
The Path of Absolute Hatred

Growing up in street life and awakening the lowest talent, he had no expectations for his life to improve. However, despite lacking expectations, he did not lose hope of becoming strong, managing to grow a little stronger on the path of Ascendent. - The one who follows the path of strength, and those who awaken the talent known as Ascendent. Filled with struggle and relentless youth, Lucifer did everything he could to survive in this harsh world. But who could have known that the one he trusted would stab him in the back, leading to his downfall and demise? - Well, he did not trust anyone; it was just that at that time, he was careless. - Still, when he was in his downfall and trapped in the blankness of nothingness… a miracle occurred. However, is there a free lunch one could enjoy? Nah, Lucifer will face side effects from what he has gained, as endless challenges await him in his pursuit of what he desires.

Lone_Gurung · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Ch 15: Sneak Attack

Though still felt kinda weak compared to the other geniuses, Lucifer nodded with satisfaction after reflecting on his progress. After all, this was only the start, and improvement would certainly come with time.

Now, his next goal was to reach the Arcane Ascendant Tournament as there were lots of things he needed to settle down. He had heard that the location for this tournament was in the Fire-Light Butterfly City, so he would have to go there.

Having lived till now, Lucifer had heard countless tales of adventure, so he knew it would take two to three days to reach the city from his current location. He felt a plan starting to brew in his mind, so he reckoned it was about time to go down from his room.

"I believe this covers my stay and meal from yesterday."

Lucifer placed the coins on the counter, before speaking to her, to pay for both the meal and the bed he had used.

A spark of greed flickered in her eyes as she saw the bulging pouch in the boy's hand. She smoothly leaned a bit towards him seductively, her body language twisted, giggling her two big melons as she started trying to get his attention.

"Thank you, sir. It's not often we get visitors like you. Care to join me for a drink before you leave?" she said cutely, her voice dripping with seduction, her breath warm against his skin.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, watching her with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Having lived on the streets, he knew what she truly intended to do. He turned his gaze around, trying to see if there was anyone, but there was no one who could be seen, they were all alone. Seeing the empty Inn, Lucifer thought it was due to early in the morning.

Seeing him remain silent, she boldly moved her hand toward his chest, attempting to make her first move.

The sensation almost turned Lucifer on, something deep within him almost risen up, but he was not the kind of man who would play with this kind of girl.



The crack of the palm resounded through the small inn, like a thunderclap, leaving her dumbfounded.


Her eyes widened as she couldn't fathom how a boy she had been trying to seduce just slapped her.

What just happened? Did I just get slapped? Am I not beautiful enough? This is the first time someone has hit me…

A whirlpool of questions and doubt started to ring through her mind, as she was baffled by the unexpected result, which was different than she had thought.

"You're not my type, baby girl. If you want to be my girl, then bathe in heavenly water to clean your filthy body. And this slap? That's for trying to eye my money, sweetheart."

With that, Lucifer turned and strode out of the Iron Hearth Inn, leaving the pouch of coins on the counter.

The Inn was totally silent, the air too thick with shock. Then, a second later, the girl's negative emotions burst forth out of her.

"Dyyaaammmmmm Youuuuuu…. Aaaaaaaaa!" she screamed, her voice piercing the quiet Inn, starting the other patrons who were just about to enter the Inn.

People began to gather, concern etched on their faces. "What happened, Emily?" they asked, but the most she could do was seethe in silence as she was hurt in her pride. How could she confess, "I asked to sleep with that white-haired boy, and then got slapped"? She could only grit her teeth, unable to tell the truth as her anger was boiling over.


Meanwhile, Lucifer felt a surge of satisfaction. Gaining hatred points was another reason for his slap. 

Tsk. Whore. What if you spread your virus on me?

Lucifer walking towards the path of the serene forest, grinned as he thought about the earlier event.

After reaching the forest, Lucifer was greeted by a dense, shadowy expanse. The trees stood like silent sentinels around him, their branches intertwining to create a canopy that filtered sunlight into dappled patterns on the forest floor. And the energy flow here was quite denser than he lived before. Thus, the air was cool and damp, carrying the earthy scent of moss and decaying leaves, mixing with the faint, yet sweet aroma of blooming wildflowers near him.

Beneath his feet, the ground was filled with soft loam and twisted roots, making each step a careful journey. Occasionally, he brushed past low-hanging branches, their leaves grazed his skin. But he did not care about it, as this was the only path to reach Silver Sparrow Mountain Peak. Not exactly this was the only way, there were also other ways but he could not afford it and he was still weak now.

A chorus of melodies chipper sounds of unseen birds echoed through the treetops, harmonizing with the small yet rustling creatures scurried around.

Every now and then, he caught glimpses of wildlife—a deer bounding gracefully through the trees, a pair of foxes darting into the underground, and the glinting eyes of nocturnal predators watching from the shadows. Despite their presence, none seemed to try to challenge him, recognizing a greater threat in his unyielding demeanor.

Looks like leveling up my power was the right choice.

If he ventured deeper into the forest, he might encounter more powerful beasts. However, his destination did not lie deeper within, so he did not go there. Still, though no one could calculate when the crisis might occur, so being careful was a top priority.

As he walked along the path leading to Silver Sparrow Mountain Peak, he noticed other travelers, their intentions unknown. But Lucifer cared none, his focus unwavering as walked chillingly.

As for feeling loneliness? He did not; instead, he enjoyed the peaceful vibe of the forest, he felt like he was a free bird going towards whatever he liked.

But suddenly his attention was caught by a sudden popped-up hatred point.

[Gain 1 Hatred Point (Hate)]

[Gain 1 Hatred Point (Anger)]

[Gain 1 Hatred Point (Malice)]




This intrigued Lucifer until he realized his surroundings had turned silent and had a chilling vibe. He felt something was off. Even though he looked around, he found nothing unusual.

"Why are my instincts alerting me?" Lucifer thought, a knot of unease tightening in his stomach.

Before he could process the sudden uneasiness, an arrow coated with wind element power pierced through the air with a velocity that left no room for reaction. His sixth sense blared its warning, but Lucifer was already one step too late.

'Fuck, now what?'



[Warning: Host got wounded, blood started to flow]

[15 hatred points need to be recovered]

[Are you willing?]

Do fast then why are you wasting time?

A sharp pain erupted in his back, at first he felt like a needle was piercing through his flesh. Lucifer grunted, slowly pain started to creep on, and his mind started to work wildly.

[Unable to do, you are low at Hatred points]

Fuck, why are you even giving me suggestions then?

He watched all over the place who was the preparator of this act, but he did not see anyone.

Then he pretended to succumb to unconsciousness, trying to play the game like they were playing with him, a ploy to lower his attackers' guard.

MF, whoever you are, you are dead now