
The Talk

Jake had always wanted to have a brother. Being an only child had its perks sometimes but other times it meant him and his mom were alone in the house. It made him and his mom very close since they were always alone but it didn't stop him from still wanting a brother.

Even while his mother was alive, he and Sky would speak on the phone from time to time but he had not met him until he moved to Ansteria. Seeing Sky in the condition he was in, Jake was angry that he wasn't there to help him with whatever might have happened to him. He still needed to know the full story but he was heading downstairs with Sky right now and he will know what happened shortly.

As Jake went down the stairs while helping Sky, he tried to mimic Sky's magic because he still remembered that Sky's magic was very rare and powerful. But for some reason, he could not mimic it.

Jake wondered if it was because he was wearing the gauntlets from the armour which covered his hands but he had still been able to mimic magical abilities through it. He decided to leave the issue alone for now and focus on Sky.

Andrea saw Sky coming down the stairs and immediately rushed towards him to assist him. "I didn't know you were awake already."

"I just woke up a few minutes ago." Sky replied then followed them to the living room. "Who's she?" he asked when he saw Rheya.

"Don't worry about her." Jake said. "She's a new friend."

"Of course she is." Sky said. "Sorry you have to see me like this." he told her.

"Yeah you should see him when he doesn't look dead." Jake joked and chuckled a bit. "But what exactly happened to you?" he asked after they were seated.

"Where to begin?" Sky said.

"The beginning." Anna said, stepping in. "I already told everything to your father so I might as well say it again. Does she need to be here?"

Jake thought about it for a bit. Rheya had volunteered to come back with him but she was still a true mage and was keeping an eye on him for them. Even if they told her to excuse them she could most likely use a spell that allowed her to hear everything they were saying as if they were right next to her.

"Rheya is cool." Jake said. "She can stay."

"There are also things I think it's time I told you and Sky and I don't think her or your teacher here should be present for that." Andrea said.

"You realize I have now saved both of your son's lives right?" Anna asked.

"Everyone let's all just calm down." Jake said. "Dad. I trust both Anna and Rheya. They can hear what it is you want to say. Let's get back to Sky though. What happened?"

Anna told Jake everything she had told Andrea earlier in the day and Jake simply listened to Anna. A swirl of emotions was going through him at the moment but he kept it all in and just listened.

When Anna was done talking, Jake sat still for a while before standing up then began pacing around.

"Jake?" Anna called out. "Say something."

He paced around faster before stopping in front of a wall and yelling a little then hitting the wall as hard as he could. With Jake's strength his hand passed through the wall easily and was sticking out from the other side. He had made a perfectly round hole in the wall which was now visible from outside the house.

"That bastard came back again?" Jake asked Anna. "After you beat him last time?"

"Yes, except this time he was here for Sky." Anna replied.

"So he couldn't take me then he thought he'd go after Sky instead?" Jake was frustrated and angry. He also regretted not being there to be the one to teach Veer a lesson.

"It's alright though." Sky said as he stood up. "He didn't take me because I'm obviously still here. And I killed the guy so we don't need to worry about him again."

Sky walked to the wall that Jake had put his fist through and put his right palm in front of it then began slowly turning it to the left. As he turned it to the left, his hand began emitting a green light which had a hint of purple in it.

The wall Jake had punched which had a hole in it slowly began reversing and the pieces of the wall that had fallen down after Jake punched it started rising up back to the hole and were covering it. They went to the exact position where they had once been and when Sky was done, he stopped turning his hand to the left.

The wall was now like it was before and there was no hole in it.

"Did you get stronger?" Jake asked.

"I think so. I've never done that before but somehow I knew I could do it." Sky said.

"Jake." Rheya called out. "I can't feel any magic in him."

"In Sky?" Jake said. "You're wrong because he obviously just used magic."

"She's right." Anna said. "I'm more sensitive to magic and I can't feel any coming from Sky."

"So what are you guys saying?" Sky asked.

"This is where what I want to tell you guys comes in." Andrea said. "You all may need to sit down for this."

Sky and Jake had sat down back again and were curious about what Andrea had to say. He was acting strangely and it seemed that whatever it was he wanted to say carried a lot of weight in their lives.

"You said you trust them, so here goes." Andrea said, referring to Anna and Rheya.

"To be fair I trust Anna, I don't know her." Sky said. "Just saying."

"Look who's feeling better already." Jake said.

Sky was truly looking better than he did a while ago. The colour was coming back to his face and he was looking more lively than before.

"The both of you have probably noticed it by now," Andrea started saying, "you two can do things not every one else can."

"Are you talking about the purple energy stuff?" Jake asked.

"Yes." Andrea answered.

"You can do that too?" Sky asked Jake. "I just found out I could do that yesterday."

"That's because you two aren't regular humans." Andrea said. "You're hybrids."