
The Path Of A Mage

During the first war between the Humans and the Werts, the Humans discovered magic and that helped turn the tide of the war in favour of the Humans. Seventy(70) years after the war ended abruptly for reasons unknown to the humans, Jake Cayden moved in with his father and step-brother due to the death of his mother. Acquiring a system while living in the house of his father, Jake is set on The Path Of A Mage which helps him grow in strength at a rapid rate and unlocks his alien bloodline which he never knew he had. On his path to become the greatest user of magic, Jake falls in love and must deal with the challenges which arise from having an alien bloodline while trying to protect the people he cares about. Join the discord server: https://discord.com/invite/Mh3Z4YUDKK

Gerzyk · Kỳ huyễn
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200 Chs

Body Adjustments

The six-tailed wert, Saban, had its eyes on Jake as he jumped out and it was impressed. Normal humans could not take a direct hit from him head on and survive except if they were very high ranking members of the Vedan army. But they were starting to realise that the strong humans were not the only ones in the army. There was one right here who wasn't in any uniform.

Unlike some of his fellow werts who might want to annoy or play with the person they were fighting, Saban wasn't like that. He liked to get it done as fast as possible so he could move on to something else and now the only thing that stood between him and the next thing he was supposed to be doing was Jake, the others were irrelevant to him but he would kill them nonetheless.

The moment Jake jumped out he had started using the super speed magic so he could see if the six-tailed wert would make any sudden moves. He knew he wasn't as fast yet but if he could somehow mimic whatever magic the wert had, they would be one step closer to defeating it and he would also be undoubtedly stronger.

He had moved away from Diane after seeing that the wert was looking at only him. The colour was starting to return to the environment as Diane reached her limit and could not hold it in any longer.

A sonic boom was heard and with how close the six-tailed wert was to all of them, the sound affected their ears and all the masks they were wearing for oxygen shattered.

Saban had used his magic and broken through the sound barrier, appearing right in front of Jake with a claw already inches away from his head.

Jake managed to swerve away just in time but two of Saban's claws made a deep cut across the side of his face and blood began gushing out. 'Damn he's fast.'

The others had held their breath after the masks broke but how long could they hold it for. Anna had shapeshifted into a five-tailed wert and was able to breathe normally but the others had no idea what they were supposed to do.

Kyle was fine holding his breath for a long time since all the training he did also involved holding his breath underwater. His lungs had been trained along with the rest of his body and now he was capable of holding his breath for fifteen minutes.

Although Sky could also not breathe but being the quick thinker he was, he used his magic and stopped time for the others except for Kyle and Rheya. Anna was obviously a wert so there was no need to do the same for her. He couldn't stop time for himself so he was forced to hold his breath for as long as he could.

Rheya had casted a spell on herself to make her body adjust to the conditions of the planet the moment she stepped out of Jake's magical dimension so from the beginning she had not been using the mask. Now however, seeing Nikki, Diane, Smith, Kevin and Sasha frozen in time, she had began casting a spell.

"Eht seidob tfih ot emocel ilbitapoc incend"

Something in the air began to form in front of them like raw particles in the air joining together and warping to create something else. It stretched and divided to form human outlines before they went to Sky, Kyle, Smith, Kevin, Sasha, Diane, Nikki... and Anna.

What had stuck to them had seemed like a very thin material that was not very visible in the air and now it was on their bodies, pushing its way past their skin.

Sky had seen the 'thing' head towards him and had instinctively used his magic to stop it in time. But seeing Kyle now able to breath after it touched him and went into his body through his skin, Sky released it and it resumed moving in his direction.

He unfroze the others in time and they were also able to breathe. "What did you do?" he asked Rheya.

"It is a spell that manipulates the body and adjusts certain features so that it is more suited for the conditions of its surroundings." Rheya answered.

"How do you cast spells?" Nikki asked. "Who are you?"

"We have more concerning matters in front of us." Rheya replied.

Blood was still gushing out of Jake's face although it was reducing and Saban had repeatedly broken the sound barrier, hitting Jake in multiple places, sending him flying back and forth and creating shallow craters in the ground but Jake had been smart enough to protect his face. He was able to see Saban move but he wasn't able to follow his movement and his health was reducing.

'It's times like this I wish I could mimic magic with just a touch.' Jake thought as he vanished and avoided Saban's attacks.

Saban was way above him in terms of speed. If it was strength, Jake could probably match him thanks to the enchanted armour's boost but now he was starting to wonder if this wert would eventually kill them all. 'Or we wait it out until its mana is depleted.' The wert was obviously using its magic to make it move insanely fast like that and when it was out of mana, it would go back to being a normal six-tailed wert that they could all kill together.

'But who knows how long that would take?' Jake thought as he vanished again using the vanishing magic. The system quest he had gotten made him eager to kill Saban but the question was how would he do it?

[Six-tailed Wert encountered]

[System Quest: Kill the six-tailed Wert]

[Reward: Speed +10, +15 Stat points, +20000exp]

Jake decided it was time to go on the offensive and try to deal some damage to Saban and just as he was about to vanish again, he got a system notification. As usual he ignored it since he was in a life or death fight with Saban but he felt a low humming at the back of his mind as if something was actively prompting him to view the notification he had received.

He tried to ignore it but it was interfering with his senses and he had just received a hit from Saban on his chest and was tumbling across the ground. He immediately vanished and opened the notification and what he saw came as quite a surprise to him.