
The Path of Gods

A young man who was a total looser in school, and only had good looks and one other friend. He had failing grades and a bad reputation. One day he wakes up after receiving a mysterious ring from his grandpa right before he died 2 days before, and his whole world has changed. He is now in a world were Spiritual Qi is abundant. The whole world revolves around cultivation, luckily he had read many manga on cultivation. The only thing helping him was his knowledge and extreme talent. Follow this young teen on a journey to the top, and becoming an immortal.The only thing pushing him to the top is the death of his loved ones. [3-6 chapters a day]-Aprox 7-800 words a chapter.

Willypillys · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Spirit and Element Awakening

Throughout the entire morning Lin Fan and Yang Kai were nervous for the awakening happening today in class, as everyone wanted a good spirit and element for cultivation. Those who happened to have top spirits and elements, would have the chance to have a master who had thousands of years of knowledge as his prestigious school was for the best of the best. Those who had no potential in the cultivation world had to continue on with a normal life and never pass through to the exciting but scary cultivation world.

Everyone had been waiting for years for this, everyone in Lin Fans class came from extreme bloodlines filled with countless immortals of the high and middle grade. Most powerful families have extremely powerful martial arts that would be taught to them if they had the potential. Unluckily much from Lin Fan and Yang Kai was not expected, everyone was betting that they would be two of the few being kicked out and not having any potential. When the time for class came around the whole class fell silent as no one wanted to be kicked out on awakening day as they would have to wait a whole year and repeat the grade if they were to be kicked out.

As the class started the teacher announced that everyone today would be getting the chance to awaken their spirits and elements in order to see if they were qualified for the path of cultivation. The whole explanation took up over an hour, the time on the process didn't matter today though, as everyone in the town knew it was awakening day for every school throughout the world. This day was one of the most important day in ones life as mortals from this city always reached high levels of cultivation. The expectation's were surely to be set high for people with extremely well known families, some rumors are that in the 3 major families if you don't have the potential for cultivation you serve the rest of your life as a servant. Making the pressure on Lin Fans class 10x heavier than any other class as most of them their parents were elders in the families.

In total, Lin Fans class number a total of 20 students, at least half coming from great families, the other half coming from middle of the line families and they were smart enough to test into the top class at the academy. In Yang Kai and Lin Fans favor they had great parents who had a lot of influence even though they didn't have a great family. With everyone's aura emitting a slight bit of anger and a huge amount of nervousness the pressure had become extremely heavy.

The teacher started calling students up to place their hand on a crystal that would give you your element, the teachers were all mid level cultivators meaning they could look at the souls inside other bodies when digging deep into their datians. With that being said everyone was called up one by one to get their results. Everyone had their results at the end of class be read out loud, and the top 4 people would get to train with prestigious masters depending on their soul and element type. The 4 would head off to a sect the top students had a wide variety to choose from and they were trained under the sect master or one of the elders. When they got taken to these sects they were informed that there would be no phone, tv's, computers, none of those things as they would interrupt your cultivation as they distract you. All of these students have chosen by going to this school to give up their entire as they know them to devote their lives to cultivation, and the path to immortality.

With that being said 10 students so far have awakened earth tier spirits, 2 heaven tier, 1 person immortal tier, and the rest have yet to go. When the person who had an immortal tier was called up everyone was sure that no one else would get an immortal tier as they only appeared in one and 100 million people. The ranking system was divided into 3 basic tiers: Earth tier(1 in 100,000), Heaven tier(1 in 10,000,000 people), and Immortal tier(1 in 100 million people). Those were the 3 most seen tiers as this worlds population well exceeded 50 billion as when Lin Fan transferred the planet size increased 20 x along with the population by almost 10. 5 more students went 3 of them getting earth tier spirits and 2 getting heaven tier spirits.

By the time they had gotten to the bottom of the list the only two people were Lin Fan and Yang Kai. Everyone had started paying attention at this point to see both of them fail or succeed most had said they would fail, but few said they would be victorious in awakening good spirits. Yang Kai was up first, everyone watched him as he came to the front of the classroom and placed his hand on the element crystal. Lin Fan was thinking in his mind, "C'mon Kai don't screw this up for yourself!". Right when he thought that the teachers jaw absolutely fell out of it's socket. Yang Kai had managed to awaken the second rarest elemental ability, this was called purple flame. This element was put at a celestial tier element. The other 2 tiers which were rarely seen throughout history which were (Planet tier and Celestial tier) not to mention everyone who had had these grade spirits/elements ended up going on to be high immortals and emperor ranking immortals. After awakening his element, his teacher placed his hand on Yang Kai's shoulder searching deep into his datian only to find that he had a...the teacher yelped, "HE HAS A FIRE DRAGON OF THE GOLDEN FLAME!!??", this was also a celestial tier spirit which made cultivation speed 4x faster than a normal humans who's spirit was a immortal grade.

Once Lin Fan was called the whole class was still amazed at the Spirit Yang Kai had. Lin Fan placed his hand on the element crystal and it all of a sudden produced a small Blue, Purple, and golden flame. Seeing this the teacher flipped once again as Lin Fan had also awakened a celestial element. The teacher though to himself, "HOW THE HELL DID YANG KAI AND LIN FAN BOTH AWAKEN CELESTIAL TIER ELEMENTS!?", he went on to place his hand on Lin Fans shoulder to dig into his datian when he found his spirit was the rarest spirit that no one has had except for one other person in history, the Holy Blue Flame Dragon that was twice as strong as Dragon of the Golden Flame. This Spirit was also known as the Dragon Emperor Spirit as it was the strongest dragon that rule over the heavens, planets, and realms. The whole class went into awe at how the two looser students ended up becoming prodigies in a matter of 20 minutes....