was initiate by the cult." said Gabriel panting for air.

Bracken was surprised by his words and said "Thank you, my lord. You can leave them to us now."

"Before that, Penelope will be helping you in the fortification." said Gabriel before making his way to the inn.

He entered the inn and saw Penelope coming down. "Have breakfast and help the villagers. I have annihilated 75% of the monsters." said Gabriel with a smirk and went back to his room.

Penelope was startled on hearing his words. Now her suspicions are confirmed that Gabriel has powerful energy much more dangerous than the Cadmeon energy.

She also felt relieved because she will be safe under his protection. She went to eat breakfast and went to the edge of the village with fortification.

Due to Gabriel's attack the monsters took much longer to arrive there. Gabriel did not participate in fighting the monsters as he is nearly out of Primal energy. He got lots of experience for killing the monsters and reached City realm level 8.

He felt strange because he did not understand the truth behind the events. He did not get any clue regarding the cult's motive for killing and the superheroes disappearing at the crucial moments.

The battle with the monsters concluded after 5 hours since villagers didn't have any powers. When the villagers returned Gabriel started asking questions regarding Count Campbell and the superheroes of the county.

He went to the slaver den and found a secret door behind the wall and found many humans, beastmen and elf salves chained. Their bodies are filled with all types of wounds and felt like throwing up.

He freed them and gave all of them health potions which completely recovered the vitality. They bowed to Gabriel as gratitude when he asked "Why did the slavers come to this region when their business was booming in the Leto Barony and other territories?"

One of the elder elf said what she heard. Apparently these slavers got a proposal from the King itself to start the slave trade to start a branch in Campbell county. He wanted the slavers to make the villages in the County to be slaves for some ritual.

Gabriel gritted his teeth and had a angry expression. "Listen well. I am Gabriel Dexter, the second son of Colin Dexter." declared Gabriel.

As soon as they heard "Dexter" they bowed down on the floor with respect. That was the reputation that the previous Colin Dexter built by abolishing slavery in his territory and providing jobs for the people.

"Come with me." said Gabriel. They followed him out and every villager saw them following Gabriel.

Gabriel telepathically communicated with his brother.

"Little bro, what happened?" asked Ian.

Gabriel explained everything that happened in the village and asked him to send carriages to take the freed slaves to the barony.

Ian was happy on what Gabriel did and said "Don't worry. We will provide a new life to them here and they will get new jobs to pursue. They will have a peaceful life here."

"I am counting on you, big bro." said Gabriel before cutting the link .

The village head and Bracken asked "My Lord. Are they slaves you have rescued?"

"Yes. My brother will be sending carriages to take them to Dexter Barony. Until then here is the money for their accommodations and food." said Gabriel giving a pouch of gold coins.

"Rest assured, My Lord. We will take care of them until the carriages arrive." said village head with sincerity.

Gabriel nodded and turned to the slaves. "My brother will send carriages to bring you to Dexter barony. Until then I have paid for your accommodations and food."

The slaves felt gratitude they cannot express with words. "The village head will take care of your temporary accommodations."

Gabriel looked at the village head and said "Don't mess it up." before going away. It was a warning not to take advantage of the slaves.

The village head did not have any bad intentions but understood the warning and just nodded.

Gabriel went to the inn where Penelope and Lucy are standing at the Inn desk.

"What are you doing here?" asked Gabriel narrowing his eyes.

"I wish to thank you for what you have done for me, the village and those slaves." said Penelop bowing while standing.

Gabriel just grinned and went to his room in the Inn. He ordered Oliver to prepare to depart tomorrow.