
The path of forbidden cultivation

Yun is a boy who since childhood has been running away. The people do not persecute their father or their mother, the one they are persecuting is him, a young man who was born with a demonic physique, something that the heavens do not want to hear again is the word demon, so they will plow everything that is in his power to kill him. After years of persecution one day, Yun falls into a crevasse, one of the entrances to the demon realm, where he meets many people he can call family. But this is not a story of a boy who wanders into the Demon Kingdom, but of the one who opened the gates of this Kingdom and became so strong that the very decision of the heavens means nothing to him. .................................................................................... Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. the cover is not mine if there is any problem using it please tell me Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/Bizc8 Discord: https://discord.gg/BJUSVq2G

Leiva · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

14 Enlightenment Journey

"So… are you going to open up?" Missed Han Min's comment

"Yes, well I think I acted"

"What specifically?"

If before the comment they were confused right now they are worse, he simply came and sat down and said that he wanted to tell him something to improve things. Which seemed strange to them there is no problem well a very small one, but that could not be called a problem It would be more of a barrier to improving their relationship but that is more than clear that sooner or later it would be fixed.

Under that comment that Yun said, they feel more that they are forcing him, and well, among them they know who is to blame for that action, the only one of the 4 who was very close and who was now acting like a stupid Xie Yan.

I know it seems weird because someone who has a serious attitude is worried right now about their relationship with a person they can't have known for more than 5 days, they are the only ones who don't give them a wrong impression so if they succeed improving the trust between them to break that wall is much better.

In addition, the only people Yun had contact with in the Demon realm were his mother, Mrs. Feng, his sister Feng Xi, and the occasional servant on Mrs. Feng's grounds, meeting someone different and liking him, like Xie Yan. and the rest was something pleasant never experienced since he left his life of terror and disgrace.

"Wait I know Xie Yan has been acting wrong and…" Lu Ji tried to express her disagreement but was interrupted.

When they looked at him, it wasn't his red eyes that looked at them, it was his black eyes as deep as the night, like his hair that reached his shoulders, it was a little disheveled but it gave him that domineering air that they liked or better Said they were attracted to it.

"I... well, you have told me things... and well I have never done it, I have only avoided it, since for my reasons I cannot tell you, not yet, if I can tell certain things about how I got here," he said Yun doubting a little what he said since it was one of the few warnings from his mother.

'Demons are hated beings on earth, even if you trust someone, the fact that you reveal this is simply suicidal...' Mrs. Feng's voice sounded in his mind, his mother would be right but it was also that warning that put him in this situation.

"I think it would be fair if they knew a little about me..."

"I know it sounds bad but why the sudden change?" Luo Ji commented a little annoyed, she is not angry with Yun but with Xie Yan since she feels that because of her attitude she forced Yun to tell about him.

"It just isn't fair"

Yun sighed and looked at every one of them again and then had a slight smile on his face.

"As you know, my name is Yun, and I spent my whole life running away and well through certain complicated situations that until a few months ago I did not understand correctly, I had the joy of meeting wonderful people, even though they were terrifying at first, they helped me a lot. To the point that I can consider them part of my family, they taught me how to cultivate and I have advanced a lot on my path in this time…" Yun commented with certain memories of everything, it was as if he was seeing them again.

"Perhaps the most important thing is that my path is from a forbidden crop"

They were all silent for a while, Yun didn't see them again, he simply remained silent or hid his eyes behind his hair.

"Dual cultivation I think it could also be called that so we're not too different," said Meng Xing with a warm smile.

"So there is no difference between you and us, dual cultivators are very frowned upon, in general, we are the ones in the worst category, it was difficult for me as a sect leader to find good dual cultivators, so I can understand that way. since you notice we also go through it"

They all with a slight smile saw Yun's face.

A slight blush on her cheeks and a warm smile, the light from the fire reflected in her black eyes, which was a perfect sight for them.

"Well, well cutting off this emotional moment…" Luo Ji said.

Han Min looked at her again with dead eyes as she ruined the moment.

"We have prepared your little enlightenment trip," she said proudly as she crossed her arms.

"Trip of what…" Yun right now was super puzzled, and he even feels like he just spilled a bucket of cold water and he was not sure what happened.

"Luo Ji sometimes I don't understand you," Xie Yan whispered as he rubbed his temples.

"An illumination trip, well you said you wanted to experience the world so to speak and well the best way is with an illumination trip we already have the destination city and various stopping points you will love it," she said excitedly

Yun only took a few sips of the offered tea while concentrating on Luo Ji's words.

"You're just putting places that YOU want to visit on the trip, which is supposed to be for Yun," Han min said seriously as he poked her cheek with a finger.

"Now now... well we can go to the city of Dandelion of the Lion"

When Han Min heard about the city where she came from, she became nervous and with a slight blush on her face, but that was only for a few seconds, since then she was upset since she did not want to run into her family.

"Well, you decide the trip," she said irritated.

"Good! Meng Xing and I have already chosen the places to visit."

"So that's what they were talking about while Xie Yan and I went for a walk... Ahhh well tell us" Han Min said tiredly

Yun laughed lightly and no one noticed expert Xie Yan, who wishes to find the opportunity to reach him in a distant area to apologize to him.

"Well, we will pass through the Swamp of deep memory, through the peaceful city, and in the end, best of all, the city hidden between the mountains AAAAAA! It is the best according to the legend, it was the only city that could survive the war with the demons a few hundred years ago" Luo Ji said excitedly.

What he said about the city was something amazing for Yun, he even began to analyze how they did not find that city, as he knows almost the entire region of the lower heaven knew where to find their cities, the lower heaven was the most affected of the 3 heavens, the upper heaven or the second heaven only main cities were attacked, and the celestial heaven only attacked the capital, so now to find out that a lower heaven city was not attacked or destroyed is a bit strange and confusing.

"Luo Ji, could you tell me about that city" He commented formally without realizing it.

"Anyway, Yun, you failed to realm up, what exactly happened?"

"Jajajajaja…." Yun started laughing nervously, he is embarrassed, well too embarrassed to be so distracted.

I hope you like the new chapter, I am preparing a 7v7 chapter so this time it will not be immediately that I will upload the second chapter since I have never written a chapter of that style haha.

Well, you know if you like it, add it to your library and power stones >:3

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