
Magical Place

"I gotta go Miss Anna, thanks for the training." Jake said as he headed for the door after spending hours training with Anna.

"Not even a goodbye kiss?" Miss Anna asked.


"At least give me a hug, I spent my day training you when I could have been at home doing something else or I could have even been at a party."

"You're my mentor, you're supposed to do these things." Jake said.

"Exactly, I became your mentor without collecting anything in return. And are we seriously negotiating you giving me a hug? A simple hug?"

"Fine." Walking back to Miss Anna, Jake gave her a hug. "I really appreciate what you're doing for me."

"I know, that's why I'm taking advantage of it." Anna said as she hugged Jake tighter.

"I think that's enough."

"I don't think so."

"Seriously Miss Anna, I need to leave now."

Feeling Anna let him go, Jake was about leaving when he saw Anna crying. "Are you crying?"

"No." Anna said as she wiped the tears from her eyes with her fingers and turned her face away from Jake.

"Why are you crying?" Jake asked.

Laughing, Anna looked at him and said "I'm just playing with you, get going."

Jake shook his head and left the training room. Not wanting to waste any more time by walking home, Jake booked a Glist and headed back to his house.

He had booked the Glist for the rest of the day because of his date with Cat, so anywhere he wanted to go, he would use the Glist.

On getting to his house, Jake paid for the Glist with his credit card, told the driver to wait for him, then rushed into the house.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Andrea asked from the living room.

"If I don't hurry I'm going to be late for my date with Cat." Jake answered and ran up the stairs.

'It's a good thing I already bought a gift and took care of everything concerning the date before I got to school. If I hadn't, things would have been a total disaster.' Jake thought as he took out a medium-sized box from a drawer in his wardrobe and kept in on his bed. 'I should have just stayed home, why did I have to go train in school?'

After hurrying into the bathroom and taking a shower, Jake put on his clothes calmly. He took his time in making sure his appearance was okay, he didn't want to show up at Cat's house looking like a hobo.

Leaving the house, Jake entered the Glist and told the driver the location of Cat's house. Checking the time, Jake saw he was going to be on time to pick Cat.


"Hurry up Cassie, Jake's going to be here any minute." Cat yelled through the open door into the corridor.

"Relax Cat, if he gets here and you're not ready, he'll wait for you. There's nothing he can do about it." Cassie said as she came out of her room and went to Cat's room. "What's left is just your earrings and a little bit more makeup, after that you'll be ready."

Hearing knocks on the door, Cat jumped. "He's here, Cassie he's here."

"Stay still Cat or you'll ruin everything. Mom will get the door and Jake will wait for you down in the living room."

"Cat." Maggie called as she walked into Cat's room. "Jake's here. Oh you look absolutely stunning darling." Maggie said when she saw Cat.

"Thanks Aunt Maggie."

"This is my handiwork." Cassie said. "I did a really great job."

"Yes you did dear, yes you did." Maggie said.

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, Jake stood to his feet and looked in the direction of the staircase. He saw Maggie and Cassie come down and he waited, with his gaze transfixed on the staircase, for Cat to come.

Jake could see Cat coming down the stairs in a long purple gown, with bits of diamonds attached to the bottom part of the dress. Her hair had been made in a braid wrapped high bun fashion, and she was wearing the bracelet Jake had given her which went well with her dark green handbag.

Walking to meet her, Jake offered his hand to help her come down the stairs which she took. "You look regal in this dress." Jake said, enthralled by her semblance.

"Thank you, you look amazing."

"Shall we?" Jake asked as Cat put her arm through Jake's and they walked towards the exit.

"Take good care of her." Maggie said as Jake and Cat got into the Glist.

"I will Mrs M." Jake replied and waved back at Maggie and Cassie as the Glist began moving.

Reaching a garden with lots of flowers, so many lights on and music coming from nowhere in particular, the Glist stopped. Coming down, Jake went over to Cat's side and opened the door for her then offered his hand.

"Wow Jake. This is amazing." Cat said in astonishment after Jake had led her inside the garden. "Isn't this a bit too much?"

"I won't lie, it was expensive. But I'm not bothered, I'll get back everything I spent in two months or so. Besides, when it concerns you, I don't calculate how much I'm spending."

Walking hand in hand, Jake led Cat deeper into the garden. "Where is that music coming from?" Cat asked.

"Magic." Jake answered.

"Is it coming from you?"

"No, but it's definitely coming from somewhere." Jake said.

"This place does look magical, how'd you find it?"

"The Hub. With the way networks and different devices are connected on it, you can find anything there. What would we do without it?"

Reaching what could be described as the centre of the garden, Cat saw a round table with already lit candles, two chairs and a small replica of a Seetle painted brown.

"The Seetle where we first met." Cat said, smiling with emotion, Cat looked at Jake and gave him a long, passionate kiss.

"Let's save some for later." Jake said after he separated his lips from Cat's. "Now, let's eat."

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