
The path of fate

Amelia a young woman living a quiet life, suddenly finds herself thrust into a world of mystery and intrigue when she receives a dangerous request from her dad to marry a stranger. not knowing that he is a cold-hearted Mafia boss who doesn't care about anyone. Luca a dangerous mafia boss and CEO of a successful company doesn't care about anyone After a terrible accident that happened that took away the life of his parents and only sister, he became a mysterious and dangerous devil. He thrust at full speed, making the bed below grunt "uh-huh! he shouted "enjoy it sweetie" he snarled seductively "or else he whispered frowning tracing a straight line across my throat-otherwise meaning or your dead. this novel involves lots of sex scene if you are not comfortable please skip.

Patrick_Perpetual · Thành thị
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16 Chs


Amelia woke up the next morning feeling disoriented and confused, the events of the night before were still hazy in her mind but she could remember one thing clearly: Luca had taken advantage of her, she felt mix if emotions -anger, fear and shame. She felt dirty and violated, like she had lost something precious. As she lay in bed , trying to process what had happened she began to think.

Amelia's thoughts was a jumble of contradiction, on the one hand she was angry and hurt by Luca's action. She felt betrayed and used. Amelia tried to make sense of her feelings, her mind turned to the future. She knew she needed to move on from what had happened, but she wasn't sure how, she thought about her life and her best friends jack and Sarah and wondered if she could tell them what happened. She was embarrassed and ashamed and didn't know how to them would react. She also wondered if she could ever learn to trust Luca or if she could move on from this experience. She felt list and alone, unsure of what to do next.

The first thing Amelia did was to call them , she didn't tell them the details of what had happened, but she told them that she needed support, they were understanding and sympathetic and they offered to come over to spend time with her. As they sat on the couch taking and drinking, Amelia felt some of the weight of her experience start to lift. It was a small step but it was step in the right direction.

After a while, they decided to order take out and watch a movie. As they sat on the couch together, eating and laughing, a weight began to lift from Amelia's shoulders. She felt safe and comfortable in their presence and she was grateful to have them in her life, by the end of the day, she was feeling a little more like herself again. She knew she had to continue enduring everything but she was determined to come out stronger on the other sides. And she knew that she would have her best friends by her side every step of the way.