
Drastic Training

"So what is this teaching me?" Jake asked Anna after some minutes of standing with her in the air and looking around.

"This is just the beginning, relax. Learning takes time." Anna replied. "I'm going to fly us around, are you ready?"

Gulping, Jake said to Anna "I'm ready."

"Don't be scared, we aren't that far from the floor. But it will be really nasty if you were to fall."

"You know that's not helping." Jake said.

Tittering, Anna was still holding Jake's hand and letting him stand on the top of her feet, she made her wings beat faster as she began to soar through the air slowly.

Looking down, Jake could see the compound of the school gradually become smaller and more distant as Anna flew while holding his hands.

"Okay, I'm going to let go of you." Anna said, still soaring through the air.

"What!?" Jake shouted and instantly turned his to look at her. "Don't do it."

"This is part of your training. Trust me, I won't let you fall but I'm going to let go of your hands now."

"No Miss Anna, what kind of training is this?" Jake asked. "This is not what I had in mind when I came to meet you to be my mentor."

"What did you have in mind?" Anna asked.

"Something entirely different from this." Jake replied.

"Well that's too bad isn't it? I'm letting go." After saying that, Anna let go of Jake's hands and pried his fingers off her hands.

Screaming as he fell, Jake tried reaching out to Anna and tried to get ahold of her hands again but he could not.

After watching him scream and fall for a couple of feet, Anna dived in a straight position with her arms by her side, her legs closed and her wings pressed against her back. As she reached Jake, Anna stretched her hands forward and grabbed onto both of Jake's hands.

With Jake pulling her towards himself and holding her tightly, Anna put her arms around Jake and turned making her back face the nearing ground as she spread her wings and flew up a little before flying back to the school.

Landing on the floor of the school gently, Anna made her back become normal and the wings went back inside her back. Letting go of Jake, he stepped away from her as she let go of him. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Are you out of your damn mind?" Jake asked. "I could have died. What would have happened if you didn't catch me?"

"There was never a chance of me not catching you, the probability of that happening was zero. Or even less than zero. And you know it." Anna said.

"I don't know shit, all I know is you dropped me from at least four hundred feet above the ground." Jake said. "And for what?"

"Do you realize how hot you look with the way you're yelling at me?" Anna asked.

"Don't give me that BS, answer my question. What kind of training involves dropping someone from that kind of height?"

"Look Jake, I understand you're upset, but what I just did is part of the first things you'll do if you ever decide to go to the academy for people who want to become soldiers–the cadet campus." Anna expounded. "When I dropped you the only thing you did was scream..."

"What else could I have done?" Jake interrupted.

"By now you should have already mimicked my magic, you could have tried to do what I did and shapeshift your back so that you have wings."

"But I can't use your magic to that extent."

"I know, but did you try to do it? Did you even think about it?" Anna asked.

'She's right. I was so scared of falling I didn't think to try looking for a way to save myself.'

Seeing the expression on Jake's face, Anna said to him "Judging from the look on your face I think you're realizing it now. If you go through a situation enough, eventually the situation won't have any effect on you. Suffice to say, if you can learn to control your fear when I drop you, you will think of ways to try to save yourself instead of what will happen if you reach the ground."

"But is dropping me really the best way to teach me?" Jake asked.

"Yes it is. What happens if it's not me dropping you?"

"I don't understand." Jake said.

"You know every wert has wings right?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, so?"

"What if you're fighting a wert, and it picks you up then flies high into the air, then it drops you?"

Not saying anything, Jake waited for Anna to continue talking.

"You see why this training is important. If a wert were to fly up with you right now or before I dropped you, don't you think you would have died? Not from helplessness, but from fear. Because you were too scared of falling, you didn't realize there could be ways for you to save yourself."

"Fine I agree with you, I'm sorry for yelling earlier." Jake apologized.

"It's okay, you can yell anytime you want." Anna replied.

"But this training is still drastic."

Drastic times call for drastic training, don't you agree?"

"I'm guessing the training for tonight is over?" Jake said.

"What makes you think that?" Anna asked as she moved to meet Jake and pushed him to the fence in the blink of an eye. "Tonight's training is just getting started."

"What are you doing?" Jake asked, not bothering to try moving away. "This is too close for comfort, you're in my personal space." Watching Anna press her chest against his and bring her lips closer to his, Jake took his lips inside his mouth while he felt Anna's breath on his face.

Taking Jake's hands in hers, Anna put them right beneath her butt cheeks and kept her hands on his hands. "Why don't we take the training to another level?"

"I'd rather not." Jake said as he kept his lips in the normal position. "Must you always do this?"

"I don't always do THIS, when last did I do THIS?" Anna asked with emphasis on 'this'. Gradually moving Jake's hands higher, Anna whispered in his ear "You can go home now" then moved away from him.

"Good night, crazy person." Jake said as he headed for the school exit while Anna smiled as she watched him leave.

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